InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Live and Let Die (Part 3): Learning To Deal ❯ On Edge ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the wonderful genius Rumiko Takahashi. Any original characters do belong to me.
AN: Thanks much for the reviews left so far. I read each and every one of them, and greatly appreciate the time you took to leave one.
Live and Let Die: Learning to Deal
Chapter 10: On Edge
Mama and Souta arrived at the hospital the next morning to see if they were going to release Kagome as was expected. They heard something of a ruckus coming from the girl's room, including cursing from an irate hanyou, and so they practically ran down the hall. They were more than a little surprised at the scene in front of them.
InuYasha was standing protectively in front of Kagome, and clearly was not letting the nurse that was trying to administer a shot to his mate near her. The nurse looked a bit disheveled, like she had been knocked down, or at least roughly pushed away.
“What is going on here?” Mama asked when she walked into the room.
“He…he…he…he won't let me give her this painkiller shot that she is supposed to have! Maybe you can talk some sense into him!”
About that time another nurse appeared with a security guard. Mama noticed something else that would really escalate this situation in a hurry; InuYasha's demon markings were slowly becoming visible on his cheeks as he became more agitated.
Mama remained calm and moved next to the bed in front of InuYasha. “InuYasha, why will you not let them take care of Kagome?”
“Because she just had one of those shots before daylight! Another lady came in and gave her one and said that the first was starting to wear off. It ain't been long enough since then. I tried to get her to check that thing that the other lady wrote on, but she refused!” InuYasha pointed at the chart hanging from the end of the bed as he spoke. “And look how Kagome has slept through all of this. I don't think she should have another one of those!”
During all of this, Souta had moved to InuYasha's side and took the nearest hand when he quit waving it around.
“Ridiculous!” the nurse in question exclaimed. “She is supposed to have another painkiller at seven a.m., plain and simple! That girl just sleeps soundly is all!”
“She doesn't sleep that soundly!” InuYasha yelled back.
Mama looked at the disconcerted hanyou and the nurse as she said, “Why don't we get the doctor in here before we do anything? InuYasha is right. It normally takes a lot less than this to wake my daughter up.” She had to admit that now she was a bit worried.
The nurse that brought the security guard in ran back out in search of the doctor on duty for the floor. Fortunately, he had already heard the disturbance in the room and was coming to see for himself what was going on. A third nurse was following right behind him.
“What is going on in here?” the doctor demanded as he came into the room.
“I came in here to give this patient her painkiller injection and he refused to let me! I want him thrown out for pushing me down! I was just trying to do my duty!” the first nurse shouted as she gestured wildly and pointed at InuYasha.
“Do not yell in my presence,” the doctor stated as he reached for the clipboard that contained Kagome's chart, and then asked InuYasha, “Why will you not let her give this young lady the shot? It will only ease the pain from her injuries.”
InuYasha had calmed down in the presence of Mama and Souta, and the fact that the doctor actually asked him made him feel like maybe he would be listened to this time. Plus, the nurse who had given Kagome the shot was the one that had come in behind the doctor.
He pointed towards the third nurse and stated, “That lady came in and gave Kagome one of those shots just before daylight when she was starting to moan like she was in pain. She said that the one from last night was wearing off and that it would help her sleep. She checked that thing you're holding before she gave it to her, and then wrote on it afterwards. It hasn't been nearly as long this time as it was during the night, `cause no one gave her anything last night. They came in and checked on her, but nothing else. I don't think Kagome should have another. And I didn't mean to push her down. I was just trying to keep her away and she refused to back off.”
The doctor glanced back down at the chart in his hands after InuYasha had finished speaking. Looking over the pages attached to the clipboard, his eyes stopped when he landed on the last entry. He spun around and addressed the nurse that tried to give Kagome the shot. “Nurse, did you check this chart before you tried to give the patient that injection?”
“I…I…I had it on my schedule to come in and give Higurashi Kagome a painkiller at seven o'clock,” the nurse responded.
“I asked you, did you look at this chart?” the doctor reiterated.
The nurse looked at the floor as she answered, “No.”
“This young man is right. She had a painkiller administered through her drip less than two hours ago. You could have killed her if you had given her that. Go to your station and remain there until I send for you,” the doctor stated. “Guard, follow her and make certain that she stays there.”
The second nurse followed the guard out since it did not appear that she was needed, and the third nurse who had been in early that morning stayed and moved next to Kagome's side along with the doctor.
The doctor took his stethoscope and listened to Kagome's heartbeat and breathing. Somehow, Kagome was still sleeping through all of this.
“Your daughter appears to be sleeping soundly. Her heartbeat and breathing are regular and unlabored. Her body is still replenishing the blood that she lost, but she appears to be doing very well. Young man, you were very observant and while I disapprove of your methods, I can see that the nurse was stubborn and refused to listen to you. She should have checked the chart before she tried to administer any drugs. She will be disciplined for her actions. Nurse, I must continue on my rounds. Please remove the bandages to check the patient's stitches and then redress her wounds; call me back if you need me for anything. She will probably sleep through it all since that is a side effect of this particular painkiller. It looks like the injuries she received were deep, and they chose this one to help her sleep quietly so that she would not thrash around and tear anything open,” the doctor told them. “Young man, you will not interfere while she checks her injuries, will you?”
InuYasha shook his head. “I just wanted someone to listen to me before they gave Kagome another of those painkiller things. I didn't think it would be good for her.”
“All right then. I will leave you to it,” he said to the nurse as he handed her the chart and exited the room.
The nurse looked at InuYasha and said very softly, “I need to remove her gown and look at her injuries as well as give her a sponge bath to clean her up some. Would you mind taking the boy out of the room? He really shouldn't be here for this.”
InuYasha looked at Mama and knew she would be there, plus he felt more comfortable with this nurse who had at least checked the chart thing before giving shots to Kagome. He nodded and felt Souta tug at his hand.
“Wait,” Mama said. “InuYasha, I know that you must be hungry, and Souta didn't get much breakfast since we came so early.” She rummaged around in her purse and pulled out some cash, which she gave to Souta. “Souta, you need more to eat. Go with InuYasha to the cafeteria and buy something for both of you for breakfast. I'm sure this is going to take a few minutes.”
“Okay,” Souta replied as InuYasha answered, “Keh.” Together, they left the room.
~ ^~^ ~
Kaede and Sesshomaru walked through the fog together, following the soul collectors that they knew would lead them to Kikyou. They found her on the outskirts of the village, hidden by a clump of trees. She came out to meet them as the pair approached.
“Little Sister, you would not come alone?” the undead miko asked. She had not expected Sesshomaru to show up with Kaede.
“This Sesshomaru wishes to hear of your intentions. You will not disrupt plans that are already in place.”
“What do you mean? I came to destroy Naraku when he finally shows himself. He went to a great deal of trouble to ensure that we all journeyed here,” Kikyou responded.
“What do you mean, you will destroy Naraku? You have had ample opportunities to do so if you wished, but it appears that you aided him at times instead,” the Taiyoukai replied.
“Kikyou, how do you think you can destroy him alone? He has become too powerful for any one person to do it. It will take a combined effort,” Kaede finally spoke.
“Humph,” Kikyou grunted. “I only helped him in order to try and complete the jewel. Once the whole Shikon no Tama is in his possession, I can purify it and send him to Hell. I am the one that must do this.”
“What do you mean, Miko?” Sesshomaru asked.
“I mean that Kaede was right the last time I saw her. If I had heeded her warnings, Naraku may have never come to exist. It is my fault that he is here, and therefore I am responsible for banishing him. The rest of you need not interfere,” Kikyou answered.
“It is not that simple, Kikyou, and you know it,” Kaede said quietly. “Everyone that has gathered here has had their lives changed by him in some way. Sango lost her entire family and village; Houshi has the cursed Kazaana in his hand. I understand the wolf youkai lost a large number of his pack to Naraku. And though I do not know how, I know that he must have affected Lord Sesshomaru in some way as well, since he also seeks him. You know what happened to InuYasha and to yourself, and Kagome is here for whatever reasons that fate brought her through the well to us. You had no way of knowing that Onigumo would do what he did. What would you have done differently? How would you have stopped him short of letting him die?”
“Still, it is my responsibility. No one else has the power that I do,” Kikyou stated.
“That is where you are wrong, Miko,” Sesshomaru told her. “The little miko has far more power than you know of, and even your own sister has more than you give her credit for. You may be powerful, but you are not the strongest. In the end, I believe the little miko will be the key to defeating Naraku. She has the will to do so, where this Sesshomaru is not certain that you do.” Sesshomaru surprised even himself as he stated that. He was not one to admit that he may not be able to defeat Naraku alone.
“Humph. What can she do? That girl is completely untrained and cannot even erect a barrier to protect herself.” Kikyou snorted.
“Actually, she can, as Lord Sesshomaru can attest to. She threw him quite a distance when she erected her barrier,” Kaede responded. “You should not underestimate her. She is still learning to control her powers, but she can do it.”
Kikyou furrowed her brow. “What do you mean? She does not have that kind of power. I could not even do that.”
“I know, but I saw it for myself. She thought Lord Sesshomaru was threatening InuYasha, and erected a barrier with such force it hurled him across the clearing by the Bone-Eater's Well,” Kaede commented.
“And she did not purify him? Is that because she is no longer pure?” Kikyou said with disgust.
“It was not her intent,” Kaede stated. “Lord Sesshomaru has been helping them. She was startled, that was all. The child erected the barrier to protect herself and InuYasha, not to purify anyone. If she had done that, she could have purified the youki of her own mate as well. That is not something Kagome would willingly do.”
“But if she purified his youki, it would make him human, and therefore acceptable,” Kikyou responded. She did not add, `if he survived.'
“Only to you, Kikyou. I do not truly understand the relationship the two of you had, but it was nothing like that which he has with Kagome. She has earned his trust, and his love. And she loves him as a hanyou, which is something that you could never have allowed yourself to do,” Kaede said, and then added, “I understand that you have come here hoping to fight Naraku. But if you try to interfere with what Lord Sesshomaru, Houshi, and I are trying to accomplish, then I must ask that you leave.
“You must leave Kagome and InuYasha alone. They are mates now, and belong together. They have each become stronger because of it. I do not understand all of the changes that have taken place, which is one reason Lord Sesshomaru is here. Do not come to the village if you plan to create trouble for them. If you wish to assist us, then you may do so if they will allow it. You are my sister, and I will always love you, but this is my village now, and I must consider what is for the best,” Kaede concluded.
Kikyou would have sighed if she had needed air to breathe. She knew that everything Kaede told her was true, and had even been thinking about some of those very things on the way here. However, passing by the cave where she had nurtured Onigumo, added to the other painful memories brought about due to the bandit's greed, had stirred up her feelings of resentment, and even hatred, for InuYasha and Kagome again. Seeing InuYasha's youkai brother, who had aided the couple, only incited the flame. The undead miko recognized that she would be no better than Onigumo if she allowed her dark feelings to drive her.
“I will not cause any trouble and will aid you if I can, if they will allow it. I am not staying very close to the village because I still have Kohaku with me. I am not certain how things will go if he comes too near to his sister. He is not prepared to face her yet, and I will not force him. But I do want to be close by if Naraku makes an appearance,” Kikyou replied.
“Well, we are not certain when we will be ready to begin their training again. Kagome was hurt when she and InuYasha were attacked by a hoard of youkai. He took her home through the well and we have not heard anything as of yet. We hope that he will come and tell us how the child is doing, but all we can do is wait. I will let you know when we receive any news,” Kaede said and then turned to find the Taiyoukai gone. “Where did Lord Sesshomaru go?”
“He disappeared after I promised not to create any trouble,” Kikyou informed her.
“He must consider your word as good, then. That was his reason for coming with me. I guess he heard what he needed to hear,” Kaede offered. “Now, will you tell me more of what you know, and where you have been?”
“If you will do the same,” Kikyou told her.
“Agreed,” Kaede responded, as they sat down together to discuss whatever scraps of information they had been able to gather about Naraku.
~ ^~^ ~
“Do you know where we are going?” InuYasha asked Souta as they walked through the corridors.
“Yeah, we came right by the cafeteria on the way in. It's just down here.” He indicated the direction by pointing down the hall they were currently in.
InuYasha's stomach gave a loud rumble when he finally smelled food mixed in with all of the scents of the hospital. Souta just giggled and practically dragged the hanyou towards the cafeteria.
“So how were those scrubs last night?” Souta asked.
“The clothes, were they comfortable? Mama has yours to change in to when we go back to the room.”
“Keh, they were okay. And thanks for this hat, it was better than the other one for the night,” InuYasha told him. He was still wearing the surgical cap he wore during the night since it was lighter on his ears.
Souta and InuYasha went through the line and picked out their breakfast. InuYasha was thrilled to find that they had noodles with beef at this time of the morning, and Souta decided soup and rice would be enough for him since he did have some cereal before leaving home. They took their trays and sat down to eat.
They were enjoying their breakfast in relative quiet other than the murmurs from the others around them, and the sounds of InuYasha slurping at his noodles rather noisily. He didn't realize just how hungry he was until he had the food in front of him. However, the silence was broken when they heard, “Souta, is that you?”
InuYasha would have sworn that Souta actually groaned when he spotted two of Kagome's friends coming towards them.
“What are they doing here?” Souta said, only loud enough for InuYasha to hear. It was Ayume and Eri.
“Souta, Souta! What are you doing here? And is that InuYasha?” Eri asked.
“Yeah, if you both are here, did something happen to Kagome? Did she have another relapse?” Ayume asked. “We thought home schooling was supposed to help her recover.”
Souta responded, “Well, Mama is with her and they ran us out of the room, so we don't know what's going on. What are you two doing here?”
“We volunteer for credit at school. We come up here two mornings a week plus Saturdays,” Eri told him. She had walked up behind InuYasha and had casually rested her hand on his shoulder.
InuYasha wasn't sure what to do. This was Kagome's friend, so he couldn't just gut her. He smelled the spike in her scent as she approached him, and knew exactly what it meant. The hanyou had smelled it before in his presence, but thought it was because of the twins they were looking for in the store. This time, however, he knew that it wasn't. His initial reaction was to shrink away from her, hoping she would get the hint and move her hand from his shoulder. Instead of removing it, she dropped it so that she could rub his back, instead.
Ayume wasn't stupid; she could tell what Eri was up to. “Come on, Eri, we have to check in, if we want to get credit for the day,” she told her, before she said to the boys, “Well, maybe we'll see you later. Say `hi' to Kagome for us.”
“We will,” Souta responded as InuYasha said, “Keh.”
InuYasha released a huge sigh of relief as they watched the girls' backs while they walked away.
Ayume hissed in Eri's ear as they headed out of the cafeteria, “What do you think you're doing? You know he is supposed to marry Kagome when she is finished with school.”
“Hey, I haven't seen any ring on her finger. And Kagome is such a little prude, I bet she hasn't even given him decent head, much less fucked him good. Kami, I'd like to fuck his brains out. Can you believe how hot he is? He's wasted on Kagome,” Eri replied, and she wasn't really trying to keep quiet about it. “As far as I'm concerned, he's fair game until they are married.”
“First those twins, and now her,” the hanyou muttered as they got up to put their trays on the conveyor belt. He had overheard everything the two had said.
“What?” Souta asked.
“Nuthin',” InuYasha responded. However, he was starting to think the old man had the right idea. Maybe they shouldn't wait so long to get married. If one of Kagome's own friends made a pass at him, what were the guys at her school doing when she had to go in for those tests? The hanyou continued to ponder these things as they walked back to Kagome's room.
Souta held his hand out to stop him and knocked on the door first. “She might not be decent yet,” he told the hanyou.
“Huh?” InuYasha was confused. Kagome was one of the most decent beings he had ever known.
“Clothes, she might not be dressed yet,” Souta told him.
“Oh,” InuYasha stated. That was the reason they had sent him and Souta out of the room to begin with.
Mama answered the door and opened it to allow them back in. Kagome was sitting up and smiling, and looked much better.
InuYasha moved to her side, and tucked the blanket around a part of her bare leg that was hanging out. “You look much better. Do you feel better?” he asked with concern.
“Yeah, I do. They were thinking about keeping me another night so that they could leave the drip and make certain I didn't tear anything apart. However, the nurse said that I am healing really well, and that I might be able to go home this afternoon, after all. She was surprised when I woke up while she was changing my bandages. I guess whatever they gave me was supposed to help me sleep without pain,” the miko told him.
“That's what they said. You slept through a lot,” Mama joined in. “We were both surprised when you jolted awake like that. It has only been a few hours since they gave you that last shot.”
“It's her blood,” InuYasha said softly as he leaned in to his mate and took a deep breath. “It's cleansing everything from her system they've given her that she does not need. She's starting to heal even faster.”
“Really? The nurse commented on how fast my cuts were mending. I so hope I can go home and sleep in my own bed tonight,” Kagome commented.
“Keh,” InuYasha agreed.
“Oh, InuYasha, I have your clothes here if you would like to change back into them,” Mama told him.
The hanyou nodded his thanks and took his clothing from her and went into the bathroom to change. He left the surgical cap with the scrubs and put on the baseball hat before he went back out, for he heard voices in the room and knew that they were no longer alone.
“InuYasha! You didn't tell us that Kagome was hurt and had to have stitches,” Eri said as he came out of the bathroom. “I know she's a klutz, but how did that happen?”
“Eri! Don't be rude!” Ayume exclaimed. “I'm sorry, Kagome. We were surprised to see Souta and InuYasha in the cafeteria. They didn't tell us what had happened.”
InuYasha muttered under his breath that it was because it wasn't any of their business. He went to the opposite side of the bed to stand next to Mama.
“What are you girls doing here, anyway?” Kagome asked.
Ayume explained how they volunteered for school credit while Eri tried to work her way around next to InuYasha. InuYasha moved so that Mama was between him and Eri.
Mama made a mental note to herself to find out what was going on later.
InuYasha surprised everyone, including Kagome, when he picked up her hand in one of his and brushed the hair away from her face with the other as he said, “It wasn't her fault she was hurt, and she's not a klutz. We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Ayume, hoping to dissuade Eri, said, “So, are you two still planning to get married when Kagome finishes school?”
Mama answered for them, “Yes, they do. They plan to go and get an engagement ring as soon as Kagome is well again. They were on their way when she got hurt.”
Ayume squealed, “Oh Kagome, I'm so happy for you.”
Eri half-heartedly added, “Yeah, me too.”
“Oh, don't worry, Eri. You'll find someone. You might find him standing right in front of you and not know it,” Kagome told her, thinking she was depressed because she didn't currently have a boyfriend.
Eri licked her lips as she glanced at InuYasha. “Or he just doesn't know what he's missing out on. I'm sure he'll come around.”
They were all interrupted when the nurse came running in. “We've been informed of a terrible train accident. They have asked us to clear every bed that we can. We are discharging anyone who doesn't absolutely have to be here. Miss Higurashi, I told the doctor that you are healing exceptionally well. He is writing out prescriptions for you to take with you right now, and you will be discharged shortly. You no longer require the antibiotic drip or painkillers, and you can continue your recovery at home. We will want to see you back in seven days to check your stitches. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to come back, but we do not foresee any. We hope that you understand.”
“Oh my, yes,” Mama responded. “That is absolutely terrible. And we were just saying we hoped she would be able to come home today, anyway. Is there anything that I need to know to care for her?”
“Try to wait until at least tomorrow before she takes a shower, or totally immerses in the bath. It would be better if the stitches did not become wet until everything has set for at least a full day,” the nurse responded, and then told Kagome, “Also be careful, and do not try to use the arm in a manner that pulls at your stitches. In fact, we suggest a sling to immobilize it for at least a couple of days. That will help you keep from forgetting and doing something that maybe you ought not to have done. You appear to be pretty athletic from your muscle tone, and the sling will prevent you from overusing your arm.”
“Well, girls, it looks like we will have plenty to do. Come along, now,” the nurse concluded as she left the room.
“Bye, Kagome, I hope you get better!” Ayume declared as she followed after the nurse. “Come on, Eri.”
“Well, we'll see you later,” Eri said as she tagged along behind Ayume, but looked back to bat her eyes at InuYasha.
After the door had closed behind them, Mama said, “I hate the circumstances, but I'm glad you get to come home. And what was all of that about?”
Souta had remained seated in the corner and quiet throughout the entire exchange, but he finally spoke up. “Oh, Eri was hitting on InuYasha in the cafeteria. I don't think he was too happy about it. Ayume tried to stop her, though.”
“What!” Kagome and Mama exclaimed together.
This time they heard what InuYasha was mumbling. “Fucking girl. I don't want to wait to get married if this is the kind of shit we have to put up with. We're already mates and she's saying she wants to fuck my brains out. I ain't doing that with no one but you. And if your friend is doing that, then what are those guys at school doing when you go? It ain't right. And what does a fucking ring have to do with it?”
Stunned silence met that declaration, even though InuYasha had not really meant to voice his thoughts out loud. Mama cleared her throat and said, “Well, we will discuss it after we get home. The most important thing is for Kagome to heal first. And since they are going to be sending her home soon, I think you two should go out and wait while I help her get dressed.”
“Okay,” Souta said as he took InuYasha's sleeve, since the hanyou's hands were folded into the sleeves of his haori, and led him out into the hall. When they had closed the door behind them, he told him, “Don't worry, InuYasha. I know that you didn't want Eri to do that.”
“Keh,” InuYasha responded as he leaned back against the wall.
Kagome was about ready to boil over. She couldn't believe that Eri, her friend, actually tried to hit on InuYasha. However, she was yanked from her angry thoughts when her mother said, “I hope you don't mind, dear, but I brought a yukata for you to wear home. I thought it might be more comfortable to get in and out of until your arm is better.”
“Thanks, Mama. Did you happen to bring me any underwear? I'm pretty bare under here.”
Mama pulled a pair of panties out of the bag and held them so that Kagome could step into them. “I just brought these. I wasn't sure about a bra with the cuts on your chest.”
“I probably should go without one for a couple of days, anyway, while these cuts finish healing,” Kagome said as she ran her hand across the bandages on her chest. “They already are feeling better, though. I don't feel as sore.”
Mama held the yukata so that Kagome could slip her arms through it. She helped her tie the belt, and then picked up the sling that the nurse had left to help immobilize her arm. “All right dear, are you ready to let the boys back in?” she asked when everything was in place.
“Yeah, you'd better hurry before Eri comes back and hits on InuYasha again.” The thought of it made Kagome steaming mad again.
InuYasha could feel his mate's anger before Mama opened the door to let them back in. “What is it, Kagome?” he asked quietly, though he thought he knew why she was upset.
“It's just that I can't believe that Eri would do that! I thought she was my friend!” the miko exclaimed. “Besides that, it's just flat out bad manners!”
InuYasha wrapped his arms around her, mindful of her bandaged arm. “You know I don't want nothin' to do with her, right?”
“Yeah, but it still makes me mad,” Kagome responded.
“Maybe Jijii had the right idea, maybe we shouldn't wait so long to get married,” InuYasha said softly. “You're my mate and we should make sure everyone knows it. Do we really have to wait?”
They were interrupted as the doctor knocked and entered the room. “I hope you understand the necessity of your early release. Our emergency room is already overflowing and we need every bed we can free up. Miss Higurashi, you are doing very well and there is no need for you to spend another night here. The nurse said that she gave you instructions regarding your stitches, and here are the prescriptions for your antibiotics and a painkiller if you need one to sleep. Now, do you have any questions for me?” The doctor asked as he continued to scribble on her chart and signed Kagome's discharge paperwork.
Mama and Kagome both shook their heads, as the doctor handed the prescriptions to Mama.
“All right then. Everything has been taken care of. You are free to go and we will see you in about a week to check those stitches. In the meantime, keep that arm immobilized for at least two days so that you do not rip anything apart. My pager number is on the card that I gave you. Do not hesitate to call if anything comes up. Now, if you will excuse me, I have more patients to see,” the doctor concluded.
“Thank you,” Mama and Kagome said together, and then Mama asked, “Well, are you ready to go home?”
“Yeah, I am. Let's get out of here,” Kagome said as she took InuYasha's hand while her mother took Souta's. Together, they left the hospital and headed back home.
~ ^~^ ~
Miroku and Sango were headed along the path that led back to the river. They had eaten some of the boar for breakfast, but now wanted to go find Kouga to see if they could get him to tell them anything else. They had managed to convince Shippou to stay with Rin, since they really didn't want any children present when they talked to the wolf prince.
They walked side by side, but when Miroku reached over to take Sango's hand, she pulled away from him. Puzzled, wondering what he could have done, the monk the transferred his staff to the hand nearest the slayer so he wouldn't be tempted to reach out and grab her rear.
Sango was in a surly mood this morning. They had awakened to discover that she and the monk were curled up together, and that Kaede was already gone. Shippou had taken one look at her and practically run out of the hut, dragging Rin along with him. They had eaten mostly in silence, rather than with the usual banter they exchanged with each other in the morning. It really wasn't very hard for them to convince Shippou and Rin to stay at the hut and wait for Kaede's return. Shippou had quickly nodded in agreement and told Sango they would let Kaede know where they were when she returned.
Feeling like everyone knew what was going on but her, Sango was currently pissed at the rest of the group. She didn't know what had happened to Kagome, she didn't know why the others were not more concerned that InuYasha had apparently gone through the well transformed, and she hated feeling useless other than as a baby-sitter while the others were working with the couple. On top of that, she felt used. Miroku had made a few more mild attempts to be with her, but didn't pursue it when she pushed him away. What did he think, that she was easy to get? First she was mad at him for trying, and then she was upset because he didn't try harder.
Miroku glanced over at Sango as they continued walking towards the river. He was really perplexed as to what he should do. She had pushed away his advances when he wanted to be with her again, but then seemed angry because he didn't continue to try. But when he did, she hit him, so he decided he wouldn't push his luck. The monk knew that she was upset about her brother, and also about Kagome, but didn't know what he could have done to make her upset with him. Heaving a deep sigh, he just glanced over at her before pressing on ahead.
Kouga knew they were approaching and came to meet them before they reached the rest of his pack members. They had not really said a lot the evening before. He knew they were hiding something from him regarding the miko, and also knew they did not ask the questions they really wanted to because of the children that were present. In addition, everyone was uncomfortable in front of Lord Sesshomaru. No one wanted to accidentally offend him in some way.
“Hey,” Kouga addressed them as he appeared on the path in front of them.
“Kouga, just the man we wanted to see,” Miroku told him.
“Yeah, Kouga. What were you not telling us last night?” Sango bit out.
“Sango, you know there are some things he may not have wanted to say in front of Rin and Shippou. Am I right, Kouga?” Miroku countered.
Kouga scratched an ear as he contemplated what to tell them. Should he offer up information first and then see if they would tell him where Kagome and the mutt had disappeared to, or tell them he wouldn't until they did?
The wolf decided to test the waters. “If I tell you what I know, will you tell me where Kagome and the mutt went?”
Sango sighed and looked at the ground while Miroku shook his head and answered, “We cannot, Kouga. That is something that Kagome will have to tell you herself, if she wants you to know. I hope you understand that we have been entrusted with information that we cannot reveal. We were hoping you could tell us something because we are both concerned about Kagome and InuYasha. Come on, Sango. We should go back.”
“He knows something, Houshi. Why will you not tell us, Kouga?” Sango spat.
“Whoa, I didn't say I wouldn't tell you. I just was hoping to get some information in return,” Kouga said. Sango was scary when she was angry, and the slayer was already irritable.
Miroku glanced at the slayer at her outburst. What in the world was the matter with her? Being separated from Kagome must be trying on her. Normally she had another girl with her when she needed someone to talk to, and she hadn't had that lately. However, the look on Kouga's face told Miroku that maybe he did have some idea of what it was. He would have to try and ask - later.
“What can you tell us, Kouga?” Miroku asked him.
“Well, mutt face let Kagome get hurt, and it looked like she lost a lot of blood,” Kouga started.
“We know that!” Sango interrupted.
“Let him finish,” Miroku said before the slayer did any more damage.
“We found Keikaiyari's body. Well, what was left of it…” the ookami prince said.
“What do you mean?” the monk prodded.
“His neck had been snapped and he had been gutted,” Kouga answered.
“You mentioned that yesterday, but the way you said it…” Sango trailed off.
“InuYasha ripped a hole in his belly and yanked out his intestines and any organs he could. He did that before he broke his neck and finished him. He made him suffer an agonizing death for harming his mate,” the wolf told them.
“You mean his youkai did,” Miroku clarified.
“Yeah. I could still smell the scent of his blood lingering in the air. He's dangerous like that,” Kouga concluded.
“We know he is. I cannot believe that Kaede and Lord Sesshomaru let him by like that,” Sango said angrily.
Miroku responded, “Sango, it is not like they had any choice. And you heard what Kaede said, Kagome came to long enough for them to hear her. She trusted InuYasha like that, and we must have faith and do the same. I am certain she will be okay. I just wish that InuYasha would come back and tell us something.”
Sango took a deep breath to calm herself. She had almost said more than she should have in front of Kouga. “I am sorry, Kouga, I am just worried. Is there anything else?”
The wolf prince almost mentioned Kikyou, and then thought better of it. He knew that Sango's little brother was with the undead miko, but wasn't sure if the fragile boy was ready to see his sister yet. Considering how irritable the slayer was at the moment, perhaps it would be best to wait until Kikyou and Kohaku revealed themselves to the group. So instead he replied, “Nothing I can think of at the moment. I'll let you know if I do.”
“Thanks, Kouga,” the monk said, and then asked Sango, “Are you ready to go back?”
“Yeah, I am. Let us go. Thanks, Kouga,” Sango said. As they walked back she said, “I think I will see if Rin wants to go with me for a bath.”
“And Shippou?” the monk questioned.
“No, you can keep him. Girls only, I think,” Sango stated.
“All right, Sango. I will try to keep him occupied,” Miroku answered.
They reached the hut to find that Kaede had returned and was finally getting some of the boar for herself for breakfast. They exchanged few words as Sango picked up her bathing supplies and then took Rin with her to the river. Miroku breathed a sigh of relief when they were gone.
“What is it, Houshi?” Kaede asked him, since it was hard to miss the heavy sigh.
“I do not know what I have done to offend Sango. She appears to be angry with me,” Miroku responded.
“She is probably just concerned about Kagome,” Kaede offered.
“Naw, that's not it,” Shippou said, and then clamped his hand over his mouth. He had done it again.
“What do you mean, Shippou? Did I do something that made her angry?” Miroku asked.
“InuYasha said I'm not supposed to talk about it,” Shippou stated.
“About what, Shippou?” Kaede asked.
“They got so angry the one time I mentioned it and they heard me,” Shippou responded.
That sat in silence for a few moments, and then a light bulb went off over Miroku's head. “You mean that time-”
“Yeah, that one,” Shippou said as he nodded his head vigorously.
“So I didn't do anything to make her mad?”
“I don't think so,” Shippou answered.
“What in the world are you two talking about?” Kaede finally asked.
Shippou hopped on Kaede's shoulder and whispered in her ear.
“Ah, I understand. Is that why you did not complain when she told you to stay here while she took Rin to the river to bathe?”
Again, Shippou nodded his head. “At least it's only once a moon,” the kitsune commented.
“And she is even more irritable than usual because she is worried about both Kagome and Kohaku,” Kaede added.
“I will certainly be glad when everything returns somewhat to normal around here,” Miroku stated.
“Well, as normal as they can be, considering everything,” Kaede chuckled.
The others readily agreed.
To be continued…