InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kumiko ❯ Kumiko Is Born ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It was a dreary morning, but Inuyasha was beaming from ear-to-ear, in a manner of speaking. Miroku stood next to the half demon, making sure he didn't enter the hut in which Kagome resided in. Inuyasha was bouncing like an excited puppy, trying to wiggle his way past Miroku and inside. This had been going on for about half an hour, and Miroku feared he wouldn't be able to do his job much longer.

Kagome's voice made a painful cry, which made Inuyasha's canine instincts kick into gear. His ears averted forward on the top of his head, and he started to growl at Miroku.

"Quiet yourself, Inuyasha. It's quite normal for a woman in labor to--," and Miroku was cut off as Inuyasha tore past him, skidding to a stop inside. Sango and Kaede kneeled before Kagome's opened legs, sleeves rolled up past their elbows, and giving instructions to Kagome to push. Kagome was doing as she was told, but not quietly. She didn't exactly scream. Inuyasha could tell she was stopping herself, but that didn't mean she was quiet. And to Inuyasha's great surprise, Kagome let out a string of curses when he scuttled next to her.

Inuyasha jumped back in surprise, and away from the loud cries that entered his sensitive ears. Then Kagome's angry bellowing was replaced by a more high-pitched wailing, that came from a bundle in Sango's arms. She smiled triumphantly, and leaned over to hand the baby over to Kagome. The young woman began to weep at the sight of the small person who stopped crying as the large eyes settled on her face. The eyes were amber, just like Inuyasha's, but had Kagome's shape. There were thin wisps of silvery hairs atop it's head, and to add the final touch: a set of pointy dog ears protruding from the crown.

"Is it a girl or a boy?" Kagome asked.

"A girl," Kaede smiled at the baby. Kagome made an attempt at a laugh of pure joy, but all she accomplished was more tears. But they were happy ones. Kagome had always wanted a baby girl. Inuyasha had known it was going to be a girl since a few weeks ago, but he wanted it to be a surprise.

"Hello, I'm your mama," Kagome stroked the baby's tiny fingers, which she saw had small and thin, but sharp nails. The baby took her mother's finger in her hand, and put it in her mouth.

"She's hungry," Inuyasha smiled. Kagome looked up, and didn't realize he'd been sitting there for a few minutes.

"What do you want to name her Inuyasha?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha looked slightly surprised. He didn't know such a task would fall to him. He thought Kagome would want to. But he had been secretly thinking of names. He wanted his daughter to have a good strong name, but there was one that he thought of a few weeks ago. One that Kagome might've given the baby.

"Kumiko," he decided, stroking the baby's soft head.

"Really?" Kagome asked. It certainly wasn't one she had been expecting, but she smiled at Inuyasha. Kumiko meant: eternally beautiful child. It fit the little girl perfectly.

"Kumiko it is," Kagome giggled.

Miroku stood in the doorway, gazing at the family that had just developed before his eyes. Then they drifted slowly over to Sango, who was smiling at the baby. She herself had a baby developing inside of her, but she didn't know it yet. Inuyasha had been the first to notice, telling Miroku the news a few days ago. Miroku was nervous. He didn't know if Sango would want it or not.

Sango must've felt his eyes, and she glanced over. She stopped for a moment, and smiled warmly at him. Her hand drifted slowly to her lower belly, and she patted it knowingly. Miroku's eyes widened. So she did know. He didn't know how, but he was happy she wasn't upset over it. He walked to her, and wrapped his arm around her waist. They began watching Inuyasha and his family again.

Kagome was feeding her child beneath the blanket, and Inuyasha kissed Kagome's forhead. After Kumiko seemed to be full, she settled into the warmth of Kagome's belly, and within minutes, fell asleep.

"She's going to look just like you," Kagome smiled up at the father of her baby. Kagome stroked the crown of Kumiko, and watched the small ears twitch at the touch. Inuyasha nustled his face into Kagome's hair, and with a sigh, realized just how tired he was. All night Kagome was in labor, and of course he didn't just fall asleep. With his baby warm and asleep, Kagome drifting into sleep also. Inuyasha cuddled close to his family, and fell asleep.