InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Little Book of Poems ❯ You ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.
Despising you.
Murdering for you.
Stealing for life for you.
All means for revenge.
You once died,
By my hand.
I once died,
By yours.
You say you shall,
But would you really?
Or would you choose,
The reincarnation?
I wish for you to go.
I wish for you to come.
You wish to go.
You wish to come.
What is my choice,
O Hell chosen one?
Will I allow,
For you to go?
You will come.
I have chosen.
You shall stay,
With the dead.
For that is where you belong.
With me, O faithful one.
You have deceived,
And you shall pay.
Your fate.