InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Living a Lie ❯ New Developments ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sesshomaru waited outside the door while Kagome visited her mother inside.
Just don't hurt her” echoed in Sesshomaru's mind as he thought of the woman inside. When did I become so transparent? Just what has this woman done to me?
A throat clearing beside him caused Sesshomaru to raise his guard again as he surveyed the room.
“Lord Sesshomaru.” the disembodied voice whispered as Sesshomaru once again sought out its source.
“Jaken, I know it is you and that you are clearly hiding. Just tell me what it is you have to say.”
“Milord, you were right in your prediction that Shin would seek revenge against the Lady Kagome. He has put preparations into motion to abduct her and inflict upon her the torture his dishonor caused him.”
“When and how?” Sesshomaru's left hand clenched and unclenched at his side while poison dripped slowly from the tip of his right index finger.
“That I do not know milord. I apologize, but Shin has deemed that I am not trustworthy enough to divulge that information to until it is necessary. I can tell you he has called in aid from many different demon tribes either within the Western Territories or those that border them. He wishes solely to monitor the young mistress and learn about his competition.”
“Very well. You have done well Jaken. I am sorry you have had to serve that scum for so long, I did not expect her return to take as long as it has. I assure you though that your services will not go unnoticed, nor will your facade have to last much longer.”
“Thank you Lord Sesshomaru. I shall return to Shin now and report back as soon as I may.”
The door opening beside him caused Sesshomaru to snap back to the current situation. Exiting, Kagome took a deep breath, her eyes downcast. Seeing the acid pooled at Sesshomaru's feet, she immediately snapped her head up.
“Are you alright?” rushing forward she carefully grabbed his right wrist to draw his attention to it.
Cursing his own stupidity, Sesshomaru regained control of his powers. “No, everything is alright.” Noting her skeptical expression he attempted to change the subject. “How is your mother, is it bad?”
“No, she's fine. It's only a minor cold. It has taken her strength from her. She said that a healer has been sent for. If I had the proper training, I would be able to create a cure for her myself.”
“You will have the training soon enough. And speaking of which, we should begin yours for the day.”
“Very well.”
The two walked in silence towards the training grounds before Kagome spoke up.
“You know you can tell me if something is bothering you, you know.”
“What makes you think there is something wrong with me.”
“What you've taught me in training.”
Quirking an eyebrow at her while they walked, she continued.
“Your powers were clearly out of your conscious control back there. From what you told me that means either you would have to be in physical peril, or emotional distress - enough distress to upset you and distract your normal concentration. Also, you keep clenching your fists as we walk, you've never acted that way before.”
“Monitoring my mannerisms now are we?”
“No, just being observant of my surroundings, as you taught me as well.”
Smirking at her, he allowed his attention to return to their walk and to Jaken's news.
“Sesshomaru, I know it isn't your place, but would you be able to tell me anything about what happened between Inuyasha and Kikyo?”
“I do not know the details, and wouldn't it be his place to tell you that?”
“It would, but I fear he won't. Or if he does, it won't be the whole truth.”
“Kagome-sama” reaching his hands out to grasp her shoulders, he paused their motion and turned her to look him in the eye. “All I can tell you is to give him time. My brother may be stupid and idiotic, but he would not deceive you. What I can tell you about their previous situation is this: my brother loved her and she him, but the woman hurt him greatly. She caused him embarrassment and shame. The details are for him to tell you. I just wanted you to realize that it is not an easy conversation for my brother to have.”
A distant look appeared in Kagome's eyes as she stared off to the side. Shaking it off she turned to look at Sesshomaru, and a smile appeared on her lips.

“Thank you for telling me that. Despite what he make think, you do care about him.”
Shock flashed through Sesshomaru's eyes and as quickly as it came, it was gone.
“But don't worry, I won't tell him if you don't” winking at him, Kagome turned and continued their walk.
An interesting woman indeed. Catching up to her in two strides, the duo continued in silence until they reached the training grounds and began her training.
The afternoon came to a close as dusk approached. Kagome sat on a hill next to Sango, the two women speaking of the usual - boys, clothes, and combat. Sesshomaru stood off to the side, his thoughts lingering on his conversation with Jaken earlier.
I will have to report to father and Hiroshi as soon as I can.
“Lady Sango!” carried across the grass as the trio turned to see Inuyasha and Miroku heading their way.
“Hello Houshi-sama. What are you doing here today?”
“I came to observe Inu getting his ass kicked by his father.”
“I did not get my ass kicked. He's my father, what am I supposed to do, hurt him?”
“That's what he wants you to do little brother.” A smug and satisfied look settled on Sesshomaru's face.
“Yeah, well next time then.”
Kagome merely stared at Inuyasha as he approached. An indescribable expression lingered in her eyes, not to be overlooked by Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.
She truly cares for that bumbling oaf doesn't she? Sesshomaru thought as he understood her expression.
“Yo Kags, what's up?”
“N-nothing, I was just thinking”
Inuyasha waltzed forward and extended a hand to Kagome to help her up, Miroku mirroring the gesture to Sango - who disregarded it and got up on her own. As Inuyasha pulled Kagome up, her footing slipped and she fell into his chest, his arms immediately wrapping around her waist. Miroku and Sango knowingly looked at one another and took a few steps away from the couple as Sesshomaru stood off to the distance watching.
“Kagome, I” Inuyasha began, but cut himself off as he gazed past Kagome's head. “Kikyo?” he whispered as a figure glided along through the air on a cloud beside Hiroshi.
Pushing against him immediately, Kagome stared at Inuyasha with a fury as tears began to form in her eyes. Spinning around instantly as he saw, she gazed up in the sky and indeed saw her half-sister gliding through the air beside her father.
The two landed on a balcony that led to her parents' room. Pausing for an instant, Kikyo stared out at the group - or more pointedly at Inuyasha, before entering into the room.
“Mother.” Kagome whispered as she summoned her new found speed and sped away to her mother's side.
Rushing into action immediately, Sango and Miroku ran after her - immediately left in her dust. Sesshomaru on the other hand ran past the two humans and lifted Kagome into the air bridal style; Inuyasha still rooted the spot where he watched Kikyo disappear into the fortress.
“Lady Kagome, you need to calm down.”
“Sesshomaru! Let me go! I have to go see my mother!” Kagome bellowed as she twisted herself to a standing position in Sesshomaru's arms. Who in turn immediately lifted her off the ground a few feet and attempted to calm her.
“She is fine! You said so yourself!” he yelled, attempting to get through to her over her own struggles and cries.
“She brought her here! How could she bring that witch here!” Kagome screamed, tears pouring down her face as her strength dwindled and she allowed Sesshomaru to lower her back to the ground.
As soon as her feet touched down he spun her to face him and threw herself into his chest. By this time, Sango and Miroku had caught up. Upon seeing the couple the two turned and walked down another hallway to give them some space.
“Kagome, your sister is not a witch nor should you fear for your mother's safety. Your mother sent for her, you said so yourself earlier. Your mother sent for a healer, and whether you like it or not Kikyo is a powerful and skilled priestess.”
“But why her?! My mother's illness is not serious, there had to have been someone closer, someone else.”
“Your mother wanted it to be her. She wanted it to be her daughter.”
Kagome's sobs died down as she pulled back to look at Sesshomaru. Reaching up, Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck and embraced him.
“Thank you Sesshomaru.”
“For what Kagome?” he whispered back as he pulled her to him tighter.
“You calmed me down and kept me from making an idiot of myself. And, you called me Kagome for once.” she joked as they pulled apart and simply stared at one another, a smile lingering on both their expressions.
Sesshomaru merely stared down into her slightly red and puffy eyes as he raised a hand and brushed the trails of tears off of her face.
Off to the side in the shadows, a pair of golden eyes watched the entire interaction. Turning away, a blur of red ran off towards Shira's room and away from the couple.
“Your mother will be fine. Let's give them a moment alone. Come with me” Sesshomaru took Kagome's hand and led her off towards a section of the fortress that she had never been in before.
“Where are we?” looking around she saw that the halls mirrored those of every other hallway, with the exception of portraits hung on the wall here and there. Powerful Inu-demons stared down at the couple as the walked on.
Reaching a doorway, Sesshomaru reached into his robes and pulled out a key. Unlocking the door, he pulled it open and motioned Kagome inside. Entering into the room, her breath hitched as she gazed at bookshelves along every wall, littered with hundreds of books.
“What is this room?”
“This is my private study. No one comes in without my permission, and no one enters without me - unless I give them access.”
“Your study?”
“I've collected writings and such from many sources - humans and demons alike. Great generals, philosophers, teachers and the sort.”
“Why have you brought me here?” Kagome asked after a moment of silence as she walked about the room, gazing at the bound books and scrolls of parchment.
“I wanted you to see it. I cannot explain it Kagome, but you see past my walls - my barriers and shields. I cannot help but let you in, your kind spirit wills me to.” walking forward, he stood beside her as the two gazed at one another, merely inches apart.
Before Kagome could react, her body was pulled into his as one hand rested on her waist and the other caressed her cheek. Closing her eyes, Kagome allowed herself to lean into his touch and her own hands found their way to his upper arms, holding on to steady herself. Opening her eyes, she stared into his own as the two leaned closer until they could feel the other's breath on their lips. Their lips brushed each others in the lightest of touches - if it weren't for the rush that pumped through her veins, Kagome would have never realized it had happened. The two paused for a heartbeat, and as they began to lean into one another, a knock on the door caused them to jump apart as they regained their composure.
“Enter” Sesshomaru rasped out as he looked over and caught Kagome's gaze once more. A playful twinkle lingered in her eyes as a smirk graced her lips. Kagome turned her attention back to the door, reminding Sesshomaru they had a visitor.
“Sess, Kags. I figured I'd find you two here.” Inuyasha said as he walked in and stepped aside to allow Sango, Miroku and then finally Kikyo to enter.
“Yes well, what can we do for you little brother?”
“Dad sent me to inform you of the changes to our previous plan.”
“Changes? What changes? Is my mother alright?”
“Yeah, Shira's fine. She'll recover her strength within a week, but we cannot wait that long. The six of us will head out tomorrow.”
“The six of us?” Kagome asked, looking around the room until her gaze settled upon Kikyo. The two exchanged a glance before Inuyasha drew their attention away.
“Yes, the six of us. Father will stay here so as not to rouse suspicion from the other Inu Lords, as will your parents Kagome. Sesshomaru will finish my training and Miroku will be coming along to spar with me and help maintain watch and a secure area. Sango and Sesshomaru will continue your hand to hand combat and demon powers training for you Kagome.”
“And my miko training?”
“Mother has requested that I take up that duty” Kikyo replied quietly.
“If that is what our mother wishes, then so be it. We leave first thing in the morning I assume?”
“Yeah, first light.” Inuyasha replied, refusing to meet Kagome's gaze.
“Then I suggest we all get some rest.” Kagome stated with an air of finality as the group nodded and one by one began exiting the room.
Kagome stared at the back of Inuyasha's head as he waited for Miroku, Sango and Kikyo to head out in front of him. Refusing to look back at her, he walked out, closing the door behind him.
A growl of frustration emanated from Kagome, earning a chuckle from Sesshomaru.
“What are you laughing at?!” she spat at him as he walked over to her.
“Your lackluster attempt at an intimidating growl. You are far too petite to be growling LADY Kagome.” he replied as with a spur of the moment action, he pulled her to him once more and kissed her before either could protest.
As the initial shock washed over Kagome, she wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss with equal intensity and emotion. As the two pulled apart, Sesshomaru stared down at Kagome's lightly swollen lips as he leaned down to whisper into her ear.
“I do not know what my brother has told you of me, nor what you have come to think of me. I know that you care for my brother and I am not asking you for anything or any decision, I swear to you that I will never do anything to hurt you.” Leaning back, Sesshomaru kissed her ever so lightly once more, before lightly caressing her cheek and turning to walk to the door. Pausing as he opened the door he turned to her once more. “Goodnight Kagome.”
With that, a stunned Kagome walked over and sat upon his couch as one hand lightly touched her lips and the other rested over her still pounding heart.
So I'm an hour past my goal. Go figure it happens. I got distracted by watching Kino's Journeywith my brother. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, please review!