InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Little Book of Poems ❯ Ode to the Shikon ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Note/Disclaimer: This is my poem about the Shikon no Tama. It has
nothing to do with Inuyasha and company, it's just a poem about the Shikon.
Oh, by the way; I don't own Inuyasha and company.

Ode to the Shikon

I am the light.
I am the darkness.
Half of myself is what
you have fought for in the past.
I create, I destroy,
and I create again.
I am love.

Not all of me is just.
Not all of me is pure.
That is only half myself.
Those who desire my other,
half cross their swords.
People's freedom is lost
and my truth buried.

I shall show you my darkness.
You must defeat me.
You will be a hero.
Close the path to those
who search for me.

~Unknown Shadow