InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ lost and found ❯ Chap: one the tiger demoness ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Lost and Found Mate
By Nekura the nekoinu
Disclaimer: I own Inuyasha and all the charters Mwhahahahahaha Inuyasha is mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one else's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA!
Chapter 1: The Mysterious neko Demon
When Demons stilled roamed the earth, there was a hanyou named Inuyasha. He had been hunting for food when he heard someone singing. He followed the sound of the voice and found out it was a female singing to her self in the forest.
“You walk away you don't hear me say, please, oh baby, don't go. Simple and clean is the way that your making me feel tonight, its hard to let it go.
You're giving me too many things lately. You're all I need any more anymore. You smiled at me and said don't get me wrong I love you but does that mean I have to meet your father? When we are older we'll understand what I meant when I said no, I don't think life is quite that simple
You walk away you don't hear me say please oh baby don't go simple and clean is the way that your making me feel tonight its hard to let it go
So simple and clean…the daily things…like this and that and what and what…that keep us all busy are confusing me, that's when you came to me and said wish I could prove I love you but does that mean I have to walk on water. When we are older than we'll understand, its enough when I say so and maybe some things are that simple.
You walk away you don't hear me say please oh baby don't go simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight its hard to let it go
Hold me what ever lies beyond this morning is a little later on regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all nothings like before.
You walk away you don't hear me say please, oh baby don't go simple and clean is the way that your making me feel tonight, its hard to let it go
Hold me what ever lies beyond this morning is a little later on regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all nothings like before
Hold me what ever lies beyond this morning is a little later on regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all nothings like before”
She had just finished singing when she noticed him, “What do you want” she hissed. Inuyasha came out and noticed she was most definitely a neko demon; she had two Black silver tipped tiger/lynx ears, short spiky silver tipped Black hair, two beautiful Silver eyes she wore a feudal era style half cut tank top and black pants like Inuyasha's red ones only more formfitting, a long black silver stripped tail hung down past her ankle. “What do you want” she hissed again
……Your voice is beautiful,” Inuyasha said.
“Thank you…I guess…may I ask your name” she asked
“Inuyasha…Yours” He replied
“Nekura” She answered
“Nice to meet you…” Inuyasha started “Nekura”
Every day they would meet and get to know each other. Later they became mates and Nekura became pregnant. But before the pup was born, Inuyasha was pinned by an arrow to the Goshinbouko tree by Kikyo. Nekura left her dagger with him then left the love of her life.
50 years later
Kagome was pulled into a well on her 15 birthday by a demon centipede and found out she was the reincarnation of a miko name Kikyo (I hate her). She freed Inuyasha and broke the shikon jewel that was in her stomach and then had to go and put it back togetherwith Inuyasha's help, of course. Kagome made new friends along the way shippo a young kitsune, sango, a demon hunter, and her neko kirara and miroku, a Perverted monk.
On their journey right after Sango joined the party.
The group was headed back to Keade's village when Shippo noticed something shining next to the Tetsaiga.
Inuyasha what's that?” He Asked.
“What?” Inuyasha replied.
“The thing next to tetsaiga” Shippo answered
“What this?” he asked as he pulled it out. It was a dagger.
“Where did you get that from?” Kagome asked.
“Well it kinda belonged to my…well my mate” They were shocked to say the least.
“why didn't you tell us that you were mated?” Kagome asked.
“It never came up I guess…I mean Myoga never said anything about it so I had no reason to tell you guys” He answered. The rest of the gang asked a few more questions, which Inuyasha briefly answered.
A month later
The group was eating their lunch when they all heard a loud cat-like howl. “What was that?” Shippo asked
“Who knows…who wants to know” Miroku replied. Then the group heard Inuyasha whisper something but couldn't understand him
“What? What did you say Inuyasha?” kagome asked
“Nekura…it's my mates name. But it couldn't be her…could it?” He replied before he raised his head back and howled back…this action startled everyone, they had never heard him howl before.
Then they hear another howl from the forest then suddenly demoness came out and pounced on Inuyasha saying his name happily then nuzzled against the crook of his neck “I thought I'd never see you again…I missed you so much” the demoness said sweetly
“I missed you too” He replied sitting up and getting her in a comfortable position on his lap.
Nekura just relaxed in his grip then she looked around at the group. “So, you're the tama hunting group. I've heard of you, If you wanna know where some shards are there's a powerful demon in the eastern lands that's said to own 8 jewel shards. Oh as for you Inuyasha you are staying by my side at all times I'm not losing you again.”
“ Thanks and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon but I do have one question.” Inuyasha said
“yes Inuyasha?” Nekura asked.
“Did the pups make it okay?” Inuyasha asked
“Yes the pups made it and are healthy,” Nekura started “speaking of which I haven't seen them in a while “
“Inuyasha since when have you had kids.” Everyone asked in union
“Since I became his mate,” Nekura Answered for him. She than got up and howled another cat-like howl. Everyone look confused except Inuyasha.
5 minuets later
Two figures came out of the forest. One of them looked exactly like Inuyasha except for the long white tail wagging behind him, he even wore the same outfit. The other one looked like a mix of both. She had one silver eye and one amber, long black hair with silver streaks, a short but thin black tail with silver strips she wore a form fitting two piece kimono. Both 6 ft tall and fully mature. They came over to Nekura and hugged her. “Hi mom, need anything” they asked.
“you want to meet your dad” as soon as those words came out of her mouth their eyes lit up with excitement and they instantly said, “YES.” Nekura moved to the side and they saw Inuyasha
“He looks like kojiro” the female mix between Inuyasha and Nekura said
“I told you he does,” Nekura replied “and Takya that's no way to say hello.”
The one now known as Takya walked up to Inuyasha. “Sorry I didn't mean to be rude, It just…” she started but did not get to finish as Naraku appeared. He grabbed Nekura.
“If you want to see her again Inuyasha, than come to my castle at noon and fight me, oh and bring the jewel detector with you.” He said disappearing
“Nekura/Mom” Inuyasha and the pups said at the same time
“Damn you Naraku” Inuyasha yelled to nothingness
Later that day
They walked till noon and finally made it to Naraku's castle where Nekura was. Naraku had let his scent travel so Inuyasha could smell his way there. Inuyasha took out tetsagia. “Get out hear Naraku,” he yelled.
Naraku came out. He had Nekura in his arms. She was passed out and close torn.
“She looks like shed been tortured, knowing naraku she probably was.” Kagome said.
Naraku put Nekura down and sent the first attack. He sent a ball of energy at Inuyasha, he thought about the time he defeated his father's old enemy reacotsea, he killed him with the backlash wave, so he used it. It hit Naraku and killed him, but the attack backfired and hit Inuyasha. It slashed him across the stomach and chest. Kagome ran to his side and cried. Nekura woke up and moaned, “What happed?” she asked than it all came back to her naraku was torturing her to tell Inuyasha's weaknessbut said nothing. Than she saw Inuyasha lying there almost dead with kagome and the pups by his side.
“INUYASHA!!!!” Nekura yelled and was by his side in no time at all. “Inuyasha please don't leave me again,” she said over and over again her top piece falling a bit but she didn't care. I can save you with my blood Nekura thought “I can save you with my blood just don't die on me you die, I'll kill my self.” “Nekura don't let…(Cough)…me hear you say that” Inuyasha said as moved his head to the side and allowed her access to the mark on his neck, she bit down and than bit her hand, placed over the bit mark and her hand started to glow.
10 minutes later
She moved her hand and Inuyasha got up almost completely healed healed. He bent down, kissed her and said sena (thank you in made up language Inuyasha and Nekura talk in some time I will tell you what they say when they talk in this language b.t.s.) she jumped up and hugged him. “Kito Na kana be lota, Inuyasha” (oh thank god you're ok, Inuyasha) Nekura said“Ina Ko domo” (thanks to you) Inuyasha said in a loving voice
“What are they saying?” Shippo asked
“I don't know” kagome said
“Me neither,” sango and miroku said together
Kirara said to shippo what they said, then shippo told everyone else “how do you know” Miroku asked “Kirara told me” he replied “How does she know shippo?” Kagome asked and shippo Replied saying “Kirara said she belonged to Nekura and she learned the language withInuyasha” he replied
“How was kirara Nekura's?” Sango asked
“I don't know she just told me that she was hers.” He replied
Nekura and Inuyasha stopped talking in the language “so guess you found out kirara is mine?”
“Ya kirara told shippo and he told us, how is that” Kagome asked
“Well she use to belong to Medoiko, (don't know if that is ho you spell it but B.T.S.) When she was dying she told me to take care of Kirara so I did… but we got separated 18 years ago. Everyone watch as kirara walked up to Nekura and nuzzle her head on her arm. “Hey honey.”
“Ya I missed you too” Nekura said.
Then Miroku looked at his hand and the wind tunnel on his hand was closing up. “Guy's” Miroku started; when they all looked up he showed them the wind tunnel-that-used-to-be-there was gone.
“Well that's the end of naraku… um…kagome we need to get the jewel” Inuyasha said.
“Already done” Nekura said as she walked over to Inuyasha and handed him the jewel which in turn he threw to Kagome
“Um…Nekura how did you get that?” Sango asked
“I got it when that basterd was torturing me…Any way, that's not the problem, the problem is how the get my friends hearts back” She replied
“huh?” everyone asked
“Kagarua and Kanna, Naraku stole their hearts from them so they would have to do his biding.” Nekura answered
“That's awful” kagome said
“Speaking of which hear they come now, hey Kagarua, Kanna over here.
“Hello Nekura, Inuyasha, peoplesorry for all the trouble we put you though and all Kagarua said.
“Feh whatever…” Inuyasha started when Sesshomaru showed up…
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Cliffy HAHAHAHA!!!!!! I'm evil but hay my hands hurt and if you want more give me 5 reviews and I'll write the next chapter