InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Let Go Of Your Yesterday ❯ The Beginning Of The Battle ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Note-Readers, check out my new profile. Sorry, this chapter will be short (not ALL of them will be), but still review for me, please!!!! Here it goes!

Let Go Of Your Yesterday

Chapter One

The Beginning of The Battle

The air was thick with his scent. Sesshomaru recognized this scent, it was that of Naraku. Sesshomaru had no real need to be interested in fighting him, but he was itching for a battle. He proceeded towards the scent, and then stopped.

"Rin," he said to the little girl. "Yes Lord Sesshomaru?" she answered.

"Stay here," he commanded. "Yes my Lord!" she replied.

"Stay girl, while Lord Sesshomaru and I battle Naraku," Jaken cheerfully spoke. "No," said Sesshomaru, "stay with Rin." "But…" Jaken started, only to see Sesshomaru off in the distance.


"Inuyasha, go get some firewood so we can cook the fish Shippo caught," said Kagome. "You too Miroku," ordered Sango.

"Ya know what? Why do we always have to get the wood?" Inuyasha complained.

"What, do you want to cook then?" asked Shippo, who was sitting next to Kirara, chewing gum from Kagome's era. Inuyasha and Miroku glanced at each other, then raced outside.

"Men," Kagome said, and Sango laughed.


"Naraku," Sesshomaru said, to get his attention. " I don't wish to work with you anymore."

"Why not?" Naraku questioned as he saw Sesshomaru standing before him.

"Because if Inuyasha were to die, I want it to be because of me, and only me," Sesshomaru answered. Trying to start a battle, he ready to attack with his claws.

"Ah, do you really think you can kill me?" Naraku laughed. Then Sesshomaru attacked with his glowing claws, but Naraku dodged it. Then Naraku immediately fired back with sharp vines shooting out from under him. Sesshomaru jumped up before it could hit him. The vines hit the ground where he previously was standing.

In a second, Sesshomaru was right in front of him, holding his neck. "Fool," Naraku responded. Then he took his hand, which he had turned into a sharp vine, and forced it through Sesshomaru's shoulder.


"Do you sense that Inuyasha?" asked Miroku, who walked to the pile of wood, and dropped a log.

"What?" Inuyasha asked, picking up a log.

Then they heard a pained noise, sounding familiar.

"Sesshomaru?!" Inuyasha said with wide, confused eyes.