InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Little Inu Yasha ❯ Beware of Sleeping Guardians ( Chapter 4 )

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I'm so sorry for taking so long but I have had school (Damn you!!!!) and then I have been sick, and family from Denmark have been over so I had to spend time with them, so I'll try and update really really soon again. Promise.


Chapter Four

Beware of Sleeping Guardians


Sesshomaru slowly neared the small pack, ears strained to hear the slightest change in any of their sleep patterns. In three strides, he found himself standing over the girl and pup. Now it wasn't that Sesshomaru didn't like the female, in fact she was just about the only girl or human besides Rin who didn't cower before him or beg for her life, but the clothes she wore were just too revealing, even for genshi. He did however agree that she was quit appealing to the eye in many ways.


His golden eyes fixed on Inuyasha who curled his child like fingers tighter around the clothes at her abominate, a common thing for all children to do as they sleep. Sesshomaru recalled him doing the same when Inu napped in his own arms. It was as if he was afraid that they would vanish if he let go. He watched both Kagome and Inuyasha's soft breathing as they slept, dreaming of a world were only sweet memories lurked in the shadows.

"This..." Sesshomaru thought as he gave a soft tug on Inuyasha's hand to test how strong the grip truly was, and proved to be stronger then he thought, much to his annoyance. "Will prove difficult,"


He stood there for a minute or so, pondering over how to handle the situation when Kagome began to stir. It took him a moment until he realized that he had placed himself just the right place for the moonlight to reflect off his armor and right into the eyes of the girl. He would have moved except of her heart rate told him that she would awake n matter what he did, so just as the sapphire dazed eyes open the slightest, Sesshomaru grasped her throat to prevent any sound from her.


The fist thing he could read in her eyes was just plain bewilderment, common for one who had just awoken and did not know why; the horror as she recognized the figure whom had done so. In pure instinct, Sesshomaru latched his hand around her throat, squeezing gently so that he would not crush her trachea, also known as her windpipe.

"Silence," He snarled, his eyes never leaving her face nor Inuyasha's sleeping form.