InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Laying Down the Law ❯ Demons, New and Old ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I'm back again! I know this always happens, where I spit out a few chapters at a time and disappear like a hermit for a few weeks, but my inspiration comes in spurts and I apologize. But here we go with another chapter!

Kagome leaned back against the cool leather of Rin's passenger seat, watching the dark world outside pass her by. The street lights cast strange shadows on her face as they came and went in a distinct, precise pattern; reaching up to touch her cheek, Kagome recoiled as that unfamiliar texture of drying blood stuck to her fingertips. How the hell had she gotten herself in this mess again?

Glancing over at Rin, who was tight lipped, gripping the steering wheel with eerily white knuckles, Kagome asked, "What happened back there? Does it happen...a lot to him?"

Rin snorted, flipping on her blinker in an irritated way. "Hardly. I've only seen him go demon once before and that was when Ryokoytsusei threatened his sister back when we were kids in middle school. He's never looked quite that angry."

Kagome felt guilt wash over her like a tepid stream of bath water. "I feel awful that I caused him to turn into...that."

"Don't be stupid," Rin said softly, brown eyes reflecting a certain level of compassion which she rarely showed. "It's his fault he went crazy, not yours. Besides, when we get back to the warehouse, he's going to get the heat, not you."

"That's what I'm afraid of," Kagome all but whispered, leaning her forehead against the cool glass of the car window, careful not to get any blood on the upholstery. A solitary tear rolled down her cheek, reflecting like a descending diamond in the glass. She could still remember the look on his face even now...

Thirty Minutes Ago

"You did great, Ko!"

Ayame hurried up to Kouga's motorcycle as he pulled back to the starting line, surrounded by cheering, screaming gang members. The normal night life thrum vibrated through the concrete as the gangs met for their weekly race, exchanging words of good and bad caliber with friends and enemies alike. The leaders stood back, carefully overseeing the attitudes and demeanors of the gangs; most of them were determined to keep the gangs in line and keep these dealings civil. After the complications involving the last race, the gang leaders weren't taking anymore attitude from their subordinates.

Kouga had just successfully won a motorcycle race against an aspiring core member of the Dragons and, grinning full fanged, he took Ayame by the waist and swung her around. "And you're my prize," he declared, lowering her down to earth before stealing a kiss from her lips.

Grinning, Kagome leaned back against Miroku's car where she was taking a smoke and Sango was drinking a beer. "They're so cute," Kagome said, smoke spilling in a seductive trail from her lips.

"Yeah," Sango muttered, taking another drink from her beer. "They've been after each other since we were little kids; I was glad when they finally gave it up and got together."

After a brief silence, Sango furrowed her brow, craning her neck to look around the crowd. "Hey, have you seen Jakotsu? I need to talk to him about his pick up truck."

"I think he was with Bankotsu and Hiten over near the fence," Kagome replied, gesturing with her cigarette in the correct direction.

Sango thanked her before pushing off of the car, walking towards the specified area to talk to the boy about his dismal car. Kagome remained there for a moment, watching people as they walked past, until her cigarette was nothing but ashes and she let it fall to the ground, crushing the flame beneath her boot. The girl decided to retrieve a mint from her purse, which happened to be in Rin's car, and she started making her way through the crowd, pushing through bodies and inhaling the strong scent of leather. She, herself, was wearing black leather pants and a black tube top, along with a pair of leather stiletto boots. The girl had to admit that wearing promiscuous clothes made her feel slightly dangerous, in a certain delicious way, and she smiled to herself as she neared the door of Rin's car.

Kagome was carrying Rin's car keys in her bra and, reaching discreetly down her shirt, Kagome retrieved the keys and popped the lock, opening the door to grab her purse. She couldn't find it at first and, furrowing her brow, the girl leaned down further. Reaching beneath the seat, Kagome wondered vaguely if she'd pushed it beneath there with her feet. While she found no purse, Kagome felt her fingertips brush against cold metal and her heart stopped. After a brief moment, during which Kagome didn't move a hair's breadth, she continued moving her hand until she closed around a cold metal object. She only withdrew her hand partially from underneath the seat, staring at the object in her grasp; her hand was closed around the barrel of a gun.

The girl took in a sharp breath and pushed the gun back beneath the seat, wondering why on earth Rin carried a gun. Kagome soon realized, however, once she was back in her right mind, that being a big breasted gang leader must have its dangers. For all Kagome knew, Sesshomaru insisted that his girlfriend carry around a weapon. Somehow, the thought of that gun made Kagome smile; she knew all about guns. Her stepfather was a high ranking police officer in Kyoto and, in kind, he'd taught his step daughter how to use the weapon on special police force training ground. She could hit marks relatively well for someone her age, but only because she practiced with him constantly. Something about handling dangerous weapons pleased her, though she dare not examine that fact further. She might learn something frightening about herself.

Kagome eventually found her purse, carelessly tossed in the back, and she smiled to herself, unzipping it and popping a mint in her mouth. Satisfied with her clean, fresh feeling mouth, the girl closed the car door and locked it, replacing the keys down her shirt where they belonged. She was making her way back towards Miroku's car when she accidentally bumped into a hard shoulder.

"Sorry," she mumbled, preparing to be on her way, but an iron hard grip enclosed around her wrist.

"Hey, what was that?" the guy asked, whirling Kagome around to face him.

The boy was tall, well built, but grizzly in demeanor and appearance. He had shaggy black hair in an unkempt mess atop his head, matching the scruffy stubble beard clouding his jaw. His eyes had a certain emptiness to them which didn't sit well with Kagome and she lowered her eyebrows. "Let go of me!" she yelled, struggling valiantly against his hold.

But this guy didn't seem to want to let her go. "Hey, I haven't seen you around here before," he said, almost curiously to himself. Kagome was, dare she say, frightened by the way he could hold her wrist so tightly and looked completely calm across his face. He's strong, she thought desperately, I should call for help; I can't take him. Unless...

"Hey buddy," she screamed, right in his ear. The boy practically leapt back, though he never released her wrist, and he snarled in her direction, revealing a pair of fangs.

"What's the idea girly, trying to blow out my brains?!" he growled angrily, all traces of boyish curiosity gone from his expression.

"Let go of me!" Kagome shrieked in response, kicking up her leg to catch him in the forbidden area. He twisted slightly, narrowly avoiding her attempted blow, and Kagome got a look at the symbol on the back of his jacket; a dragon. The way Kagome saw things, the Dragons caused more trouble that the rest of the gangs combined.

"Ha, nice try girly," the boy said with a rancid grin, leaning in so close to her face that Kagome could smell the mix of cigarettes and beer on his breath.

"Hey Kagai," came a voice from behind the Dragon, drawing his attention momentarily away from Kagome. A few more faceless Dragons gathered around this man, Kagai, and his new found plaything, a very red faced Kagome.

"Whose the girl?" asked one of the Dragons calmly, pale eyes drawing out a certain fear in Kagome; his eyes were white. She could see a ring of black where the pupils should've been, but then inside them was nothingness.

"I dunno," Kagai replied, turning his shaggy head back to observe Kagome once more.

Remembering that she was struggling, trying to get away from the attacker, Kagome began to thrash inside his grip, her long hair whipping Kagai in the face. "Let me GO!" she screamed again, tugging against his vice grip.

The other Dragons chuckled while a green haired snake demon hissed out, "She'sss fiesssty."

"Just the way he likes em, right Kagai?"

They laughed once more, sending shivers down Kagome's spine; this was looking worse by the minute. "If you don't let go, I'm gonna start screaming my head off!" Kagome threatened, staring defiantly up at her captor.

Kagai looked anything but impressed and only grinned, reaching up a cut-off gloved hand to trace a thin trail down her cheek. "What if I don't wanna let go, girly?"

Before he could say another foul word, Kagome leaned forward in one swift movement and sunk her teeth into his wrist, causing Kagai to let out a roar of pain and anger. With one quick swipe, he let go of Kagome's wrist and used a single clawed hand to tear three jagged cuts into Kagome's left cheek. Kagome let out a scream of surprise and fell to the ground, laying there for a split second before she tried to get to her feet and run. Kagai, however, was far from finished and aimed a swift kick at her gut, earning gasps from even the other Dragons.

"Hey, Kagai, cut it out man, let's go," said one of them, trying to lure his friend away.

"Shut up!" Kagai roared, obviously a man who treasured his pride.

Kagome coughed bitterly as bile rose in her throat, adding to the intense pain in her gut and on her face. Never before had she felt so much pain, seeing as though she'd had a peaceful childhood with no broken bones or fights. As Kagai moved back in to take another hit, Kagome felt, for the first time, what complete and total uselessness feels like. She was so scared not even her fingers would respond to her terrified nerves; she couldn't even move. Just before the third hit came, Kagome closed her eyes, begging for someone to save her from this agony...if only she could scream.


A hope sparked inside of Kagome as this yell tore through the throat of a familiar, gruff half demon. Kagome opened her eyes a crack, blinking as she witnessed Inuyasha standing there looking absolutely furious. He turned towards her, in one moment and she choked out, "Inuyasha," before the blood in her mouth caused her to began coughing and spitting up the crimson liquid on the pavement.

Inuyasha Taisho, as long as he'd lived, had never felt such an intense, blinding anger. For a single, solitary second he felt nothing, not the breeze, not the vibrations through the ground, nothing. In a flash, a red hot creature rose up in his gut and Inuyasha's vision bled a startling crimson, streaking over his eyes like a falling rain. A howl of rage and anger cut through his mouth and erupted on the air, causing everyone within the immediate area to turn and stare, yet Inuyasha couldn't see them. All he could see was Kagai, standing there with a mightily confused expression across his grungy features.

Mate hurt, kill. Inuyasha's fangs began to elongate and his claws clinked against each other as his hand gave a twitch. Mate hurt, kill. Inuyasha began walking towards Kagai, demonic aura rising off him in wisps of black and red. Even the spectating humans could tell there was something distinctly inhuman about this all. Mate hurt, kill. Raising his right hand, Inuyasha suddenly took off faster than any eye could follow, even Kagai's. Before the Dragon knew it, Inuyasha was upon him, slashing and clawing while screaming threats and angry words all the while. Mate hurt, must kill.

The shadows of the terrifying scene before her, played across Kagome's face, reflecting in her glassy eyes; why did Inuyasha look this way? Blinking, Kagome drank in the expression on his face; mouth contorted in a gnarled scowl, eyes wide and crimson, claws dripping with Kagai's blood as the hapless Dragon screamed in terror. Inuyasha wanted nothing more than to take Kagai's life and she knew it; something about this was dangerous and, normally, Kagome would've like that. But for some reason, she didn't. She remembered Inuyasha's face a few nights ago in the garden, talking about life and relationships, smiling a soft smile reserved only for her. This wasn't that Inuyasha. This wasn't her Inuyasha.

As Kagai's friends had already run away from the scene of the crime, Kagai was in effect left to fend for himself. He could only scream and try to squirm away as Inuyasha unleashed quick claws upon him, but he couldn't seem to get away. No one in the immediate audience had the strength nor the bravery to take Inuyasha down, so they could only watch in horror as the hanyou continued this mindless slaughter.

Sesshomaru was discussing Kouga's recent win with his best friend and several of the others when he noticed a spike in demonic aura and a crowd beginning to gather around an obviously interesting sight. Narrowing his eyes, Sesshomaru stopped speaking in the middle of a sentence and watched the scene before him critically. The others followed his gaze, noticing the odd sight, and without a word they all began running towards the crowd. Rin hurried alongside her boyfriend, pushing her way through the bodies, screaming, "Hey, out of our way, leaders coming through!"

Ranbou and Shitora attacked the crowd from a different direction, as did Kouga and Ayame, then Sango and Miroku. Eventually, Sesshomaru had plowed his way bodily through the crowd and stared, wide eyed, as his baby brother continued destroying the decimated body of a Dragon in the center of this commotion. Sesshomaru quickly took in the red eyes, elongated fangs, and muttered a curse.

"Inuyasha!" he yelled, charging into the circle, only to find himself unnoticed by his brother, who was focused on the kill.

Ranbou, Miroku and Kouga finally came stumbling into the circle, hurrying to restrain Inuyasha at their friend's side. Miroku called out, "Inuyasha, stop it, calm down!" Yet he was ignored.

Snorting, Ranbou stepped boldly forward, putting a daring hand on Inuyasha's shoulder. "Yash, cut it o-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Ranbou found himself flying backwards, gut heaving from the blow he'd just received. Blood shot out his mouth as the wolf landed on the pavement, gasping for air and wincing against the pain in his ribcage. Obviously, Inuyasha wasn't a half demon at the moment; that was a demon's blow if Ranbou had ever received one.

"Don't touch him!" Sesshomaru yelled to the others, adrenaline rushing through his veins; for once, he didn't know how to combat his own brother. With the anger and energy he was sending out at the moment, Sesshomaru reckoned he was stronger than most of the full blooded demons out here. Something in this transformation was different, however; he was in protective attack mode. This was when Sesshomaru noticed Kagome, on the ground with blood spilling down her face, watching the scene with horrified eyes. Dammit Inuyasha, the dog demon thought bitterly, you've forgotten yourself all for her sake, haven't you?

Kagome watched the faces of the boys as they tried to decide what to do and, after watching Inuyasha dispose of Ranbou so easily, Kagome knew they couldn't do anything to help the hanyou. Swallowing deeply, Kagome thought I caused this to happen; I have to fix it.

"Inuyasha!" she screamed, trying to get his attention. "Stop it, this isn't like you!"

The hanyou didn't respond but only continued tearing away at the since unconscious Kagai. Blinking back tears, Kagome wiped an arm across her eyes and stood shakily to her feet, spitting out the blood that was still dripping into her mouth. "Inuyasha, please!" she begged, taking a tentative step forward.

At the sight of her bloodied cousin hurrying forward to greet a madman, Rin started to rush forward and stop her, only to find Sesshomaru's strong arm blocking her way.

"No, Rin, watch," he said quietly, never taking his eyes away from Kagome as she approached Inuyasha.

"Inuyasha..."Kagome all but whispered as she observed that face, a face she didn't recognize at all. Without another thought, Kagome threw herself forward and wrapped her arms around the feral demon's neck. "Inuyasha," she murmured, tears spilling down her cheeks.

Inuyasha, inside his crimson, blood thirsty haze, recognized the familiar scent of Kagome as she wrapped her arms around his neck, halting the motion of his methodically swinging claws; he dare not hit her. Blinking, Inuyasha detected the salty scent of tears and he furrowed his brow. Kagome was...crying? Kagome was so strong, it was hard to imagine her crying, but the proof was all there. Was he the source of those tears? With these thoughts running through his mind, the crimson began to recede and Inuyasha found himself suddenly returning to full consciousness. The smell of blood clouded his nostrils and he blinked, finally returning Kagome's embrace with his strong arms.

"Kagome," he murmured, returned to normal at long last.

Kagome leaned back quickly at the sound of his voice, staring him in the eyes with her terrified brown ones. So stark was her fear that Inuyasha felt a stab of guilt rip through his heart; he'd put that there. "Inuyasha...Inuyasha?" she said breathlessly, as though hesitant to believe it was him.

Before the two could continue this reunion however, Ryokoytsusei burst into the circle, eyes aflame as he observed the bloody mess of Kagai on the floor. "What the hell is going on here?" he demanded, staring angrily at Inuyasha with his lifeless, killer's eyes.

Sesshomaru hurried forward, grabbing Inuyasha and Kagome before jerking them backwards into the crowd. "Keep your men under control, dragon," Sesshomaru bit out fiercely before pushing the couple through the array, calling for the others to follow him. The other Wildcat and Fang core members hurried after their leader without another thought, running for their cars as they tacitly declared their race finished for the night.

Shitora leaned down beside the fallen Ranbou, who could barely move due to the injuries inflicted upon him by Inuyasha's demon counterpart. The girl hurriedly slipped an arm under his arms, dragging him upwards with her half demon strength. Ranbou chuckled dryly, coughing up droplets of blood. "Heh, that bastard got me good."

The girl shook her head, helping Ranbou towards his car at a slow, limping speed. This was going to be a long night.

While Kagome and Inuyasha had been clinging tightly to one another during their struggle through the crowd, Sesshomaru and Rin ripped them apart to take them back to the warehouse, causing Kagome to whimper at the loss of warmth. Inuyasha growled at his brother but Sesshomaru's furious simmering gaze set him silent. "Shut up and get in," the elder brother whispered vehemently, opening up the car door with a surprisingly calm ferocity. Inuyasha didn't dare argue.

"C'mon, Kagome," Rin urged, helping her friend into her convertible before jumping in the driver's seat, speeding away from the race area. This would certainly be a night to go down in history.


Present Time

"Kagome? We're here."

Blinking away the memories as best she could, Kagome used one already bloodied hand to wipe away the tear, opening the door and stepping out into the empty night. The way everything was so calm in the warehouse district, as though wild and dangerous things weren't happening in the rest of the world, made Kagome angry. The very gravel beneath her feet made Kagome sick as she walked shakily across it, feeling faint and ill as she recalled the recently passed events.

Kagome followed Rin's silhouette towards the door, maneuvering her way around the hot-hooded cars of her recently arrived friends. As soon as Kagome stepped inside the door, she was struck dizzy by the scene inside. At the back of the room, Sesshomaru had his hand enclosed around Inuyasha's throat, holding his younger brother up against the wall with a cold stare in his eye.

Rin gasped, running towards the back of the room to stop her boyfriend, while Kagome groaned and placed one hand on her head; she didn't feel up to dealing with all of this. At the end of her dreams, Kagome always curled up on the floor and woke up in her bed, in the exact same position. If only she could do that now, lay down on the floor and wake up in her bed, away from all this madness.

"You've never been one to control yourself, but for one god damned minute, Inuyasha, did you even think about the consequences of what you were doing?!" Sesshomaru spat out, words quiet but deadly as they cut through the air.

The others were standing in a frozen circle around the brothers, not daring to step between a family fight. Rin hurried up to Sesshomaru, trying to persuade him to release Inuyasha, whose eyes were beginning to sparkle with the loss of air.

"Sesshomaru, please, let him go, we can do this another way," she said desperately, addressing her boyfriend with a pleading air about her.

Without turning to face her, Sesshomaru bit out, "Inuyasha needs to learn that he can't let his emotions run away with a simple human woman; it only leads to trouble."

There was a deadening silence inside the warehouse as Rin tried to process what Sesshomaru had just said and, finally, she let out a bitter laugh. "Oh, is that so? I'm sorry to have troubled you, my lord."

And with this, Rin turned on her heels and began walking quickly out of the warehouse, tears pricking at her eyes. Is that really what Sesshomaru thought about human women, what he thought about relationships? Was she that repulsive to him? Blinking away such useless emotions, she brushed past her cousin, not even seeing her there by the door and climbed into her car, starting the engine and squealing away. Kagome watched her cousin go, knowing she could always sleep somewhere else, and continually holding her head; everything she had come to know and love over these past few weeks was turning to dust as she watched and there was nothing she could do.

Stumbling forward, Kagome tried to regain her balance as she walked unsteadily towards the others, but her head was throbbing from the blow she'd received. Her footsteps alerted Kouga's sensitive demon ears and he blinked, turning towards her before gasping. "Kagome..." he murmured, hurrying forward to help her. Ayame and Sango, too, rushed forward steadying the girl on her feet as she swayed dangerously to and fro.

Kouga hefted the girl easily into his arms and hurried back to the couch area, laying her down on one of the couches as Ayame hurried to wet a wash cloth and Sango grabbed for the first aid kit. Sesshomaru, giving Inuyasha one last threatening jerk, threw his brother dismissively to the ground and stared down at his own hands. Rin had just run away from him, a monster who thought nothing more of humans that he did of animals. Hadn't he said something like that, about human women causing trouble? He hadn't meant it the way it sounded. But still, that didn't change the aching in his gut as he realized what the loss of Rin really meant to him. Even as he looked around the warehouse, so soon after her hurried departing, everything seemed to have lost it's color. The world no longer held joy, even as his eyes fell over cars and people he loved. Where was his happiness?


With her.

"Sesshomaru...hello, Sesshomaru!" Miroku called, trying to get his friend's attention. "Shitora just called and said that she's on her way with Ranbou and we need a doctor. SHOMO!"

Blinking, as though returning from a momentary memory lapse, Sesshomaru focused in on Miroku and remembered his duties to his gang. "A doctor...right..." he murmured, wondering what they could do; going to the hospital would lead to questions and that would lead to potential police involvement. They needed an insider, but who?

"Get me the phone," Sesshomaru muttered to Miroku, rubbing wearily at his eyes.

Miroku, knowing better than to ask question, hurried to grab a phone from the private line in the corner while the others attended to Kagome. After Miroku through the phone to Sesshomaru, he hurried over to where Inuyasha was laying still, staring down at the concrete; he deserved this, all of it.

"Inuyasha, c'mon man," Miroku said, reaching down a hand to his friend. Sighing, Inuyasha took the hand and pulled himself up, dusting off his jeans and wiping a trail of blood from the corner of his mouth; Sesshomaru was really angry this time.

Finally, Inuyasha got his wits about him and walked towards the couch where Kouga had laid Kagome, who was looking pale and as though she were drifting out of consciousness. Sango was dabbing at the girl's face with a cold rag, trying to remove some of the blood and relieve the pain, but seeing Kagome in this condition made him sick to his stomach.

Touching Sango's shoulder, the hanyou said quietly, "I got it," before taking the rag from her hand and taking her place on the edge of the couch. The others watched in fascination as Inuyasha Taisho, tough, strong gang member began dabbing the girl's face with a tender look in his normally hard eyes.

In the corner, Sesshomaru begged the gods that someone would pick up the phone. Finally, he was rewarded with a sleepy, "Hello?"

"Kei, it's Sesshomaru," the demon said soberly.

"Sesshomaru?" The voice sounded surprised. "Oh, hey. You know I'd love to talk anytime, Shomo, but it's almost midnight and I-"

"I know, Kei, I'm sorry about this, but we need you and Nanashi's help and fast," the Fang leader interrupted. "We had a situation at the race and we need some medical help."

There was a brief silence on the other line as sheets rustled in the background and Kei said, "Hold on a minute. Nan, hey Nan, wake up, its the Fangs, they need medics."

A faint voice in the background mumbled, "Whose hurt?" Kei came back on the line and asked, "Sesshomaru, who exactly needs medical help?"

"Ranbou and one of our girls, Kagome. There was a fight at the race, couple of dragons getting out of hand," he explained impatiently. "Please, Kei. I'm in a tight spot here."

"We'll be there in 10."

Smiling slightly Sesshomaru hung up the cell phone just as another car pulled up outside, its lights bright against the darkness. Soon, Ranbou and Shitora came inside, the latter supporting the former, hobbling their way towards the couches as Ranbou grimaced in pain. Kouga cleared things off the other couch as Shitora led his brother gently towards it, helping him sit slowly down and lay backwards. Shitora sat down on the edge of the couch, lifting up the boy's shirt slightly to examine his ribs; the area was growing black and blue, swollen and surrounded by an angry blaring red.

"What, you gonna undress me now, Sukini?" Ranbou asked quietly, chuckling even though it hurt to do so.

Kouga sighed, preparing for an angry explosion from the hanyou girl but, to his surprise, she only smirked. "In your dreams, wolf boy."

"Yeah, in my dreams," Ranbou murmured, head clouded with pain; he hadn't expected Inuyasha to mess him up so badly. It was strange that he went so berserk over Kagome, seeing as though he didn't tend to give the girl the time of day until she talked to some other guy. As far as Ranbou was concerned, this was slightly bizarre. She was just some girl, right? Why get so bent out of shape? Before he could puzzle further over the question, he glanced up at Shitora, who's profile was illuminated by the fluorescent hangar lights above her. She was listening to a conversation at the other couch, yet seemed slightly out of tune. Just her beauty then reminded Ranbou what men would do for women when provoked: almost anything.

Just then, Sesshomaru's appeared above the wolf, white hair falling around his face as he looked down, arms crossed wearily. "Kei and Nanashi will be her in a few minutes. How are you doing?"

Ranbou just snorted. "I'm a full blooded demon, Shomo. How bad could it be?"

But Kouga lowered his eyebrows, spitting out, "You were injured by another full blooded demon, Ran; it'll leave a mark or two."

And it was true; when Inuyasha went crazy like he had at the race, the others had determined that he transformed into a full blooded youkai. Anger and emotional pain seemed to be the two most dangerous triggers, but they couldn't always be avoided. Kagome, who was becoming more conscious by the second, focused in on a fuzzy white and yellow image above her.

"Inuyasha?" she murmured, blinking against the light.

Inuyasha smirked slightly. "Yeah, it's me. How you doin?"

"Okay, I think," Kagome said faintly, putting a hand to her head before attempting to sit up. Before she could do so, however, Sango placed a firm hand on her chest and guided her friend back down.

"No you don't. Kei and Nanashi are coming to examine you and Bo, so just sit tight until then," the girl explained, crossing her arms as though considering this case closed.

"Who?" Kagome asked blearily, not recognizing those names.

Inuyasha put the rag aside and glanced down at her, saying, "Two old leaders. Kei Sasuga led the Fangs and Nanashi Hakabakashi led the Wildcats back in the day. That's how they met and they got married later, had a kid. But anyway, both of em are still kind of involved. Kei chose Sesh for leader and Nan chose Rin; they still make choices like that and shit, but we control everything still. They were the best in the business and they still help us out when we're in a tight spot. Like now. Nan went to med school and somehow, Kei became a lawyer, so they're pretty smart and everythin. Nan's gonna help you and Bo out."

"Okay," Kagome replied, nodding her head slightly yet regretting the motion instantly. "Ow..."

A few minutes later, the sound of tires rolling over gravel sounded from outside and someone killed the engine. Soon, three figures came inside the warehouse through the door, mere silhouettes until they closed the door properly behind them. The tallest of the three was a man with long golden hair, restrained in a stately ponytail at the nape of his neck. His eyes were a startling green, like a dew-damp leaf, and his build was slight yet well formed. He walked with a certain grace which impressed everyone in the room and immediately captured their attention; of course they knew Kei was like that, but seeing him fascinated them damn near every time. As the notice had been short, he was wearing the black sweat pants he'd been sleeping in with a white wife beater on top.

Hurrying along beside him was a fiery looking woman with determined cobalt eyes and the curliest red hair most had ever seen. She let it fall down her back in those maddening curls and could never seem to tame them, no matter how hard she tried. Built rather like Rin, short and generously proportioned, Nanashi commanded attention just like her husband, walking with shorter, quicker strides, the strides of an impatient doctor. She, like her husband, was wearing sweatpants, though a light green, and a black tank top.

Hurrying beside Nanashi was a young boy, who came up to her shoulder or there abouts, a combination of his parents in looks and demeanor. His hair was his mother's copper red, but his eyes were his fathers stark green. He seemed to be quick like his mother but calm like his father, a perfect blend of the two. This boy's name was Shippo Sasuga.

All three of the newcomers played host to a healthy set of fangs and slightly pointed ears for, they were indeed Kitsunes, or, fox demons. Kitsunes were a species which coveted fox magic, a certain type of illusionary techniques which fooled the enemy; this came in hand quite a lot during one's duration amongst gang members for, more often than not, someone needed to be fooled around with.

"Hello everyone, good to see you again of course," Kei said in a pleasant tone, face consumed by a moderate smile.

"Thanks for coming, Kei," Sesshomaru said, sounding slightly desperate and almost at his wit's end.

Furrowing his brow, Kei addressed his protégé. "Sesshomaru? You look unwell...are you alright?"

"I'm fine," the dog demon replied curtly, amber eyes flashing a fierce gold.

After a moment, Kei smiled knowingly and said, "Ah, I know that look. Woman troubles, hm? Well, no need to worry, I'm sure you'll work it out. Now, about these injured people..."

Rolling his eyes, Sesshomaru gestured to the couches, where the others were still tending to their friends. Nanashi glanced over and her blue eyes gave a jolt. "Holy shit!" she exclaimed, running a hand through her mess of curls. "What the hell happened?"

"You've always had a way with words, dear," Kei said with a slight smile.

Hurrying over, Nanashi glanced down at Kagome and noted the three jagged gash marks, which someone had taken the sense to clean. Blinking, the woman gave a quirky half smile down at the younger girl and said, "Rough night, kid?"

Kagome snorted, trying to open her eyes again but failing. "Ha, let's do it again," she said hoarsely, smiling slightly through the painful haze.

"My kind of woman!" Nanashi exclaimed, winking at Inuyasha, who was waiting anxiously at Kagome's side. "Now, what's your name, toots?"

"Kagome," Inuyasha answered quickly, never taking his eyes off the girl.

Nanashi cocked an eyebrow, throwing the hanyou a sideways glance. "Okay...well, Kagome, you seem to have yourself a well trained watch dog." When Inuyasha blushed a bright crimson, Nanashi only threw back her head and laughed, a great booming sound which resonated throughout her gut. "No need to be embarrassed Yash, I'm just joking with you. Okay, in all seriousness, do you feel dizzy at all Kagome?"

Kei had, in the meantime, meandered over to where Ranbou was laying, Shitora and Kouga close by. Leaning over the boy, hands peacefully remaining in his pockets, Kei asked, "So, were you on the brunt end of this fight then?"

Ranbou snorted. "Yash whacked me in the gut when he transformed. Not an experience I'd like to repeat."

At this news, Kei furrowed his brow, beginning to look over Ranbou's stomach area. "Hm, transformed, did he? Interesting. What ever for?"

While the golden haired man poked and prodded Ranbou's ribs, much to the wolf's displeasure, Shitora replied, "Kagome was getting roughed up by some Dragons and he got all pissed and shit. It was all downhill from there, if you know what I mean."

"And I do," Kei replied ruefully, finishing his quick check up. "Well, Bo, my friend, you've broken four ribs, which might explain your slight trouble breathing." Before Ranbou could protest, Kei held up one stately hand and declared, "Don't argue, I can tell when you speak. Now there's nothing we can do, really, but medicate you and put you to bed. Sorry, but figuring in your demon strength, you'll still be out for a week, is my guess."

Groaning, Ranbou clenched his clawed fists venomously. "A week? I can't be out for that long and you know it, Kei! I got a gang to run here!"

"Unless you have any immediate assassinations planned, the Reikons should be fine without your help for a few days. Put Hakkaku in charge and leave it at that; what matters is that you regain your strength," Kei said, completely unaffected by the boy's protests; his piercing green eyes remained calm, yet held a commanding spark which Ranbou dare not argue with. "Don't be foolish."

Over with Kagome, Nanashi was inspecting her eyes for concussion symptoms while continuously speaking with the girl, hoping to keep her conscious and engaged. "So, Kagome, you're new around here?"

"Mhmm," Kagome said wearily, voice slightly faded. "Just moved from Kyoto..."

"Ooh, Kyoto, I used to live there," Nanashi said conversationally, inspecting the gashes for signs of infection or abnormalities. "Well, looks like you don't have a concussion and you're just groggy from loss of blood. That's the good news. The bad news is that, without Animocules powder, these cuts are going to leave nasty scars."

"Animocules powder?" Miroku asked, unfamiliar with the term.

Nanashi nodded. "Yeah, special powder made from the rare bud of the Animocules flower. Only a few know how to make it and its not widely mass produced at all, so getting a hold of it is difficult." After a moment, she added thoughtfully, "I would try Kaede, honestly Inuyasha."

Inuyasha, who was only half listening to Nanashi and more looking at Kagome, glanced up and nodded. "I'll ask," he said simply, eyes landing on those awful cuts marring Kagome's perfect face. If only he'd gotten there sooner...

"Hey, baby, how's Bo looking over there?" Nanashi asked as she stood, stretching out her lithe arms.

Kei glanced over, replying, "He broke four ribs in this little skirmish. I told him a week's worth of bed rest with some pain killers."

The redheaded woman smiled slightly. "Perfect; I swear you learn more all the time."

"I try," Kei replied with a hint of humor, winking in his wife's direction.

All this time, Shippo had been gazing around the warehouse with wide eyes, taking in all the sights and sounds with the utmost excitement. His father glanced over at him, smiling at his son's boyish curiosity, and called, "Ship, come over her a moment." The boy nodded obligingly, jogging over to his father with a smile.

"This place is so cool, dad!" Shippo exclaimed, grin growing even as he spoke.

Kei chuckled, ruffling the boy's hair. "Yes, it is. You know how your mother and I said 13 at the earliest?" When Shippo nodded, Kei continued. "Well, I've changed my mind. I think you're mature enough to handle the scene at 12."

Shippo stared blankly at his father for a moment, as though wondering if the man was joking, but he soon realized just how serious he was. "Really? You mean, I can come? Really?!"

Kei smiled serenely. "Yes, if Sesshomaru will have you."

"Yes!" Shippo exclaimed, keeping his voice at a reasonable level, lest he disturb the invalids; with a doctor for a mother, he knew better than to irritate the sick and injured. They were, perhaps, the most irritable sort of people one could ever annoy.

Sesshomaru had, by this time, wandered over to where the father and son stood; even from twenty feet away, he'd been able to decipher his name and felt obligated to join the conversation. Shippo looked up at the Fang leader with wide eyes, obviously respectful of Sesshomaru already.

"Sesshomaru, this is my son Shippo," Kei said, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. "He's been dying to get into the gang scene for six years now, but we told him age 13 at the earliest. However, he's a very mature young man and I've decided to compromise at 12. Make your assessment and be honest."

Now, Kei had taught Sesshomaru to be honest in all his gang dealings, no matter how dishonest the surroundings. Sesshomaru knew that, if he didn't find the young boy fit to join the gang and he said so, Kei would respect his opinion and go on his merry way.

This in mind, Sesshomaru glanced down at the calm redheaded Kitsune and, crossing his muscular arms for the sake of intimidation, asked, "Shippo, wasn't it?"

"Yes, sir," Shippo answered promptly, posture rigid as he stood there.

Biting back a smile at the formal response, Sesshomaru asked, "Do you know anything about cars?"

"Yes sir!" came the boy's energetic response; just at the word "cars" his entire demeanor seemed to change and his eyes lit up, sparkling a brilliant emerald green. "Mom and dad taught me a lot about mechanics and I'm always working with cars . I'm good at it to, sir, I really am. I'll do anything mechanical, anything at all!"

Sesshomaru glanced haphazardly up at Kei, as though awaiting confirmation, and Kei replied with his ever-present wise smile, "He's got a better head for mechanics than I do. Tests say the boy's a genius, wonderful head for numbers and logics. Half the time, he surpasses me in academic standards. I would trust my car with him rather than anyone else."

Shaking his head slightly, Sesshomaru realized that Shippo must truly be something; to hear Kei speak so highly of someone was almost unheard of. To say that Shippo was a genius, whether he be his son or not, was truly amazing. If tests proved the boy's skill, then the only thing Sesshomaru could do was followed his gut instinct. Any child of Kei's must have the blood for the gang, so Sesshomaru let his feeling lead him.

"I don't think we can afford to turn him away, then," Sesshomaru said with a small smile, observing the child with a level of respect Shippo was almost unused to. Normally, older kids didn't respect him at all and only found him a nuisance. If Sesshomaru Taisho, the invincible leader of the fangs, would regard him so respectfully, obviously he was as great a man as everyone claimed.

"Really? Sweet!" Shippo exclaimed, volume rising only slightly as he pumped his fists in triumph. Sesshomaru couldn't help but quirk another smile at the lanky 12 year old; this was the youngest member Sesshomaru had ever inducted during his reign, but he had the feeling he would be all the better for it.

"Be here at noon ever day and we'll have someone drop you off when we're through," Sesshomaru said dismissively, preparing to walk away. "Oh, Shippo?" The boy watched with rapt attention, never looking away, so the dog demon continued. "The rules of the Fangs are simple: one, don't betray, two, carry yourself honorably, and three, don't disrespect this lifestyle. If you break the rules, you're out, plain and simple."

"Um, sir?" Shippo asked, an air of confusion about him. "Aren't those rules a little...vaguely worded?"

The boy truly was smart, Sesshomaru realized; most of the other gang members, four or five years his senior, hadn't asked such a question. "They are. That way, we can interpret them any way we like," Sesshomaru said as a cold reply. "The core and leader are law; you'll come to understand that."

"Yes, sir," Shippo said sternly, nodding once in a curt fashion.

As he walked away, Sesshomaru called back, "And kid, for fuck's sake, don't call me sir."

Shippo watched Sesshomaru's retreating back in awe, stunned by such a strong charismatic man. "Were you like that, dad?" he asked, never removing his eyes from the leader.

Kei smirked. "Just like that, Ship. Come on now, we should grab mom and get home; I have work in the morning and so does she...and come to think of it, so do you. The gang is work." Ruffling his son's hair once more, Kei called, "Nan, we should be going now."

The redhead turned from where she was giving Kagome explicit care instructions. "Alright, I'm coming." Returning her attention to Kagome, she concluded, "And drink lots of fluids to energize your body; it's good for you. Okay?" Kagome gave a sleepy nod, practically asleep on the couch already. "Okay then," Nanashi said again, hurrying to follow her husband and son. "You guys be good now, and call us if you need anything else."

The others called assorted goodbyes as the Sasuga family disappeared behind the warehouse door, homebound once more. There was a brief silence before Sesshomaru said, "Someone needs to get these two home for the night and I would suggest everyone rest themselves as well; we still have things to do tomorrow."

Nodding, the gang members pulled themselves together and began deciding what to do with Ranbou and Kagome.

"I don't think my house is the best place for Kagome," Sango said truthfully, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. The others were aware of Sango's home situation and said nothing in protest, only nodding before moving on; her home life was a completely different story.

"I can take her," Ayame said with a shrug. "My father's been sleeping at the shop for a while now, so I doubt he'll come home tonight. Anyone know if Kagome likes kids?"

"Somehow, I bet she does," Miroku said, smiling a little. "She seems like the motherly type."

"Yeah," Inuyasha agreed, rubbing his eyes tiredly; transforming took a lot of energy and he was about to fall asleep on his feet.

"Alright, my house it is then. Glad I brought the car today, huh?" Ayame said, trying to sound cheerful to lift everyone's spirits; she hated seeing her friends so downcast, even after a night like that night.

"And Ranbou oughta be okay at our house," Kouga said with a shrug. "My old man won't give a shit, I don't think. He's pretty understanding for the most part, since he was a Fang and all."

"Right," Sesshomaru said with a nod. "Alright then, let's go get some sleep."

The others agreed whole heartedly, moving in a slow stream towards the door as Ayame and Sango helped Kagome to her feet, leading her slowly towards Ayame's car. Simultaneously, Inuyasha walked over to Ranbou, waving Kouga away and helping the wolf stand shakily, regaining his balance at an agonizingly slow rate. Allowing the wolf to place a good deal of his weight on his shoulders, Inuyasha started moving towards the cars outside.

"Bo, man, I'm sorry about tonight. I didn't even know I was-" Inuyasha began, only to be cut off.

Ranbou chuckled dryly, giving Inuyasha a brotherly nudge with his elbow, "It's cool, Yash, I know. Anything for your chick, right?"

Inuyasha flushed a dark red, lowering his eyebrows and retorting angrily, "She is not my chick!"

The other rolled their eyes and Kouga gave the boy a slight pat on the shoulder. "Whatever you say Inuyasha, whatever you say."

As Sesshomaru watched the others go, his thoughts drifted back once more to Rin. He wondered where she was, what she was doing, how she was fairing after he'd said those terrible things to her. Sighing bitterly, the Fang leader watched the others moving steadily towards their beds. Realizing he could do little about his predicament tonight, Sesshomaru began doing the same, turning out the warehouse lights on the way out. Tonight had certainly been a night to remember, but not one to repeat. If this night were ever repeated, Sesshomaru might just pass his crown to Inuyasha...and that was saying something.

I tried to make this chapter longer, seeing as though they've been short for a while, This chapter might seem slightly out of no where, but it's important, I'll tell you that. Remember Kagai, because he'll be important in later chapters. No, the bastard isn't dead...unfortunately. I made him to be hated, so hate away. Okay, thanks to all my reviewers, I love you!