InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lavender ❯ Trash ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Thanks so much for the reviews. Here is the next chapter and I hope you enjoy it. I don't
own the Inuyasha cast.
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Kagome looked at the clock and sighed. "Will I ever see him again?" asked Kagome with
another sigh.
Inuyasha gave Kagome a worried glance and thought, "Kagome must really want to see
this singer. I wonder why though. I don't think Kagome would be one of those fan girls."
Inuyasha glanced at Kagome again, and his heart skipped a beat.
Over on the far side away from Kagome and Inuyasha, Kikyou and Sango were chattering
away. They were talking about Kagome and Inuyasha. As they talked, they kept looking from
Kagome to Inuyasha, and then back again. Kagome looked as though she was deep in thought
and nobody would be able to bring her out of it, while Inuyasha looked like he was on cloud nine
with a dreamy look on his face.
"There is definitely something going on." whispered Sango to Kikyou.
"Why do you always state the obvious. If you ask me, there is something going on
between them." murmured back Kikyou as she gave a jealous glance toward Kagome.
"Your right, ever since they came back from their little trip, they have been acting
"I wonder what they did."
"Don't be so nosy!"
"And your not."
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Sesshoumaru stood up from his chair and called for Jakan, "Jakan!"
"Yes Sesshoumaru- sama. What can I do for you?"
I am going to be taking a break. I want peace and quietness, so don't disturb me unless it
is important. Understood?"
"Of course Sesshoumaru- sama. Of course. I will make sure you get what you want." as
Jakan stumbled out of the room and outside. What he saw outside made his eyes go as wide as it
can. There was a big crowd of fan girls outside. (Really big. More like a big assembly.) The
guards were keeping them from coming in, but they were still making a racket and Sesshoumaru-
sama would kill him (Jakan) if they didn't shut- up.
"Get rid of these girl!" ordered Jakan to the guards, "Sesshoumaru- sama wanted
quietness and if he doesn't get it, your all fired!"
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As soon as working hours were over, Inuyasha walked toward Kagome somewhat
embarrassed. "Do you really want to see Sesshoumaru?" asked Inuasyah.
"Yes," replied Kagome a bit depressed, "but I don't think I ever will."
"I know where he lives, so do you want to go see him?"
"Of course!"
"Then lets get going, so you can meet him."
"Thank you Inuyasha. I am so happy!"
Sango and Kikyou watched as Kagome and Inuyasha left together to who knows where.
They had not heard the conversation between Kagome and Inuyasha, but they did see them
walking out together. They were both smiling and blushing.
"There is definitely something big going on between those two. I would even bet on it."
said Sango as she nodded her head as if she knew everything.
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Inuyasha and Kagome had arrived where the guards had just a few seconds ago gotten rid
of all the fan girls. Inuyasha waited in the car as Kagome went in. Inside the gates, a guard called,
"I thought I just of rid of you!"
Kagome began to argue that she wasn't a fan, all she wanted was to talk to Sesshoumaru.
The guards wouldn't budge. Hearing all the racket, Jakan came out and snapped at Kagome,
"What do you want Girl!"
"I have a name, and it's Kagome. I came here to see Sesshoumaru."
"He won't see you."
"How do you know?"
"He is really busy and told me that he didn't want to see anybody today. Now go!"
"Fine, but give him this." said Kagome lowering her voice as she handed Jakan the
lavender bottle.
"Sure, now leave!"
When Inuyasha and Kagome had driven away, Jakan went inside and threw the bottle into
the trash. "Sesshoumaru- sama doesn't need junk like this." Jakan thought to himself.
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He wasn't getting the peace he wanted, due to the fact of the constant noise outside.
Sesshoumaru stood up to see Jakan, and ask what this racket was all about. "Jakan, who is
making all that noise?"
"No one important Sesshoumaru- sama."
When Sesshoumaru was going to go to the garden for some fresh air, he caught sight of
the lavender bottle in the trash and picked it up. He quickly went to his room to check if his
lavender bottle was still there. It was, like always sitting on his drawer glistening in the sunlight.
"Which means this one must belong to Kagome. Then she was here." Sesshoumaru murmered to
Sesshoumaru went to look for Jakan, when he found him he asked with anger, "She was
here, wasn't she?"
"Who?" asked Jakan.
"The one who gave you this." said Sesshoumaru as he showed Jakan the lavender bottle.
"Y-yes." stuttered Jakan.
"Why didn't you tell me!?"
"You said not to let anyone disturb you."
"Unless they were important."
Jakan, out of excuse stood still with fright. The next thing Jakan knew, he was flying out
of the house with a big bruise on his face.
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"So how was it?" asked Inuyasha.
"He was busy." replied Kagome feeling really depressed.
"Oh!" was all Inuyasha could say. When they arrived at Kagome's house, and Kagome
opened the door to get out, Sango and Kikyou rushed in and pulled Kagome to one side and
started asking a lot of questions.
"So what did you and Inuyasha do?"asked Sango.
"Where you guys on a date?" added Kikyou.
This went on for a long time, and Kagome and Inuyasha were both turning bright red.
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"This plan is working," thought Sesshoumaru as he stood on his balcony. "Kagome, we
will finally meet again really soon." Sesshoumaru touched the two lavender bottles and smiled.
He was brought out of it when he heard Jakan's screams of pain. Jakan was conscious again.
Sesshoumaru finally gave in and chuckled lightly to himself, thinking what Jakan looked like
right now. Things were finally beginning to look up.