InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Living Weapons ❯ Discovering ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*~*Edited 01/26/07*~*
Living Weapons
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Company; they belong to Viz and Rumiko Takahashi. This is a completely fictional work and any relation to events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.
Summary: Four tools of gods - healing, destruction, wisdom, and control - are reborn on earth with no memory, but retaining their skills. At their inevitable meeting, which path will they choose?
Chapter Three: Discovery
“HENTAI!” The cry of a furious demon exterminator echoed through the room, followed closely by the pleas of the monk who had elicited such a response. Kagome leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms, watching the spectacle through amused eyes. She had been studying for a test she had the next day with Sango, before they had been rudely interrupted by the very same monk that Sango was now kicking about with renewed enjoyment. After all, it wasn't every day… okay; maybe it was every day that she could slap Miroku around for one offense or another (though mostly, it was the offense of touching her private areas, if you understand… You'd think a monk would be more correct in his behavior).
Turning, she headed back into her room to continue studying, but was suddenly stopped by a twinge slightly above her heart. This was followed closely by twinges in her arms, legs, and back, and, finally, on the base of the puppy dog ears perched on top of her head. Wait a minute! I don't know anyone who has puppy ears on top of their head, do I? Maybe Sango or Miroku will know about this. Spinning around once again, she explained what had happened to Sango. Miroku had collapsed from the effort of trying to hide from the furious taijya. Sango nodded her head once or twice, and then sat down rather abruptly to think on it. The friends thought for a few seconds before Sango looked at Kagome. “Do you remember that one time that Miroku fell down a flight of stairs and broke his arm?” Kagome nodded, once. “And you felt it and told me. Could that be what's happening now?” Kagome nodded again, agitated. “But I don't know anyone with puppy dog ears on the top of their head!”
Sango pondered this mystery for a minute. “Didn't you tell me that you thought that one rude kid you met on this first day had puppy ears?” Kagome's brain, having also reached this conclusion, jump started. Her mouth dropped open in a gape, as her eyes opened wide. “Inuyasha!” Grabbing Sango's hand and kicking Miroku as she passed to wake him up, she ran toward the door, sprinting down about thirteen flights of stairs. Miroku (still being slightly groggy) followed behind the girls who were now sprinting toward the parking lot. “Hurry up,” Kagome called back. Catching up to them, Miroku asked, “How is he?” Kagome frowned, “Broken arm, broken leg, dislocated arms, sprained wrist, broken ribs, punctured lung, cracked skull, whip lashes, and those horrid cuts on those adorable ears of his!” Miroku cursed appreciatively, “How does one manage to do that? For Kami's sake, we're on a school campus.” Kagome replied grimly, “We are, but he might not be.”
Sango was shocked, and Kagome continued her explanation. “It's Black Friday, and there are huge sales everywhere, up to 75% off, not to mention the newly released gaming systems.” Miroku nodded, “The PS3 and Nintendo Wii. I heard there were gunmen fighting over that.” He swallowed, inwardly concerned, Inuyasha was his friend, though he had been requested not to reveal that to anyone; and especially not to those to girls who were now his best friends. Miroku winced at Inuyasha's hardheaded foolishness. Without it, he wouldn't be in quite so large a mess. The wince, however, had not passed the girls unnoticed. They both stopped abruptly and spun around to face him, looking concerned. Sango, being a training demon exterminator, could have run five miles at their pace without breaking a sweat. Kagome, couldn't have matched that, but had joined the human cross country team, and was quite capable of holding her own. Miroku, on the other hand, had chosen to skip those electives, a decision he now regretted.
Kagome looked very worried, but that was no surprise. She got worried over each and ever wounded animal that was brought to her, even if she could heal it within seconds. Sango, however, also looked worried - and that was no normal occurrence. Normally she looked politely unconcerned, angry, or, if she was with Kagome, happy. Other than that… emotions are weaknesses to the taijya.
Kuso, why don't they stop? A lightning blue whip crashed against his raw back, as claws and teeth tore at the rest of his body. A wild scream tore itself from his throat. Suddenly, pink streamer wove around his attackers, capturing them, while purple darts bit into their flesh. A pink garbed demon exterminator leapt into action. For a few seconds, the demons struggled, then, as one, they left. Through a haze of pain, he felt cool hands carefully lift him up, and restrained a grunt of pain. However, when the one who carried him began to move, he could not bite back the hiss of pin. A voice reached his ears along with a lightly healing aura, “Sango?” The one who carried him replied, “Hai, Kagome!” Immediately, the aura drew even nearer, “Daijoubu?” Sango smiled at Kagome, and waved her wandering hands off, “I'm fine, no worries, okay? What have you got there?” Kagome immediately smiled at the little bundle in her arms, “He says his name is Shippou.” Sango sighed, used to the antics of her overly caring friend.
The next sound to reach his ears was a slap, followed by pleas for forgiveness. That voice is familiar… his hazy mind said, Miroku… A muffled sigh followed, and then they were moving once more.
The next hour passed in a haze as he flowed in and out of consciousness.
“Sango, here, put him down.” Sango gaped, “On your canopied bed with those brand new pearl white thousand thread count Egyptian cotton sheets and cloud blue silk blankets?” Quite unfortunately, Inuyasha chose that moment to wake up, already grumpy, muttering, “Keh! I'm a hanyou, I'll be fine. Just let me down and leave me alone.”
Kagome immediately spun around to face him, still holding Shippou, “Not with those wounds your not. What were you thinking, bakamon? You could have been killed - you could still die! Sango put him down.” Turning around once more, Kagome gently placed Shippou onto her rocking chair (complete with the absolute softest pillows in the history of the world…). Sango replied, wistfully, “But it's such a nice bed…” Miroku, recognizing the perfect time to quote the movie he had just bought, said, in true Mission Impossible III form, “And yet…” Sango dropped Inuyasha carefully onto the thousand thread count 100% Egyptian cotton sheets.
As soon as his back touched the bed, he winced, as his body moved almost convulsively. Immediately, Kagome rushed to his side and knelt, making hurried motions to Sango and Miroku for them to find her first aid kit. Lifting him up gently so that the whip wounds did not touch the bed sheets, she soothed him like she would a baby. Almost at once, the amber-eyed hanyou clamed down. Carefully, she cut off his clothes and explored his wounds. By then, some had begun to heal up. Gently, she applied cream to the wounds and bandaged them. As she set his broken arm and leg, silent tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes - one for every wince, every groan that passed his lips. For her, there was no one else in the world but the pair of them. Sango and Miroku, having seen her like this before, quietly lifted Shippou up and retreated from the room. They would return later, to pick up after Kagome after she had exhausted herself.
A wave of agony roared through me, and I bit back a moan. I could hear noting but the incessant beating of my pounding headache. And one other thing - the voice of the girl who had, however briefly, managed to break through my defenses. The girl who I had avoided for months. I should get up, I knew. I should scare her, make her fear me. And I tried, I really did. But I couldn't do it. I didn't want to see her scared face, torn by terror. I didn't want her to hate me. I couldn't bear to have her look at me the way everyone else had.
She stared across the couch at the man who had captured my heart in a few short weeks and felt nothing but a fiery anger. “Sango, dear?” She raised a single finger, denying him entrance into her heart. “No, Miroku. You lied.” Miroku shook his head, denying it despite his fear for the woman in front of him. “I didn't lie!” Sango glared at him, “No. You didn't lie. You merely hid the truth.” Miroku winced, knowing she was right. Standing, she turned away from him, and stalked out of the room. All he could do was stare at the retreating back of the woman he could never have, and wallow in misery.
A magenta-eyed tigress paced her room that night. She thought about her love, and about how much she hated him. However, it was all in vain, for, when morning came, it found her fast asleep, dreaming of her love.
Inuyasha groggily opened his eyes, wondering where he was. Looking about him frantically, pieces of his last night began to come back to him. Miroku, Kagome and Sango coming to his aid. A gang of full blooded demons attacking him in a store and dragging him to the Goshinboku. The crying of a fox demon kit that had lost his parent's to the Thunder Brothers. Kagome taking care of him last night. Mumbling incoherently, Kagome turned to face him, sleep filled eyes looking into his. A tired hand reached up to his ear, rubbing it gently. Her eyes closed again, before the girl moved lethargically to her bureau, then to the door. She yawned and glanced back at him once, then proceeded out the door.
“What,” his fuzzy brain was in turmoil. “She touched my ears! And… it felt good. No one has been that nice since okaa-san died… No! No one touches my ears! But it felt so comforting… Keh! Hanyous don't need comforting! Everyone needs comforting…” Realizing that it was a losing battle, he grudgingly allowed her to live for that one mistake. “But only her and just this once!”
Meanwhile, Kagome had finished her quick shower and was being mobbed by a tiny blob of brown fur. If that's possible, that is. I'm not quite sure if one person can be called a mob, even if he moves with the energy of twenty men. Anyhow, Shippou was hugging her with al his might, “Okaa-san!” Kagome paled, “Why the heck is he calling me mommy?” Picking him off her chest, she made him look at her, “Since when was I your mommy?” Shippou looked at her with those huge brown eyes, “My mommy died, so my daddy told me to find a new mommy! But then my daddy died, so I need to find a new daddy, too!”
Kagome didn't exactly understand, but a deep voice interrupted her thoughts. “That's how it is with fox kits. If their parents die, then the first female they see and recognize counts as their mommy, same with the first male. He has a father already, correct?” Kagome turned. Inuyasha was walking toward her, without a noticeable limp. Sadly for him, she was still carrying Shippou, and was giving him a brilliant view of his new daddy. Shippou immediately beamed at Inuyasha, “Daddy!” Inuyasha cursed - earning a glare from Kagome - and turned to head back to the bedroom. Kagome plunked Shippou down in front of a bowl of cereal, and rushed to help Inuyasha.
She led him to his bed, and made him sit, surprised that he hadn't yet pushed her away. Gently, she unwrapped the bandages, shocked. All of the open wounds had disappeared overnight, Awed, she ran careful fingers over the newly formed skin and muscle. “Wow…” she murmured. Inuyasha made his famous sound - Keh, for those of you who don't know - and turned away, saying, cockily, “I told you I'd be fine come morning!”
Kagome's fingers `accidentally' slipped and poked his broken rib and punctured lung none-too-gently. At the “oomph” that the hanyou could not hide, she smiled up at the irritated Inuyasha, who had just proven himself wrong. He turned away from her again. “I'm still all right.” Kagome just smiled even more. “Give it a few hours. You want breakfast?” When he repeated his oh-so-overused sound, she stood and walked into the kitchen she shares with Sango (which also happened to be her living and dining rooms).
Taking out a pan, oil, eggs, milk, bacon, and sausages, she set to work. Soon, she was laying the food out in three portions, along with condiments. Smiling at her handiwork, she beckoned the two seemingly half-starved boys to the table. Within seconds, all her food was gone. They are so going to eat me out of my tiny students' allowance… wait, student…
“Shoot!” Inuyasha and Shippou stared at the girl who had just sprinted into her room. She came out a second later groomed and carrying a yellow backpack. She ran out of the door, yelling back, “I've got classes until noon, help yourselves to the food.” Of course, the mere mention of classes woke Sango right up, and she rushed out the door seconds later. Inuyasha, who had been wondering how they had gotten ready so quickly, was suddenly consumed with another thought - he had a class in fifteen minutes, and he wasn't even sure where he was.
A cumulative list of profanities poured from his mouth. Shippou watched, interested, and “Are half those things even possible? And what do you want with female dogs, donkeys, and wood?” Inuyasha nearly choked on his own spit as he stared at the `innocent' little fox kit. Shaking his head at the foolishness and naïveté of the kit (he had known how to curse since he was five); he plunked a box of Frosted Flakes onto the table and rushed out of the room.
Cursing once more, he realized that he lived in the top floor on this building. He jumped up the stairs, reaching his room in record time. He threw open his door and grabbed his books on the way to the lone window adorning his wall. Opening it roughly, he jumped out -
- landing perfectly over a hundred meters down, before sprinting toward the Montgomery building, where he was to meet Professor Myouga, his teacher in the History of Demons, most of which Inuyasha suspected he had lived through. He arrived with not a second to spare, right as the bell rang. Actually, there was no bell, but her nearly crashed into the mosquito-demon who always, always, cam bumbling in right on time, with a steaming cup of coffee in one and shiny leather briefcase in the other. He walked up to the podium and took attendance, as per usual. “Hiromi, Kagura. Hiromi, Kanna.” A pink-eyed wind demoness raised her hand, as did her younger sister, a demoness who seemed to be bleached white. No one knew how that had happened.
There were, of course, rumors. Some said that Naraku Hiromi, their abusive father, had stolen all her powers, leaving her bleached a permanent white. Others said it was a side effect of some strange spell that Naraku had forced on Kanna. In most stories, Naraku had been at fault. Of course, there was always that one rumor the ditzy girls in the school spread: That Kanna had been trying to dye her hair platinum blonde and spoiled it. No one believed that one.
Myouga's monotone voice had progressed, “Kiyona, Rin.” A bouncy sophomore thrust her hand into the air. It was rumored that she was engaged to Inuyasha's brother, Sesshomarou. Inuyasha knew better - they weren't engaged (though she had a nice ring from Sesshomarou. Several nice rings, in fact.) They were mated.
Sesshomarou had finally unbent enough to realize that, because he really had no duty to an inu demoness (of which there were none, in any case) he might as well marry Rin, as they were practically in love anyhow. Which, of course, made any kids they had hanyou. This, in turn, meant that Sesshomarou had learned to be a lot nicer to Inuyasha in the last couple centuries or so. He had stopped trying to kill him about a hundred and fifty years ago, ever since Rin had told him off. He was, after all, the Inu no Taisho, Lord of the West. He had a reputation to uphold.
Inuyasha snapped back to attention. He had to learn this, despite Myouga's monotone voice and boring manner. He had to learn. For his mother.
A piece of carefully folded paper landed on top of Kagome's notebook and she picked it up. “Hey, Kago-chan! What's up? You didn't wake me this morning! ~Sango.” Kagome smiled and turned to the flip side, scrawling, “Hey Sango-chan! I'm sorry I didn't wake you - I was too busy with Shippou and Inuyasha.” Kagome waited until the teacher moved on, then tossed the paper back to Sango. Sango, reading it, made a face, then wrote, beneath Kagome's note, “How is he?” Kagome smiled at her, “Acting as if nothing ever went wrong. Which is mostly true - he is, after all, a hanyou. Still, he's a masochistically idiotic jerk. ” She tossed it back to Sango, who grinned.
She got it back a few seconds later. “Have you seen `Roku anywhere?” Kagome frowned, writing back, “I haven't seen him since I left you two alone in the living room.” Sango, upon receiving the note, snorted at the way Kagome had chosen to word it. “To the best of my knowledge, we were the ones who left you. And we had an argument. He lied to us, Kagome. About Inuyasha. They were, like, best friends.” Kagome, reading the note, was shocked. To Sango, the truth was everything. Kagome knew that, though she knew not why. That Miroku wasn't dead yet spoke of the depth of their friendship. But he did have some major groveling to do before Sango would look at him, let alone speak to him.
She turned back to their teacher in time to catch the next few words of the lecture, “As for wolf demons, they are known to be extremely friendly, especially toward other adults and their pups. However, if anyone were to touch their property or harm any of their pack-mates, ookami youkai would not hesitate to spend all their resources in the termination of the offending groups.” Kagome carefully jotted this information down.