InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyo's what?!!!!!! ❯ Um...some Futurama type thingy made into an Inuyasha type thingy???? ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Uhh...okay this was a suggestion from one of my viewers...okay background info.

Futurama: The Futurama gang are in space with Zap Bratagin(sp???) (he's a playboy captin guy...
complete idiot). Anyway Zap's firt mate Kip (a green alien dude) wants to see his girlfriend
Amy (a rich teen that was born on mars) Zap agrees because Amy knows Lela (a purple hair, one
eyed woman who's family is mutants that live in the swear) who is Zap's latest obession. Well
some how there was a hole in there ship while in space so the whole air sucktion thingy happened.
Well Kip is going thru some changes and while clinging to everyone for dear life he loses his
glove on one hand and comes in contact with everyone. We learn that he's PREGNANT!!! It seems the
males of his species can bare children. They become pregnant thru skin contact just like shaking
hands. Well it comes to find out it wasn't his girlfriend Amy who's contact got him preggy it was
Lela. So Kip has to go to his home planet to bear his children (bunch of tadpoles) in the swamps
where he grew up...

Yeah now i have to make that into without it being SO VERY WRONG!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: Uhhh. No Futurama is not mine and neither is Inuyasha...but I WANT SESSHOMARU!!!!T_T
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Inuyasha is still a little sick from discovering Kikyo's 'betrayal'. Sesshomaru has gone thru
withdrawl...(A/N poor Sesshy) Rin and Shippo are still carefree since no one told them what
happened and everyone else is just destrubed...
What better way to screw there lives up then to add NARAKU!!!!!! (A/N Yay! Sesshy come out of
withdrawl and kick butt!) Naraku and Kagura both show up to a rather depressed Inuyasha and
a former shell of Sesshomaru.
"HeY! I'm here! Naraku! Your sowrn enemy! Attack me god damn it!!!!!" Naraku yells.
No answer...
"..." says Naraku.
Kagura joins in, "Hello? Hey! We've come for jewel shards and Inuyasha's head...Kagome's head...
who ever's head will get you to attack!"
Just then Kikyo and Jaken appear...poor Sesshy and Inu.
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha both start yelling, "NO!!!NOT AGAIN!!!!!"
Kikyo and Jaken look at them funny.
Naraku and Kagura in the mean time sorta look like this: >_<
"That's it!" Kagura yells.
She swipes her fan creating a whirlwind in which everyone gets caught in...(A/N well only Kagome,
Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Kikyo, Miroku, Sango, Jaken, and Naraku... can't torture the kids now can
I?) Jaken bumps into everyone before the wind dies down.
"There. Now will you fight?" Kagura asks.
"Kagura you idiot! You got me too!!!" Naraku yelled.
"Naraku! Get off me!!!" Inuyasha yells.
"Please remove yourself from my person," Sesshomaru tells Kikyo.
(A/N Yay! Sesshy's back!!!!:))
"Pervert!" SMACK! "Get off me Miroku!"
Sigh, "Of course Lady Sango."
"Jaken! Honey are you okay? Did my reincarntion do anything to you?" Kikyo asked scooping up
"Okay, NOW I missed something," Naraku said.
"Hmp! Jaken and I are getting married you over grown monkey!" Kikyo says.
"Don't be dissing the baboon pelt!" Naraku yells.
"OMG!!!! Kikyo! Great news!" Jaken yells.
"What?!!!" Kikyo asks.
"I'm pregnant!!"
Sesshomaru, Kagura, Narkau, Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, and Sango faint. Kikyo starts yelling and
screaming at Jaken that she was suppose to be the one to have the children. After everyone wakes
up and are done vomiting Jaken explains.
"I come from a species where the males can have children too. Thru skin contact we become
pregnant. I must travel to my home lands to give birth to our thousands of children in the
swamps where i was born," Jaken says.
"I KNEW he was a toad!" Kagome exclaims.
"Wait a minet...didn't Jaken touch everyone? Who's the second parent?" Miroku asks.
Everyone goes pale... They decide to go to Keade to find out. They drag Naraku along since Jaken
touched him too. (A/N Yeah I sounded wrong.)
"Okay. I'll do a spell to find out," Keade says.
She places Sesshomaru, Kagome, Sango, Kikyo, Miroku, Naraku, and Inuyasha in a line and start
chanting. If the person isn't the second parent a blue light will suround them. If they are then
a red light will suround them. Sesshomaru was the first to glow and he was blue (A/N You really
expect me to turtore him! I can't! I worship the demon for Gods Sake!), then Kagome who was blue,
Sango who was blue, Kikyo was blue too! This left Naraku, Miroku, and Inuyasha. jaken was already
crying. All three that was left were promising suicide if they turned out to be the second
parent. Miroku's light began and it! This left Inuyasha and Naraku. It seemed both
their lights were showing at the same time. They both closed their eyes and waited. Soon they
heard Keade stop chanting and they slowly opened their eyes...
INUYAHSA WAS BLUE AND NARAKU WAS RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naraku went up to Kagome.
"I'll give you my shards for some rope," he says.
They happily trade off. Jaken talks to Kikyo about how she should really be the second parent
because it was his feelings for her that caused it anyway and they go to his home land for the
birth and Naraku finds the nearest tree and hangs himself!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! But they won't give it to me! I drove 13 shrinks insane in my
first attempts to cure myself. After that i was banned from all wards. i can't get help if i
wanted i need to re-evaluate my life as to why i would even agree to do this.
;) Pari