InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kumiko ❯ Old Friends, A New Face, & Bad News ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Miroku-San!!" Kumiko squealed with utter happiness as she saw the monk waving at them as they came closer. She snatched her hand away from her father's, and ran towards Miroku, giggling madly. She jumped at him as he kneeled down, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Hello, little one," Miroku chuckled, when Kumiko finally unhooked herself from him and stood beaming.

"Ohh, guess what!?" she asked.

"What?" Miroku wondered.

"I caught a frog this morning," she nodded matter-of-factly.

"Another one?" Miroku asked.


"Dad, mom wants you!" Akio's voice called from the doorway. "Hi, Inuyasha-san!" Inuyasha waved and smiled. Akio disappeared inside, and a few seconds later Sango emerged, cradling her belly as she walked. Sango was pregnant again, and only two months to go for the baby to be born. She looked better than she did with her first pregnancy, and her face glowed when she smiled at Inuyasha.

"How are you Inuyasha?" she hugged the hanyou around the shoulders and kissed his cheek. Inuyasha patted her back, careful not to hug her too tight.

"I'm doing great," he grinned.

"Kagome didn't come?" Sango asked, a bit disappointed.

"She's still feeling sick. This morning she threw up. She didn't tell me, but I could smell it," Inuyasha told her. Miroku and Sango kept telling Inuyasha that Kagome was pregnant again, but Inuyasha wanted to wait and see.

"I could smell it, too, dad," Kumiko agreed, touching her nose. Inuyasha ruffled her hair, and sighed. It was dusk, but Kumiko had her nap, and she wouldn't be going to sleep within the hour. It would be best for her to run and play, burning her energy and then falling asleep.

"Kirara!" Kumiko giggled as the cat demon came running towards them. Akio was close behind the cat, and he stopped at his mother's legs, eyeing Kumiko disdainfully. Kirara jumped into Kumiko's arms, nuzzling her neck and meowing loudly. Then it was Inuyasha's turn, and he scratched her chin while she stood on his shoulder.

"Say hello to Kumiko-Chan, Akio," Sango patted Akio's head full of black hair. Akio mumbled," Hi." Then he stuck his tongue out at her and disappeared behind Sango's legs.

"Akio!" Miroku raised his voice, making Akio cringe. "Be nice to Kumiko-Chan." Kumiko scrunched up her face, looking as mad as she could, then she started to snarl, baring her fangs. It seemed comical to the adults, but Akio found it disturbing, and his grip tightened on Sango's leg.

"Stop it, Kumiko," Inuyasha pulled on one of her ears sharply, and she ceased abruptly with the dog-like gesture. But she rubbed her sore ear, and looked up at Inuyasha.

"But dad! He stuck his tongue out at me!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, that was quite rude of you, Akio," Miroku pulled Akio by the wrist from behind Sango, and made Akio stand in front of him. "Aplogize to Kumiko-Chan." Akio's gaze fell on Kumiko again, glaring fiercely. But despite his face, he said, "Sorry, Kumiko-Chan." The young girl didn't say anything, and felt the strong urge to stick her tongue out at him, but that would result in a smack from dad. Since she didn't want that, she began wrestling with Kirara on the grass. Inuyasha sighed, and picked up Kumiko, setting her on his shoulder. This was one of her favorite places, and she giggled at feeling so tall.

"You two must be hungry. Come inside for something to eat," Sango turned and began walking towards their house, Miroku helping her balance, and holding Akio's hand with his free hand.

"Daddy, Akio-Chan started it," Kumiko told him.

"So what? You be the big girl and ignore him," Inuyasha told her, pulling her from his shoulder, and carrying her in his arms.

"But dad, I can't!" she clapped her hands to her face, to illustrate her frustration.

"Just be nice. If you be nice, then Akio-Chan will start being nice," Inuyasha instructed.

"Okay, daddy," she nodded, and smiled. Miroku and Sango's house wasn't a small hut, like Kaede's old hut. It was large, with a wrap-around porch, two sleeping areas, a larger room with which Miroku practiced his buddhist rituals (also counts as a resting area, with cushions and such), and a dining area. Miroku had built it himself, some help from Sango. If she hadn't been pregnant at the time, the house would have been completed sooner, but that wasn't the case. Unlike Inuyasha and his family, Miroku and his family lived in a small clearing, with plenty of space for planting food, and playing. Shippou lived with Miroku and Sango, and often bunked with Akio. You'd think that Shippou would've liked to stay with Kagome, but he was older, pretty much in his preteens, and he liked to be on his own. Though he slept in Miroku's home, he was gone most of the day, often returning with food, to earn his keep.

Sango had made a spicy soup, with strips of chicken and noodles. Inuyasha liked it a lot, but he enjoyed Kagome's future food better. Kumiko also liked the soup, but then again, she took a liking to nearly anything that had any type of meat in it. But her favorite food was still ramen. Maybe that was because Inuyasha had always cooked it for Kagome when she was pregnant. That was all Inuyasha really knew how to prepare.

Though Kumiko had already napped today, her belly was full, and she getting drowsy. Her head plopped on Inuyasha's arm, and he chuckled.

"It looks like it's bedtime," Inuyasha declared, lifting Kumiko into his lap.

"Akio is already asleep," Miroku smiled, patting his slumbering son on the back. "I'll make a bed for you two."

"And I'll put Akio to sleep," Sango lifted the boy into her arms, and disappeared through another door. Inuyasha stood, following Miroku, cradling his daughter in his strong arms.

"Miroku, I don't mean to be rude, but--," Inuyasha started.

"Nothing you say or do in my household is considered rude, my friend. What is it?" Miroku asked.

"Kumiko likes to sleep outside. Plus, that statue of Buddha scares her," Inuyasha chuckled. Miroku laughed, "Of course. You may go out onto the porch. I'll bring blankets and mats." Inuyasha did as instructed. Miroku returned shortly, and he spread out the bed. Inuyasha set Kumiko down, and covered her with the thick blanket.

"I have other things to talk about," Inuyasha informed Miroku seriously.

Miroku nodded, "I already know." The priest looked a bit distraught for a moment, but he looked back to Inuyasha. "My wind tunnel has returned."