InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Innocence ❯ Mommy!! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heh, I didn't get as much reviews as I did last time... but it'll do.

Sorry it took me so long to update, I got caught up in my new fic ^_^ Review for this fic, PLEEEASE, I love reviews! Reviews encourage me to write more faster! To Kaye: I swear to God, I had that same idea!! You'll see wheater or not I use the idea if you read the rest of this chapter...


"Suzuna, your food is ready," Kagome called from the kitchen 15 minutes later.

"Coming," Suzuna said as she got up and ran to the kitchen. "Mmm.... my favorite... oden!" Apparently, Suzuna takes after her elder sister. Suzuna stuffed her face with the oden.

Kagome and Inu-Yasha smiled at the little one. Inu-Yasha embraced Kagome from behind. "She is so cute," he whispered in her ear and kissed her neck softly.

"I love you, Inu-Yasha," Kagome said as she turned around and kissed him on his cheek.

"I love you, too, Kagome," he replied and hugged her. They let go of each other. "I should be leaving now."

"Are you sure? You don't have to go right now...." Kagome gave him the puppy dog eyes.

Inu-Yasha laughed. "Kagome, I'm sorry. But I really must leave... I'll be back within three hours."

"Three hours...?" Kagome groaned. "I can't wait that long."

"Trust me Kag-chan, you can," he said. Inu-Yasha bent down. "Bye, Suzuna." He gave her a hug and she returned it.

"When will you return?" Suzuna asked.

Inu-Yasha grinned as he patted her head. "Soon enough."

Suzuna put on a sad face, but then quickly began stuffing her face with oden again.

Inu-Yasha kissed Kagome gently on the lips. "I shall return..." He said when they were finished kissing. Kagome watched him leave. She sighed as she sat down next to Suzuna.

"What's wrong, Big Sister?" Suzuna asked as she licked the last of the oden off her plate.

Kagome grinned at her baby sister. "Nothing you have to worry about."

"Otay," Suzuna said simply and hugged her sister. "Aishiteru, Sister-chan."

Kagome grinned. "I love you, too, Suzuna." She sighed. "Go watch some television or play with your toys while I go take a shower." Suzuna greed obediently and walked off.

Kagome walked into the bathroom and started the shower.She stripped down to nothing and hopped in. Twenty minutes later, she got out of the shower and wrapped a towel tightly around her body and another tightly around her hair.

Kagome walked into the room her and Suzuna shared. She found a blood-red top that said in black, gothic letters "I don't care. This does not mean that I don't understand" and pants that had chains everywhere. Kagome put on her outfit and then applied her make-up. Some black eyeliner under her eyes... some crimson lipstick on her lips... and lastly, just a dab of foundation and powder.

Kagome walked out of her room and into the room of which Suzuna and her sleeping mother were in. She saw Suzuna sobbing hysterically in a corner. Kagome ran over to her. "Suzuna, what's wrong?"

"It's-It's-It's mommy!!" Suzuna managed to choke out through the tears. "She's-She's-she's dead!!"
