InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost memories ❯ the secret ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Secret

Kagome,and Sango watched a long 3 hour movie.Finally it ended."so Kagome, what did
Inuyasha leave for again?"asked sango."oh well he had to...go on a buissnes trip,someone
important showed up and well he just left this note..."said Kagome with a suspicios look.
"A note eh?thats strange...."said Sango looking at Kagome."well i know what we can
look for him, tomorrow morning!"said Sango with a helpfull look."OK!"said Kagome.
"g'night Kagome!"said Sango as they went to bed."g'night Sango..."said Kagome with
a yawn inturupting her.As Kagome curled up in her cot she had this voice inside of her
that would not shut-up.
"What if Inuyasha was with Kikyo?,You do remember Kikyo don't you?"said the evil
voice in her head.Kagome just shook the thought out of her head.
"no Inuyasha would never do that!"she said with a sad tone in her voice."what kagome?"asked
"oh ummmmm, nothing,nothing i was just day dreaming...."said kagome looking into
the darkness."oh,well ok...if you say so!"said Sango looking at the shadow of Kagome in
the darkness.
Kagome could not sleep with the thought in her mind, but finally she went to sleep.
"Kagome..."said a soft lovely voice in the distance."kagome...Kagome it's time to wake up!"
said the lovely voice again.
As Kagome slowly opened her eyes she smelled the smell of bacon and eggs.She opened
her eyes all the way and noticed Sango was shaking her.
"ah, now your awake Kagome!,c'mon breakfest is ready and if you need to go take a shower
before we leave."said Sango grinning.
"ok" said Kagome as she sat up.Kagome walked over to the table and looked at all
of the good food.
"what would you like?"asked Sango.
"oh what?Oh! i would like orange juice please!"said kagome.Kagome sat down and
started eating.
"here ya go!"said Sango as she put down the glass of orange juice on the table.
"thanks"said kagome quickly eating.When kagome got dont she went to the bathroom and
got into the shower.
"sangos acting a little strange this morning"said Kagome in her mind."oh well..."Kagome
got done and got dressed then stepped out of the bathroom.
"Kagome ready to go?"asked Sango as she walked out the front door.
"oh um yeah sure!"said kagome following sango.
Kagome got into her pick up and drove off with sango following right behind her.
"wow Sango has a nice car!"said kagome looking through the rear view mirror.
As Kagome pulled up into the parking lot by Inuyashas work she looked around.
"do you see him?"asked sango.
"no not yet!"said kagome getting out of her car.She looked around some more then saw
Inuyasha with someone.She had long dark flowing hair and a red and wwhite kimono.
"kikyo.."Said Kagome looking at Sango.
"Oh that stupid..."said songo but didn't finish her sentence.
"Kagome?"said Inuyahsa wide eyed."uh oh!"Yelled Inuyasha as he ran off.
"Kagome?!?!?"said Kikyo following him.As Kikyo noticed the wedding band around his finger
she stopped and Inuyahsa ran off to his work."he...He got married to her?!?"said Kikyo
with anger in her tone.
"INUYASHA!!!!!SIT BOY!!!!"said Kagome as she saw him crash to the ground.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!?"yelled Inuyasha as he got up and ran to Kagome."you havn't said that word
in so long and now you say it?"Yelled Inuyasha.
Kagome took a deep breath and started telling"SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT,SIT!!!!!!"
As inuyasha fell to the ground Kagome got in her car and drove off to her house."oh that stupid!!!"
When Kagome got home she locked the door and ran to there room and cried into her pillow.
"Oh, i knew something like this was going to happen soon!"she yelled as she took off her
wedding band."I give up!!!!"she threw the wedding band across the room and started sobbing into her