InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Like a Hurricane ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Nature. The one force on the planet more destructive than ningen and youkai combined. In a single moment of fury, homes are shredded, lives are taken, and one's sense of security is shattered. It is Her way to correct the imbalance that Man has created, Her way of keeping things under control. Nothing can compare to the Mother when She's in Her righteous glory and anger and nothing can stop Her when She's in one of Her moods. Nothing.

* * *

“Come on! We have to hurry!” the man shouted out, holding his hand towards the woman walking towards him. Already, the wind had started to pick up and whip around them, and it sent small pieces of debris flying between them.

“I'm hurrying,” she replied, cradling a small bundle close to her. “I don't dare go any faster.”

He knew the reason why she was being cautious. It was the very reason why he wanted her to hurry. The small bundle in her arms. The small child that they had had together.

In the space of seconds that felt like hours, she had made it to their car and had climbed in. He followed suit. Moments later, they were driving through the rain, the flying leaves and tree branches . . . and through the pieces of houses as the winds grew stronger. Something flashed before them . . .

* * *


Ryu bolted forward, his breathing hard and heavy and his body covered in sweat. For a moment, he just sat there, eyes unfocused on the wall across from him. Then he jumped out of his bed and turned his television on.

'It couldn't have happened. It just couldn't have. Father would have gotten Yashira and Sesshomaru out sooner if he knew something would endanger them. I just know that he would.'

The screen came to life and Ryu settled himself in front of it to watch. As he did so, his hand reached for the phone. He had to get a hold of his father. He just had to. Before tragedy struck their entire family.