InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Little Mouths That Blab ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Little Mouths That Blab
A combination of thoughts, feelings, observations, truths, Sibling interactions and little mouths that blab.
Inuyasha's little sister Rin was born when he and his friends were thirteen. It had been very weird at first, having a little sister that was so much younger but, her cuteness had won him over in no time flat. And now that Sango, Miroku, Kagome and he were eighteen, little Rin was five. Rin was very smart and unanimously thought to be the most adorable little girl in the world. She, like her older brother, was a hanyou and had little dog-ears on top of her head but she had black ears and hair where her brother had silver. She had gold eyes and a cute round-ish jaw length haircut.
Kagome and Inuyasha had just entered the family room of his house when Rin came running in and jumped right into her brother's arms. Inuyasha caught her with ease and swung her around and Rin giggled. Kagome watched as she had hundreds if not thousands of times before, admiring the loving relationship between little sister and big brother. She smiled. `He fits the role of happy little father so well.' Kagome realized what exactly it was she had thought but decided there was no harm in thinking it because it was true, he was very fatherly. Inuyasha had stopped spinning Rin around and now was holding her with his arms underneath her to form a seat while her little arms were around his neck.
“Piggyback ride.” She said. No greeting, no nothing just `piggyback ride'. Rin had the cutest little girl voice too.
“Piggyback ride?” He questioned.
“Piggyback ride!” She said again nodding her head and bouncing a bit in his arms.
“Oh, okay.” He couldn't deny his little sister much. Kagome who had been watching the whole thing spoke up.
“Not fair he hasn't given me a piggyback ride in a long time. You really do have him wrapped around your little finger don't you Rin?” The little girl turned and quickly moved from her brothers arms to Kagome's awaiting ones.
“Yep.” She answered happily.
“What have you been teaching her?” Inuyasha asked Kagome.
“Nothing. And why is it always me that's teaching her things? It could be your mother. Anyway little girls are born knowing these things, knowing how to get what they want.” She said matter-of-factly.
“Great.” Inuyasha muttered sarcastically.
“Piggyback ride.“ Rin piped up.
“Yeah, piggyback ride.” Kagome added. She and Rin glanced at each other and turned their heads back to look at Inuyasha. Rin pressed her right cheek to Kagome's left cheek. Then they both pouted and tried to look cute. `Damnit.' Inuyasha sighed. They were always working together against him. And he knew he was doomed forever to have his little sister and best friend conspire against him. He shook his head.
“You two are going to be the death of me.” He took Rin from Kagome's arms and placed her on Kagome's back, pulling Kagome's left arm behind her to support Rin. He then crouched down in front of Kagome and reached his right arm behind him to grab Kagome's free arm and wrap it around his neck. Holding Kagome by the underside of her knees and thighs he stood up and began walking around being carefully to not slam Rin's head into the upper part of the doorframes.
Spring had come after a long cold winter and it was warm enough to go outside with out a jacket. Which is where Inuyasha found himself; outside, continuing Kagome and Rin's piggyback ride. He made his way into the back yard where his human mother and dog demon father sat on the porch which was located on the back of the house. Inuyasha walked until he was standing in front of his parents who were looking at the three of them questioningly. Rin took one arm from around Kagome's neck and waved, her parents smiled and waved back at her.
“What's going on?” Asked Inuyasha's father.
“It seems that Kagome and Rin have mistaken me for a popular form of public transportation.” Inuyasha answered in false annoyance.
“Well, I'm glad to see that you're all having fun.” He smiled lovingly at his son and his daughter and his son's best friend. Kagome thought Inuyasha's parents were two of the most wonderful people in the world, they always made her feel welcome, as if she not only belonged with her own parents and little brother but like she belonged in their family too. Rin was getting sick of all this standing around.
“Mush!” Inuyasha's eye twitched and Kagome tried desperately not to burst into hysteric laughter, as did Inuyasha's parents. Inuyasha's eye twitched again. He was not some Alaskan sled dog, thank you very much.
“Oh no you did not just say that.” Inuyasha warned. With that Kagome couldn't hold the laughter in anymore.
“Yes she did.” Kagome managed out while laughing some more before pressing her face into Inuyasha's shoulder in an attempt to calm herself. As for Inuyasha's parents, his mother had her hand covering her mouth to try to stop the laughter from escaping, while her mate bit his bottom lip, fangs peeking out, trying to surpress his.
“Inuyasha this is getting boring, mush!” Standing around doing nothing was very boring. Inuyasha turned his head around to glare at his little sister as best he could from that position.
“You're one dead little runt you know that?”
After Inuyasha had calmed down from the whole `mush' incident he and Kagome had spent the rest of the afternoon playing with Rin. The three of them were in the playroom/TV room in the basement and there was about a half an hour before sunset. Kagome sat on the couch as Inuyasha and Rin preformed, what were in Kagome's mind, minor acrobatic feats. Currently Inuyasha stood with his hands held out flat palm side up while Rin stood straight one foot on each hand with out swaying or holding on to anything. Kagome was thoroughly amazed. Not only could Rin actually do something like that but it also showed just how much she trusted her older brother to catch her if she were to fall. Everyone knew Rin thought of Inuyasha as some strong powerful superhero and Inuyasha tried very hard to live up to that. Now as Rin stood on Inuyasha's hands he asked her questions. Inuyasha loved showing off how smart his little sister was, he was very proud of her. He had asked her a lot of hard math questions, well hard math problems for a kindergartener but, now he was asking her no-brainer fun questions, Kagome continued to watch.
“What's your name?” Inuyasha smiled knowing how the little girl would react.
“My name is Rin you silly puppy.” She rolled her little golden eyes. Again with the cute little voice. Kagome giggled a little. There were only two people that could get away with calling him puppy and they were Rin and Kagome, oh, and some times his mother, so three people.
“How old are you?” He asked.
“I'm five.” Rin said proudly holding up five fingers.
“Who do you love?” He always liked hearing her answer this question.
“I love my big brother.” She said happily and Inuyasha smiled from ear to ear. Kagome admired how open Rin was with her feelings, if she didn't like something she told you, if she liked it she said so.
“Who does your big brother love?”
“Kagome.” With that one word answer most of the color drained from Inuyasha's face and his gold eyes widened. He pulled his hands out for under Rin's feet and caught her under the arms and he held her at arms length.
“What?” The little girl nodded fiercely.
“You love Kagome I heard you say it and you said you want her to be your mate too.” Oh shit. If she hadn't been his little sister Inuyasha would have ripped her into tiny little pieces. Inuyasha looked at his little sister one more time before pulling her closer to him and walking towards the bottom of the basement stairs.
“I think you've said enough runt.” Rin looked over his shoulder at Kagome who was now standing in front of the couch shocked.
“Kagome I heard him, I'm telling the truth.” Kagome quickly made her way towards Inuyasha and took Rin from him and walked the rest of the way to the bottom of the stairs. Inuyasha had stopped and turned his back to them crossing his arms.
“Rin when did you her Inuyasha say these things?” Kagome asked carefully.
“A few weeks ago and he was in his room all alone.” Rin said as if she thought no one would believe her. She looked at her big brothers back and her eyebrows came together. “Is he mad at me?” She asked in a very sad way.
“No he's just being Inuyasha, you know how he can act some times.” A signature `Feh' was heard from Inuyasha's direction. The little girl nodded. Kagome set Rin's feet on the stairs. “Now go upstairs and don't say anything about what you told me and Inuyasha okay and if your mom asks why you came up say that we were getting boring okay?”
“Okay.” Rin agreed and ran up the stairs opening and closing the door at the top. Kagome took a few steps toward Inuyasha. She could tell just by looking at his back he was upset and she didn't really want to set him off.
“Maybe I should go home now and we can talk about this later.” She stepped back toward the stairs. Inuyasha spun around and barely looked at her before grabbing her arm and pulling her up the stairs.
“No we'll talk about it now!” He sounded as if her were on some rampage and she tried to calm him down and keep him from going and thrashing Rin.
“Inuyasha don't be mad she's just a little girl and you know how little girls imagine things, remember some of the far out crap we came up with when we were her age? Please don't be mad at her.” At this point she was being dragged up the second set of stairs obviously towards his room. Once they were in his room he turned and locked the door behind them, he let his fist connect to the wall and his forehead rest against the door with a sigh. All of his anger and steam had left him. He started to speak in a quite tone.
“I never said I was mad at Rin and I never said that she made up anything either.” He paused. “Of all the things she could have blabbed she had to blab this.” He brought his head away from the door a little bit only to bring it back against the door with force. “I should staple her lips shut.” He sighed again. “Of all the things, of all the things.” He had yet to really look at Kagome since Rin had blurted out his not so little secret. Kagome didn't know what to think or how to react. The phrase `She had to blab this' meant that what Rin had said was indeed true and it made her feel wonderful, but she fumbled for words.
“So… that's how you really feel?” She just had to make sure she was right. She was known for jumping to conclusions sometimes and she really didn't want this to be one of those times. Inuyasha nodded and turned around leaning against the door and looked directly at Kagome.
“Yes. I love you Kagome.” His gaze switched to the carpet and he wiggled his toes in the soft fibers a little. He watched as Kagome's bare feet got closer to his and he prepared himself and his heart for the worst. He had never really had his heart out on the table in such a way before. He had never really let it be so far out in the open. Except for his feelings for Rin but she was a safe bet because she was his little sister. Nothing could really terminate the love he had for her or the love Rin had for him, it was engraved in stone, but this with Kagome could easily be stomped on and broken into a million little pieces. Once again Kagome's bare feet got closer to his.
“I love you too Inuyasha.” She said. Inuyasha brought his head up so fast to look at her he nearly smacked the back of his head into the door.
“What?” He hadn't realized how close Kagome had gotten. Kagome shook her head a little. `Does he ever fully listen to anything?' She thought.
“I said that I love you.” She gave him a tentative smile. And in a sudden rush of happiness on Inuyasha's part he hugged her and lifted her feet off the floor. Kagome blinked a few times before smiling and returning the hug. Finally setting Kagome back on her feet Inuyasha smiled at her like there was no tomorrow. Inuyasha and Kagome carefully leaned in and kissed. The kiss changed and deepened and they both silently agreed that they could enjoy things like this for many years to come. They ended the kiss and Inuyasha couldn't help but smile.
“I liked that a lot.” He stated and Kagome agreed. There was a pause before Kagome spoke.
“And you want me to be your mate?” It was both a question and a statement. Inuyasha blushed. Being mates implied certain other more intimate things too.
“Yes, in the future that is if you would agree to that when the time comes.” He hated how his cheeks had the ability to become a bright fire truck red even though his favorite color was red.
“Hey, don't be embarrassed I think that I could be most agreeable to becoming your mate when we're ready to.” She gave him a reassuring smile and it made him feel better and less of a pervert to have thought such a thing. Then they both heard the loud click of the door being unlocked and still with their arms around each other they looked towards the door. It opened to reveal Rin. Being the crafty little five year old she was, Rin had taken a Q-tip and pulled the fuzz off one end and inserted it into the little hole in the outside door handle successfully unlocking the door.
“When you and Kagome become mates does that mean Kagome will be my sister?” She asked innocently as if she hadn't just picked the lock on Inuyasha's bedroom door. It was obvious that she had been listening to every word that had been said. Inuyasha let go of Kagome and grabbed his stapler off his desk and turned to face Rin.
“That's it. I'm stapling her lips shut and her hands to a wall somewhere.” He said jokingly holding the stapler. Rin squeaked and turned running down the hall toward the stairs dropping the Q-tip. Inuyasha followed stapler in hand and Kagome chased after them.
“She's just a little girl she didn't mean anything.” She said participating in their little game knowing that when Rin was caught she was only in danger of a tickling. As Kagome hurried down the stairs she had one thought. `Thank goodness for little mouths that blab.'