InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyou y Yasashisa no Tane -- Songfic version ❯ Kikyou y Yasashisa no Tane ( Chapter 1 )

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Kikyou y Yasashisa no Tane - Songfiction
Kikyou and the Seeds of Kindness - Songfiction
Kikyou walked along in a distant village, passing villagers who would bow in respect to her... But she always felt, no matter how many people were around her, that she was lonely inside...the only person who could change that was her dearest InuYasha. She stopped and looked up into the sky, remembering all happiness that was in her heart before she died....
Sabishii toki ni wa nukumori sagashi
Haruka ni tadoru yo Natsukashii kioku wo
When I am lonely, I seek warmth
I trace far into the distance my dear memories
It was morning then, she had been in the village almost a whole day. She heard a baby cry to her left, and turned towards it. A young infant was curled in his mother's arms, crying due to the waking sun. The mother sang sweetly to the child, trying to calm it. Kikyou remembered her dearest sister, Kaede...she remembered when Kaede was born, and how her mother would sing to her.
Haha ga ai shi ko wo kaina ni idaite
Hidamari no naka de komoriuta wo utau
Holding her beloved child in her arms,
a mother sings a lullaby under the sun.
Kikyou watched quietly as the baby fell asleep, and remembered her own dreams...dreams of playing in fields with her sister, and dreams of meeting a nice monk to marry, like her mother intended. She remembered one dream, where there were many butterflies, and little fairy girls all around. And across the field, was a mysterious man. She ran to him, wanting to know who he was...he had ears plopped on top of his head, but she couldn't remember the rest of him....she was sure it was InuYasha, and not the monk.
Yumeji ni asobu osanako no hoho ni
Yousei ga tsukuru shiawase no ekubo
On the cheek of an infant playing in the dreamland,
a fairy makes dimples of happiness.
She was so happy when she awoke from that dream, because she never wanted to love a monk, but someone different, someone...unique. She laughed slightly at herself now, she had gotten what she wanted, but to the price of her life. She continued to walk along slowly, wishing she could still find that happiness that she had when she woke from that dream...she had remembered that the man in the dream gave her a flower, and was very kind to her.
Yume kara samete mo emi wo nokoshite 'ku
Sonna yasashisa no tane ga kokoro ni aru
Even after being woken from a dream, a smile lingers
Such a seed of kindness remains in the heart.
As Kikyou neared the end of the village, she looked back. In the darkness where the sun had not yet reached, she saw herself...with the children of the village. She was playing, and teaching them about herbs....she was being kind. She watched, smiling at the image she thought she saw, as the sun rose and it disappeared. She thought quietly to herself, `Maybe...from now on...I will be....more kind.'
Haritsumeta kokoro hodoite agetara
Yasashisa no tane wo hitotsu maite okou
When a stretched heart is released, it is able to fly
Its seed of kindness has been freed.
Then the sun rose....Kikyou turned her back to the village and walked into the distant morning sun, she smiled while she walked...she was feeling kind. As she walked passed a small hut outside the village, the Sakura tree next to the house began to bloom. And her smile got wider. “The first bloom of the season....” And she continued to smile, and she continued to walk on into the sun. She walked, and watched the sky turn light blue as the sun rose...And she smiled. And she felt her heart beat...for the first time since she was reborn, she felt it beat...and she was as happy as she was before she died. And she spoke to the sun, and the blossoms, and the sky....she said, “Someday, somehow, everyone will find this same happiness that I feel right this moment.”
Yagate me wo dashi tsubomi wo hokorobu
Utsukushii basho wo kokoro ni motsu nara
Before long, my eyes will see the festival floats and flowers blooming
and my heart will be carried to this beautiful place.
Itsu ka wa dare mo ga sunda aozora wo
Omoikiri takaku jiyuu ni habatakeru
Someday, in the clear blue sky,
everyone will be able fly freely as high as possible.
Jiyuu ni habatakeru sono mune ni hana wo sakasete...
Fly freely with flowers blooming in their hearts...