InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Learning to Love Again ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hermione, Harry, Ron, and, strangely enough, Draco all sat at a table in the Great Hall. It was lunch time now, and they were discussing what they had seen earlier that day.

"So what do you think that thing was?" Ron asked in a quivering voice. He gulped as a perplexed look overcame Hermione's features; it couldn't be good if even Hermione didn't know!

"Well…" said girl drawled. She didn't want to admit it, but she really had no clue as to what that creature was. She'd never seen something move so fast.

"I'll tell you what it is!" Draco interrupted from his position at the table. "It's another one of those bloody monsters that fool Hagrid keeps in his cabin!" the boy spat.

Harry growled as he heard the other blonde boy's response. Just as he was about to spatter a nasty retort, he felt the weight on the bench shift and looked over to see Kagome taking a seat beside him. It was then that he noticed for the first time the strange little cat that perched on his teacher's shoulder. "Uh… what's that?"

Said thing made a minute noise that sounded suspiciously like an indignant huff and turned her nose up at the boy. Kagome giggled when she saw Kirara's reaction. "This is Kirara. I believe Hermione's already met her." At this, Hermione nodded happily and took the little cat from the other girl's shoulder and began to stroke her fur affectionately. "Kirara is my sister Sango's companion, but Sango wouldn't let me come here without protection so she let Kirara come with me," she explained to the rest of them.

Ron looked distrusting over at the little cat creature that was currently sitting contentedly on Hermione's lap and snuggling into her hand. "Well," he began with a defeated sigh, "I guess she is sort of cute." Reaching over to pet Kirara himself, Ron let a smile cross his face.

Harry, after giving a few strokes himself, spoke up to bring everyone back to reality. "So, did you hear about this Sunday?"

"No, what's going on this Sunday?" Kagome asked with a curious tilt of the head.

When Draco saw her position, he couldn't help but think how cute she looked with her head cocked to the side and her mouth shaped into a little 'o'. He was soon pulled out of his reverie when Harry issued a response. "Well, they're having a Halloween dance. You can wear costumes and they'll have a band playing and everything!"

Kagome snorted derisively. "What's the occasion? It's like Halloween in this place anyway."

Everyone laughed at Kagome's comment, but soon stopped when McGonagall, Dumbledore, and Snape all approached them. "Professor Higurashi, may we see you for a moment?" Dumbledore asked with a grave expression engraved into his old withered features.

Kagome nodded curtly and left with the other teachers to Dumbledore's office. While everyone else was wondering what the professors could want with their friend, Draco was wondering what to think of this upcoming dance.














