InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Laying Down the Law ❯ Regrouping ( Chapter 29 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Moving right along. Thanks everyone for the positive feedback and I would like to acknowledge an error made in the chapter before last; I said that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were both one and four months apart. They are four months apart, repeat, four months. Sorry about that.

On to the chapter!


Gan opened his eyes to reveal a familiar wood ceiling, windchimes tinkling lightly in the background as an ocean breeze filtered in through the curtains. He was obviously in Akago's private quarters at the Shark headquarters, though he couldn't remember anything past speaking to Sesshomaru at the Fang warehouse. The rim of his hat was still depressing on his forehead, a good sign; at least no incriminating blonde hair had escaped. A tug on his arm alerted his attention and Gan glanced to the side, observing Akago as he worked dilligently away on the four right-armed puncture wounds.

"Defending a woman. Honorable," was all the Shark leader said, never removing his eyes from his work.

At first, Gan said nothing. "I suppose," was all he finally mustered out. His lips were having mild trouble moving after such a long, mind blowing sleep.

"So it was worth eight claw wounds, then?" Akago said wryly in his second's direction, obviously worried though he displayed it through irritation.

"You and I both know Kagome's worth much more than that," was all Gan said, feeling the need to chastise his leader about his inattention to Kagome's worth. She was a brilliant girl, pretty, kind, caring and an integral part of a group of friends she'd only met three months prior: obviously, there was something special about Kagome Higurashi and Gan was proud to have saved her, if only once.

Akago finished cleaning the last of the wounds and dropped a soiled cotton ball in the trash before reaching for bandages. "Well, if you insist, my friend. In any case, you're lucky that no nerves were severed. I couldn't have fixed that."

"I know," was all that Gan replied.

After Akago finished bandaging both Gan's thin arms, the boy sat up and flexed them experimentally, nodding half to himself and half to his leader. "Good then. I have a disgusting amount of paperwork to finish before the next monthly meeting so if you'll excu-"

"Absolutely not," Akago interrupted quickly, crimson eyes flashing in a terrifying manner. "Gan, you will go to your room and rest until I say you may get up. And THAT," the Shark leader practically shouted, cutting off an open-mouthed Gan's attempt to protest, "is a direct order from your superior."

It was rare that Akago gave any of his men direct orders and only the second one he'd ever given Gan. The boy stared at him defiantly, however pale his face or weak his eyes might've been, and eventually, he slid easily off the bed. Gan gave a slight bow to Akago, whose arms were crossed stoutly, and murmured, "Hai, Tomouku," before exiting the room.

Before Gan could disappear completely, Akago said in a strained voice, "Gan, wait. I didn't mean it that way, I'm just feeling the pressure of this all. It's no excuse, please sit down; I have something to discuss with you. And for Kami's sake, don't call me that."

Gan paused and glanced back at his leader, who was massaging his temples in evident pain and pacing restlessly along the far wall. The many windows and doors were open, allowing the sunset and its winds to filter in, but the beauty was lost on Gan, who's attention was set directly on the white haired demon before him. Akago looked so...pained that the boy simply couldn't leave.

"Tomouku? You dislike it when I call you that?" Gan asked casually, knowing full well the answer; he called Akago "tomouku" in a concious attempt to gain ground in arguments.

But when Akago raised his crimson eyes to meet Gan's violet ones, all animosity seemed to drain from the boys fingers. "It kills me when you call me that, frankly. You may be my second, but you're also my dearest friend. The idea that you're beneath me or that we're not on equal footing makes me ill. Sit."

The sad glimmer in those crimson eyes commanded Gan like no words could and he quietly took a seat cross legged on the bed, observing Akago as he dug into his pocket looking for cigarettes. He found none and sighed, rubbing tiredly at his forehead. Gan reached inside his own pocket, indulgingly producing a packet of Marlboro reds, and tossed them to his leader without a word. Akago, in turn, caught them silently without even opening his eyes, a small but impressive show of his great skill, and lit one with a match from the table, releasing a dark cloud of smoke. As Akago stood there in his tight black jeans and open chested white Venetian shirt, sillhouetted against the sunset on the sea, Gan felt his gender wavering once more and the girl within him commandeered his mind.

Misake remembered well what she'd told Kagome earlier that day, or was it yesterday? She wasn't sure how long she'd slept, but the incident felt fresh in her mind. " first it was simple necessity, but that changed long ago. I came and...couldn't leave. Do you understand that?" It was silly, in retrospect, to expect Kagome to understand anything about the incident at all, but Misaki had tried her hardest to explain the situation. She came to the Sharks lost and alone, found by the man she now followed with her life, and came to know an emotion she'd never understood before. Her father had certainly never expressed it, nor had her siblings, who were, like her, trying to take care of themselves in a parentless atmosphere. Yakuza families were never friends, but opponents; her brothers were trying to make it just like her and they didn't have time to help anyone else. Misaki understood that and wasn't offended.

But now this emotion, this...did she even hesitate to think the word? This...


Yes, that was it, she was fairly sure, but she didn't know what kind. She'd been told there were several different kinds of love, the most normal being platonic, romantic and friendly, but she couldn't quite place her relationship with Akago. She knew it wasn't romantic because he thought she was a boy and he wasn't gay. It was simple in that respect, so it couldn't be romantic. Right? But Misaki shook her head free of those thoughts; there was no one else in her head to answer her questions. And for that I should be thankful. If I was not only pretending to be a boy but also happened to be schizophrenic, life would be far more difficult than it already is. And this is pretty damn difficult by itself.

"Is there something on your mind, Akago?"

While Gan knew this was quite the ridiculous question and only voiced by his mouth to avert attention from his feelings, he remained calm and placid. Unfazeable Gan, Gan the Gun; he was never bothered by petty human emotions.

Akago continued pacing for a moment before he murmured, quietly, "Why Kagome? What do they want with her?"

"I know not, Akago."

"And attacking her downtown? Have they been following her? What is Naraku planning?"

"I know not, Akago."

"Furthermore, how does this fit in to his dreams of owning Salter? How will sweet little Kagome get him th-"

"Akago, stop pacing, you're going to wear a hole in the floor."

The white haired leader raised a hand to his head, massaging his temples and managing to look a full ten years older than his eighteen years. "I'm sorry Gan, I'm getting myself all out of sorts."

But Gan only smiled, one which didn't completely reach his eyes; Akago noticed this, but chalked it up to his friends' taxing day. Being ambushed and barely escaping with your life didn't exactly call for celebration and free drinks, as it were. "True, you are out of sorts, but I'm afraid that I can't get you back in them for once. I don't have answers for you."

"I know," Akago said wearily. He braced himself on the window sill, staring almost longingly at the sea, as though wave and ocean foam could satiate his need to know the truth. "I'm just so used to you having the answers, Gan, forgive me."

The comment startled Gan, who whipped his head around to look at the back of his leader's head. All during his stay within the Sharks, he'd looked to Akago for guidance and advice. Now the white haired man had the audacity to insinuate he received answers from Gan? Little, harmless skinny Gan? This was the boy who looked enough like a woman to warrant mystery, though his actions and demeanor proved him male. least to others, the boy reminded himself gently. But to imagine himself giving advice to Akago was almost unthinkable. Akago was so brilliant...did he even need advice?

"Of course," Gan murmured quietly, bowing his head in the slightest fashion. "And I'm sorry again that I can't help you; I know you want to get to the bottom of this."

"I do, but it can't be helped."

"I don't know if we'll ever fully understand those bastards, Akago. So until then, I guess we'll just have to sit tight, ne?" Gan said in a brighter tone, hoping to cheer his leader.

But Akago could only smile wryly in return. "Yes indeed. Waiting for someone to make the first move. I hate waiting."


Since the attack some four hours prior, things in the warehouse had changed almost indefinitely. After Kagome's condition was seen to by the girls, who had fine but limited first aid knowledg, cars began arriving in the gravel lot outside.

Bankotsu and the Cobra core were immediately called to attention, as were the remaining members of the Reikon core; as soon as Kagome was deemed somewhat physically fit, Sesshomaru brusquely ordered her to rest as he called the gang leaders and cores to the back of the room. They exchanged information and ideas for about an hour, trading advice with one another about suspected Spider activity in their areas, until Sesshomaru released all but the leaders and seconds from duty.

For another hour after that, loud arguing could be heard from the back of the room as Kagome shivered in Inuyasha's arms, suddenly feeling the effects of the attack on not only her body, but her mind. Inuyasha tried several times, unsuccessfully, to lure Kagome away from the warehouse. She seemed transfixed with the argument going on in the back of the warehouse, wondering if she'd caused the escalated voices and hateful words. Inuyasha finally reached his limit and insisted on taking Kagome to his house to rest; he knew that, no matter how tough Kagome seemed, this event was going to take its toll.

"Hiten, we can't just go charging into a fight," Sesshomaru said wearily, leaning back in his chair as smoked drifted lazily from the end of his cigarette. Hiten was regarding him through bitter crimson eyes, fangs barred dangerously. That was the fourth time Sesshomaru had denied him vindication.

For about an hour now, Sesshomaru and the other leaders had been tirelessly denying their second in commands' requests to attack Naraku the next morning. Though Kouga, Hiten, Hakaku and Ayame were brilliant strategists, they didn't have their leaders' talents for noticing details and specifics. They were more emotional, hoping to conquer Naraku with a passionate charge, though their leaders knew better. This conflict wouldn't end in such a way.

But their seconds couldn't understand. "Charging into a fight?! Sesshomaru, they attacked Kagome on the street! They were trying to kill her!" Ayame protested, leaping to her feet and bracing her hands on the table. Her knuckles were growing white, as were her cheeks; the stress of these events were showing on the faces of every core member.

"Damn straight, that bastard Naraku deserves death," Hakkaku agreed, eyes shining with conviction.

"And I couldn't agree more, but this is not the time nor the issue over which we need to fight this out," Sesshomaru replied levelly. He removed the cigarette from his lips and blew out a thin cloud of smoke. "There are other things restraining us."

"Fuck that! For Kagome's sake, we need to get these bastards off the street!" Hiten yelled with a deep conviction.

Bankotsu shook his head slightly; his best friend since childhood obviously didn't understand, but he wasn't ready to speak his piece yet. No, Bankotsu would wait until the right moment to calm his second in command.

"Who knows what might've happend if Gan hadn't been around," Ayame reminded the group, green eyes glittering with malice. "Naraku is too dangerous; we can't leave him alone anymore."

"Aya, Shomo's right. We ain't gettin' ourselves into a fight right now," Ranbou said soberly from his position on the couch. He was chain smoking and had been for well over an hour; there were numerous black smears on the floor at his feet, the unholy remains of his nine cigarettes.

But Kouga growled slightly and practically erupted with, "But that's what we always say! 'It's not time to fight,' or 'we'll see what happens.' This is one time when we need to charge! Fuck, they practically killed her, Bo!"
"We need more of a platform before we attack," Sesshomaru murmured around his cigarette; his amber eyes were unfocused on the concrete floor some fifty feet ahead.

This brought more squeals of outrage before Rin glanced up and said quietly, "Sesshy, maybe they're right, I mean Kago-"

"KAGOME WHAT?!" Sesshomaru yelled unexpectedly, rocketing out of his seat as the cigarette fell, rough and tumble, to his feet. His normally subdued eyes were alight with anger and the fangs in his mouth seemed all the more apparent in the vague lighting. His muscles were tense and drawn, his skin pale; everything about him exuded his anxiety. "What were you going to say about Kagome just now?"

The Fang leader pushed away from the couch and began pacing, footsteps loud and frightening as they ricocheted off the warehouse walls. "I keep on hearing the name 'Kagome' in this argument, but all of you seem to be forgetting something rather important about her."

Sesshomaru turned and stared levelly down at the other leaders and seconds, who were stunned by this intense and passionate display; it was rare that Sesshomaru was passionate about anything. He only snorted, reaching into his pocket for another cigarette. "She's not a member of the gangs. Any of them. We can't go charging into a gang war over a girl who isn't even a member of the gangs, it's nonsense. Despite the fact that she's a perfectly nice girl and a real asset to us, on and off the street, she's not officially one of us. Furthermore, this is Naraku's way of trying to lure us into a fight, a heated, emotional fight, in which he will no doubt get the better of us. He's probably been planning this for weeks, if not months. When you fight with passion, you fight to die. I refuse to go into a fight on the premise of a prideful death. To top this all off, we have no conclusive evidence, besides the words of three witnesses, that the Scorpions confessed to the Spider's guilt in planting the bombs under our vehicles at Race Wars. This is all too vague, too unsure, and none of it will get us anywhere but below the ground!"

At these numerous and painful reminders, the others lowered their heads and refused to meet Sesshomaru's gaze, which was drifting ominously around the circle, boring holes into heads. Rin glanced up, eyes bitter and betrayed. "How could you say something like that? Not one of us? Kago-" But she found herself cut off once again.

"And who's fault is that Rin?!" Sesshomaru demanded fiercely, turning his amber eyes to meet Rin's brown ones. The girl's lip seemed to tremble as she sat there, realizing just how true these words were, before looking away from Sesshomaru's sparkling eyes. They were just too terrifying to look at. Besides that, they seemed to be digging up a guilt which could only grow worse in her gut.

"She's not one of us because why?!" Sesshomaru pried, taking a few steps towarsd his girlfriend, silver hair cascading around his impressive form. "Because you've seen fit to string her along for a summer and use her for your own devices. You've kept her coming back with the hope of being offered a place in the core, but you never fulfilled that. Don't deny it."

"I didn't use her," was all Rin could mumble as tears began unconciously clouding her vision; she hadn't planned on crying in the middle of a gang meeting, as she intended to keep face as the only girl, but it just couldn't be helped. She'd never felt worse in her life; her cousin Kagome, whom she'd known since their birth, was precious and dear to her. Rin would never do anything to hurt Kagome, not conciously. Despite this fact, Rin couldn't deny Sesshomaru's accusations for, indeed, she'd strung Kagome along. But she hadn't used her, had she?

"Keep telling yourself that," Sesshomaru spat angrily, amber eyes flashing a dangerous gold. "Keep telling yourself you would've gotten out of Dragon territory alive without her."

Rin and Ayame's heads shot up at these words and both seemed alarmed, eyes wide and mouths agape; how did Sesshomaru know? They'd kept the incident underwraps and, as far as they knew, only the five girls present at the time knew anything about Kagome shooting for their release from captivity. The Dragons had no reason to tell and most barely remembered their drunken escapades that night anyway. Ryuukoytsusei didn't benefit from telling, so he likewise kept it quiet. Or so they'd thought.

"Oh, that's right, I know all about that," Sesshomaru said again, raising his voice as the girls hung their heads in shame. "You'd be surprised how much a Dragon will talk with claws at his throat." Rin gulped; she should've known Sesshomaru would try something like that.

"And you can't just induct her now so that we can go to war, Sesshomaru continued, only to be interrupted by Kouga.

"Why the hell not?" Kouga demanded, pounding his fist on the bar.

Sesshomaru glanced over at Ranbou, saying quietly, "You know what that's called, don't you Ranbou? You've got a taste for law."

"Ex post facto," came Ranbou's hoarse response. "Convicting a criminal with a law that wasn't in effect during their crime."

"Precisely," Sesshomaru seemed to muse, growing almost bitterly smug as he braced his hands on the table, gripping the edge so tightly he almost lost feeling in his fingers. "If and when we do this, we have to do it the right way."

Rin watched the muscles of his back as light played across them, taking strange shadows as the rain continued pounding on the uppermost glass windows. He was tense, alive with anger, anxious from the nearness of conflict. She hated seeing Sesshomaru like this and, more so, hated the fact she'd caused his pain. Rin held herself fully accountable for this mess, at this point in time. If only she'd just thrown away ideas of Kikyo, who she knew in her heart of hearts would never return. Why couldn't she just trust herself enough to make another appointment to the core? Why couldn't Rin ever let her emotion subside? A tear slipped down Rin's cheek, quickly followed by another of similar nature; small, clear and perfect.

Sesshomaru closed his eyes as the scent of Rin's tears accosted his nostrils. He hated it when Rin cried, more than the pain of one thousand deaths, but he couldn't comfort her now. She had to sort out this problem on her own and not even he could help her; the time had come for Rin to stand alone.

"I've got to make a phone call," Sesshomaru murmured, whipping out his cell phone as he walked tersely towards the shop area, desperate to escape the tense air which currently crushed his lungs.

The numbers felt dull under his thumb as Sesshomaru dialed a familiar number, one which he'd memorized for just such an occassion. He felt a calm wash over him in a momentary saving grace as he inhaled yet another cigarette, but the effect was short lived; soon, the anxiety had returned, crawling under his skin, creeping up his spine.

"Arru, this is Skull."

Sesshomaru squeezed his eyes shut, methodically massaging the bridge of his nose; the caustic sound of the Arabunna word for "hello" met Sesshomaru's ears and he almost smiled. Even after leaving Australia behind, both Skull and Bones refused to let their knowledge of Arabunna die. They weren't even members of the tribe, but it fascinated them to no end; two years in South Australia growing hectares and they considered themselves honorary Arabunna tribesmen.

But the smile died on Sesshomaru's lips; he couldn't keep a smile for long, these days. "Skull, its Sesshomaru."

"Oh, alright then Shomo?"

"No," Sesshomaru said quietly, almost feeling guilty for destroying Skull's cheerful attitude. "Kagome was attacked downtown by Kaijinbou and some of Naraku's men today."

The line was silent for a moment before Skull's voice returned, generously sobered. "Is she okay?"

"Rattled and bruised, but physically alright. I'm not sure about mentally; but Gan the Gun walked by and managed to get her out of whatever trouble she was in. Not without a price though; Gan was very injured."

"What the- what is going on down there, Sesshomaru?" Skull demanded, sounding completely aghast by these proceedings.

"I was hoping you could tell me," Sesshomaru replied, glancing at the upper windows; the rain had yet to subside. "I need Mad Max on the line, if you could."

In Kyoto, the weather was just as bad, if not worse. Due to the inlet on which the city sat, strange winds blew in with the outskirts of Tokyo's storms and the winds were blowing against the Jackrabbit bungalow in a threatening mantra, causing the walls to creak and moan on their columns. Benkan Bones ran a restless hand through his cherry red spikes, watching as his best friend, Tobi Skull answered his cell phone with a practice flick of his wrist. Since the storm had set in eight hours prior, none of the Jackrabbits had left the bungalow and, in kind, a tense air was brewing.

Axle turned his sky blue head to face Tobi, eager for a distraction even if it was merely a phone call. "Arru, this is Skull. Oh, alright then Shomo? Is she okay? What the- what is going on down there, Sesshomaru?!"

As Tobi spoke with Sesshomaru, he grew increasingly alarmed until he'd actually risen from his chair, golden cross glimmering against his naked chest. "Max? He's right here, whatcha want him for?"

At his name, Fucking Mad Max glanced up with his beady black eyes, gnarled face contorted with boredom. He was lounging in a hammock, which was strung high across one of the many broad doorways in the Jackrabbit bungalow, newly earned Jackrabbit jacket slung across a chair in the corner. After his dismissal from the Scorpions, Max was quick to accept Skull and Bones' invitation into the Jackrabbits. He was content, now, to just relax into life, away from the prying eyes of a wondering world. He could mourn his bitter life in peace on the Kyoto inlet.

Until Sesshomaru called, awakening him from a blurry two week daze, that is.

Max furrowed his brow. "Wot's he want to talk with me for?"

Skull shrugged, tossing the cellphone towards the hammock; Max caught it deftly and pressed it confusedly to his ear. "Hallo?"

"Max. It's Sesshomaru."

"Got that much, mate, whatcha want?"

Sesshomaru sighed tiredly, a sound which Max hadn't heard in all his time knowing the Fang leader. "Some Spiders roughed up Kagome today and we wanted to know if you knew anything at all about Naraku's plans. I know you weren't exactly in the inner circle of the Scorpions, but anything would help. Anything."

Though Max gave a derisive snort, his eyes narrowed slightly at the news of Kagome's condition and he barked rather sharply, "Like fuck I know anything about those bastards and their plans. I make it my business to keep better fuckin' company, oi? All I know is that Naraku wants Salter so bad he can fuckin' taste it; and he's got plans. Bootleg never said much bout the crazy bastard, 'cept to kiss ass." Max was silent for a moment, palming the top of his mohawk as he swung restlessly in the hammock; he seemed to be considering something. Axle narrowed his yellow demon eyes and watched his best friend of nearly fifteen years; Max knew more than he was saying. Max continued after a moment's thought. "I will tell you this much, mate. That weapon's factory that got pilfered three months back? That wasn't no coincidence, if you catch my drift."

Sesshomaru narrowed his own yellow eyes. "What do mean by that?"

"They can't overpower you with numbers or brute fuckin' force, so they got some added insurance with those stolen weapons. They might know a bit bout em now, but they're plans for those fuckin' weird guns revolved around one guy; Gan the Gun. He's the only one who knows enough bout guns to actually figure those motherfuckers out. They're pointless now," Max explained, clearing some wax out of his ear with his pointer finger, looking positively bored.

Sesshomaru mulled over this for a moment before murmuring, "Why wouldn't Gan and Akago say anything about that?"

"Because it's fuckin' pointless; probably didn't cross their fuckin' minds cause Naraku can't use the weapons now. Unless they have someone else who knows enough about guns to help 'em out..." Max trailed off, hoping Sesshomaru caught his hint well enough. Max knew that, despite his break from the Scorpions, incriminating evidence appearing out of thin air would mean trouble for the Jackrabbits. Bootleg would know Max was involved and that would be the end of everyone's perfect lives.

There was silence on the line until Sesshomaru hissed, "Shit, Kagome."

"Bingo," Max murmured, sighing to himself and cracking a wild grin. "I guess ya found it out, ay mate?"

"Thank you, Max. I won't forget this," Sesshomaru said gratefully, massaging his forehead; this explained at least part of Naraku's desire to gain Kagome as an ally. Even if it was by force. "I need to talk to Skull."

Without a word of parting, Max threw the phone to Tobi, who happened to be looking at the storm through a crease in the wood-board window planks. At the last moment, his hand reached out and clenched around the phone without the aid of his sight; he was still focused on the storm. Bones smiled to himself as he watched his impetuous and loud friend perform such an easy feat; however much Skull played around, his abilities were unmatched. He was quicker on his feet than anyone in the gangs, except for maybe Kouga; Benkan doubted if they would ever race though. They didn't particularly want to know who was better.

"Arru," Tobi said dully.

"Skull, I've got a favor to ask you," Sesshomaru saif stiffly; he hated asking favors. "I know this isn't your problem, but..."

As Sesshomaru continued talking, Tobi nodded occasionally, still seeming focused on the raging winds and waters when, in reality, his brain was moving a mile a minute. He considered Sesshomaru's proposition momentarily before he replied, "Sounds like a plan, mate. I owe you anyway. Right then, ja ne."

Skull closed the phone and placed it inside his pocket, crossing his arms on the window sill as he continued storm watching. Benkan and Axle exchanged glances while Max seemed genuinely uninterested in the mysterious conversation. Finally, Benkan piped up, "Oi, Skull."

"Yeah, Bones?"

"Wha'd Shomo want just now?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, go grab Kotone and get her to put together ten Jackrabbits who can win a decent fight. Well, on second thought," the blonde murmured, turning his sky blue eyes to assess those in the room, "Make that four. Counting her, Kinanme and us, that's six, right? Then get four more; we're only taking ten."

Benkan blinked, exchanging another confused glance with Axle. "Wait, come again? What are you on about?"

"We're going to Tokyo, Bones, get with it!" came Skull's flippant reply as he yawned and streched backwards like a sly cat. "We all owe Shomo an arm, a leg and our first born kid anyways, so why not pay off some debt now?"

"Sounds better than this fucking city," Max said, partly to the others and partly to himself, giving his general consent.

Axle fingered the beads at the end of his sky blue cornrows, eager to occupy his restless hands. "Skull, I hate to break up your party, but who says Kotone and Kinanme will go to Tokyo? They're here for a reason, right? Away from their family?"

Before Skull could reply to this astute observation, a gruff, female voice interrupted from the doorway. "Yeah, who says I'll go?"

Sighing, Skull turned to greet the newcomer, dreading the verbal beating he was no doubt about to receive. Confronting him was a girl of slight build with a generously proportioned chest, wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt, obviously pajamas of some kind. Her hair was a midnight black, flowing about her in a silken array, but the most peculiar thing were her eyes. A pair of ice blue eyes. On the pulse of her right wrist, one could clearly make out the depiction of a wolf, teeth barred, looking fierce with a symbol behind its head. The symbol read "Ookami."

"Kina, my tropical flower, we were just talking about you!" Skull picked up after a moment, trying to ignore Kina's pulsing forehead and angrily clenched teeth.

"So I could hear from my bedroom, you bastard! Volunteering me to go to Tokyo? Are there fuckin' bats in yer belfry?" the girl said with a distinct gruff tone, one which caused chills to run down many a spine.

Skull pretended to think about the question before replying, "Not that I know of, but there might be kangaroos, in all honesty."

Benkan muffled laughter into his shoulder, trying not to envoke Kina's wrath. She looked positively livid as her ice blue eyes began to turn a threatening cobalt. "I've made it fuckin' clear to you that I ain't goin' to Tokyo until after graduation! What the hell would I go fer anyway?!"

Before Skull could say something stupid, Max chuckled from his position in the hammock and replied darkly, "For the sake of your brothers, poppet. Naraku's makin' his move. And the Fangs aren't ready."

Kina's small face went blank as she stood in the doorway in nothing but her t-shirt, brow furrowed cutely in a way that made Skull wince. He'd been a good boy and let her nap all afternoon, but that face made him want to let go of any resolve he had left and take her, furiously, right in the doorway. Bones glanced over at his blonde friend, whose eyes were angled upwards as he crossed his tan, brawny arms across his chest. Maybe if he ignored the beautiful girl, she would go away.

"Ko and Ran don't need our help and I can guarantee that Sesshomaru wouldn't take it," she replied cockily, shaking her head at Max's stupidity.

But this time Bones answered her cheek. "He asked for it, Kina. We're going on a request."

The room was silent as Kinanme's mouth fell partially open, growing dry as she wondered how this could possibly be true. The Sesshomaru she'd grown up with as a child wouldn't accept help from anyone, except for Kouga on the very rare occassion, but he certainly never asked for it. The Fangs had to be in a dire situation if he was asking the Jackrabbits for back-up. But she couldn't just go charging back to Tokyo, offering her long lost brothers a brief greeting before turning around and beating Kagura to a bloody pulp; she'd never liked that filthy whore anyway.

But...she couldn't just let them flounder on the shore like that. Not her brothers.

"Whatever you want, doesn't matter to me. I guess I'm in, no choice," Kina muttered, glancing down at the floor as her cheeks blushed a brilliant red. For some reason, the thought of seeing Ranbou again made her want to cry. She would never cry, of course. That was lunacy. But she wanted to.

Skull's perverted expression softened and he crossed the distance between them, reaching out his calloused hands and rubbing her upper arms soothingly. "S'alright, Sheila, sorry this had to spring up."

Kina just grunted, unwilling to remove her gaze from the floor. "Yeah, 'sucks."

The brawny blonde gave a small smile and lovingly kissed the top of her head, causing Max to screw up his already gnarled face in disgust. He couldn't stand watching couples interract like that; it always made him ill, even when they'd been going out for two years like Skull and Kinanme. I oughter be used to it by fuckin' now, he thought to himself wryly.

"Well then," Skull said loudly, interrupting Max's thoughts. "Looks like s'off to Tokyo for us! Bones, get a hold of Kotone, let her know the situation and get it all in order. I'm counting on you, mate."

Bones only gave his friend the thumbs up before whipping out his own cellphone, rising and moving towards the window. The zippers and trinkets on his pants jingled as he went, mingling with his deep voice as he received an answer on the line. "Koto?"

Skull nodded to himself as he unconciously continued rubbing Kinanme's shoulders. Though this wasn't exactly perfect timing, he supposed he could deal with a break from Kyoto life for at least a moment. Besides, he thought with a fierce grin, who am I to say no to a fight?


I finished this one in pretty good time. Sorry about the new characters; you probably hate that. I've been talking about them, you just didn't know their names. But now you do. I doubt you'll remember, though, and its okay if you don't. This is all gonna go on more in depth in the next chapters. Fighting essentially starts in the next chapter, so be ready. Thanks to all my reviewers, especially the ones who threaten my well-being if updates are withheld. It's quite the motivator, lol.

Ja ne.