InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ lost then found lovers ❯ ch3~kouga, candles and a lovely pillow! ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
another chappie!

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"are you...o..k?"she uttered as she looked up to see who she had just ran into......
chapter 3

she instantly gasped. right there in front of her was no other than kouga.
"k-kouga?!" she asked surprised. he was looking at her with wide eyes, telling her he was just as shocked as she was.
"kagome?" he asked and helped her onto her feet.. she smiled and hugged him. he hugged back and swung her around and she squealed like a piglet. he laughed as he set her on her feet and held her at arms length.
"wow" he said. "it really IS you". she smiled "well, duh! who else would it be?" she asked and laughed then he laughed too.
"I had no idea you were from this time! that sure does explain a lot of things." he said chuckling. she placed a nervous hand behind her head and smiled.
"yeah, it does, doesn't it?"she laughed. "it's so good to see you! I mean, it feels like I haven't seen you in forever." she said wiping forming tears from her eyes.
he led her to a small couch and they sat. he smiled at her. 'still the same kagome.' he thought.
"while you may not have seen us for four years, we have not seen you for centuries, literally."he said smiling. she smiled.
"it makes sense."she said. "so, where's ayame?"she asked looking at him.
he smiled."she's at home." he paused. "with the kids".
"oh my gosh!" she squealed, again, placing her hands over his."you guys actually had babies!?" she squealed bouncing on the couch like a three year old. he laughed.
"yeah. two, a girl that's three and a boy who's seven." he said watching her as she calmed herself.
"aw....i want to see them."she said. he smiled and laughed.
"ayame and the kids would like that..and they're pups, not babies...because they're not human." he said informing her.
"oh, gomen." she smiled. "ayame isn't mad at me anymore, is she?" she asked referring to the last encounter they had.
"no, she's been blabbing on about you for a while now. she says she was sorry, and she didn't really mean it." he said.
"how does everyone already know about me?" she asked.
he smirked "dog-turd talks about ya all the time. can't get him to shut up actually." he said.
"really?" she asked, placing a hand to her mouth.
"yup." he said simply.
"so...where is he now? "she asked looking at him, he shrugged his shoulders .
"haven't seen him since this afternoon, g omen kags." he said standing.
"no, it's alright."she smiled. he smiled also.
"well, got to get up early so I'll be hitting the hay."he said.
"goodnight kouga."she smiled.
"goodnight kagome. and don't stay up too late." he said smirking.
she laughed "i won't". she watched as he left the room and headed upstairs. she sighed and fiddled with her fingers. 'it was so nice to just talk to him as a friend. and not having him calling me 'his' woman. i want to see their pups. i bet they're adorable...with ears and tails!' she thought and imagined hers and inus 'pups'. she shook her head and blushed. she was already daydreaming about that? gosh. she stood up and yawned, then headed through a door and found herself in another room like the last one, but this one was larger and had many books. she guessed it was a library. she quietly closed the door behind her and walked to a book shelf. she looked at the titles; insects,the human body, Japanese mythology, Chinese mythology, legends and heroes, the feudal era, the 20th century, how to talk to a woman and many more. she pulled the 'how to talk to a woman' book and opened it.
How to talk to a woman.
Q. my girlfriend gets upset easily, like when we go on a date I'll give her a compliment but she'll start crying and get angry with me. what should i do?
A. well, it depends on how you gave the compliment. if you don't give her your full attention while you're on your date or when you give her a compliment, then she'll get angry and/or cry. you should give her your full attention and do small things for her to show that you love her. like open the door for her, call her after work, buy her a rose or make dinner. if you ruin the diner, she'll still love it. It's the thought that counts.
she flipped back to the cover and looked at the author's name. Himusaka, Ryoshi. 'a guy....' she thought but was brought back to attention when she heard someone ask "enjoying the book?"
she snapped the book closed and put it back onto the shelf. she turned around and gasped loudly, earning a chuckle from the man who asked the question.
"inu-inuyasha?"she asked quietly placing a hand up to her mouth.
he smirked and said "took ya long enough." he slowly made his way over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. he placed his forehead against hers and smiled, all the while kagome blushed.
"ha. you blush from contact with a man..." he whispered ruggedly and it made kagome melt.(a/n:*drools...SEXY INU! *cries* i want one!T-T)
"duh...haven't had many boyfriends...because of a certain someone." she whispered. he smirked and, if possible, she melted even more. her eyes started to tear up and she hugged him, placing her head in the crook of his neck.
"you're a jerk, you know that?"she said and she felt him smile softly against her head. she leaned back to look at him and tears started to roll gently down her cheeks. he whipped them softly away with his thumb.
"hai, and you know i don't like it when you cry." he said. she gawked up at him. he was being gentle, caring and-and honest!?!
"who are you? you're not the inu i know."she said looking at him. he sighed.
"I've changed..a little." he said adding the last part.
"so does this mean i can't say the s-i-t word as often?"she spelled 'sit' instead of saying it, knowing that if she said it he would be face down in the dirt..with her in his arms. he laughed a little.
"hai.."he said. 'why am i struggling to make conversation!?' he yelled at himself. it wasn't like he had never talked to her before...he was brought back by a small yawn and he looked at kagome. she was tired.
he took her hand and pulled her out of the room, down the hall way, up a bunch of stairs, down three more hallways and to a large door. she was blushing from holding his hand but looked at the door with a confused expression.
"I've been working on this all day," he said and placed his hands over her eyes. she placed her hands over his as he led her inside, she heard the door close.
"alright I'm going to move my hands but don't look until i say so, ok?"he asked.
"hai."she said and felt him move his hands. she stood there and listened to him move around the room.
"alright."he said and she opened her eyes. what she saw was amazing! it was a small room, but not crowded small, comfy small, with luscious textures and colors all over. the wall was mostly covered with large pieces of chocolate&creme colored fabric, the floor was a dark wood with a dark red carpet. the room was lit with candles in little holes in the wall (the holes are more like squares made into the wall 4 stuff) and there was lots of pillows, of red, chocolate, creme and black. in the left corner there was a black love seat with a side table next to it, and in the right corner there was a large window, opened so that the moonlight shone into the room. the curtains around the window twirled as the gentle night breeze flew into the room. it wasn't harsh so all the candles were fine, but it made some flicker slightly. she looked to where all the pillows were and there was yasha, laying with his arms behind his head and his eyes closed.
she quietly walked over to where he was and then silently crawled across the pillows and flopped on his stomach, which made a cross sign. his eyes opened as an 'oof' escaped him. he sat up and it caused kagome to lay on his lap. she fliped over so that her head was in his lap, and she smiled....then blushed.
"it's beautiful."she whispered and looked around. he scooted out from under her and laid next to her.
"it better be.."he smirked but got a playful slap on the arm. he elbowed her in her side earning a 'ugh' and a push. he laughed and pushed her back, causing her to roll off the pillows. she laughed and stood up holding a pillow. she hit him in the face with it. he laughed and stood up, but got another hit in the face. kagome giggled. he picked up a pillow and her eyes widened. she ran around the room with him chasing her. she turned and hit him, then he hit her and she laughed. she hit him again but missed as he ducked. she looked at him.
"no fair! you can't use your speed!"she pouted, but stopped as he was crouched on the floor starring at her like a cat does when it sees a mouse. she squealed and took off, but it wasn't long before she was on the ground with yasha breathing hard and on top of her. she blushed and could feel her heart beating fast, and wondered if he could hear it too. probably.
'i-i want to kiss him.' she thought and as if he read her mind, he leaned in closing his eyes. she did the same and their lips touched, causing a bolt of energy to pass through them. the kiss was gentle but strong, and it showed her that he loved her, and that she loved him. she didn't want it to end, it was so magical. but she couldn't breathe and he couldn't either so they spread apart and breathed. she looked at him and smiled and he smiled back. she relaxed onto the pillows and he laid down next to her placing his arm over her stomach.
'my first kiss.' she thought as she placed her index&middle finger to her lips. inuyasha watched her and saw that she was thinking, about what? he didn't know.
"whatch ya thinkin' bout?" he asked laying side ways on his arm looking at her. she rolled over on her side and looked at him.
"the kiss..." she said quietly.
"and..?" he asked
"it was my first real one." she said and blushed lightly.
"really?" he asked mischievously.
"hai." she said and looked at him with a confused expression.
"why?" she asked, curious.
"nothing." he said.
"liar." she said starring him down.
"I'm not lying." he said and looked away from her.

"yes you are. you're lying about not lying." she said and pressed her finger accusingly onto his chest.

"I'm not lying!" he said loudly. she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"you actually expect me to believe you?"she said not looking at him.

"fine, it was mine too..ok?"he said, crossed his arms, blushed lightly then looked away. her arms fell from her chest and her eyes got anime sparkles in them.

"really?" she asked leaning on his side. she saw him avoid looking at her and his blush darkened.

"hai."he said and covered his eyes with him bangs. she squealed and pounced onto his chest.

"wow...i never knew i had the talent to make a... a.. how old are you?" she asked not able to finish her sentence. she watched as her put his arms behind his head and smirk.

"a lot older than you." he said, his smirk growing at her pout.

"oh, c'mon! tell me please! pretty please!" she begged giving his her best puppy eyes. he couldn't help it. she was so kawaii with those big eyes and the pouty lip. he sighed, giving in.

"around 450..." he said embarrassed.

"wow." she said.

"nani?" he asked.

"you're old!!" she said and started to laugh when his face fell. she stopped laughing and sat back on his chest.

"well, what i was saying was that i never knew i had the talent to make a 450 year old MAN blush." she said in triumph. she smirked at him and lightly flicked his nose. she leaned forward and placed her head on his shoulder.

"old man." she whispered into his ear and smirked. he flipped over and kagomes eyes widened as she squealed from the surprise.

"i might be old, but i know how to have fun." he said and started to tickle her. she screamed with laughter as she tried to roll out of his grasp. her eyes were closed and she had tears of laughter rolling down her cheeks.

"s-stop. STOP!" she laughed. "i can't can't breathe!" she said holding her sides and trying to breathe. he stopped and sat on her stomach, not putting all his weight on her though. he watched as she wiped her eyes and took deep breaths.

"you're such a jerk." she chuckled placing her arm over her eyes. he layed down and pulled her close to him so that her head was on his chest. she lazily drew circles on his chest and her gently ran his fingers through her hair. it was well past 12 and he wanted to just lay there with her.

"i'm not really that old. sesshomarou is way older than me." he said quietly.

"hai." she said.

"I've missed you a lot, kags. i was always worried if you would get into a car accident or some punk steal your purse or worse. but i knew that you had a lot of people to watch out for you and make sure none of that happened. heh, when i look at it now..that hojo guy isn't that bad....but he's still a wimp." he smirked still running his fingers through her hair. it was soft but silky at the same time and was slightly curled at the bottoms. he twirled a strand around his finger, watching as it slipped through his fingers. he gently moved so that he was laying next to her. she looked gently up at him.

"i love you kagome, always hava and always will." he said truthfully. he watched as her eyes started to get hazy and she hugged him tightly.
"i love you too yasha." she muffled into his chest. he stroked her hair and listened as her breathing and her heart beat slowed. he looked at her face and saw that she had fallen asleep. he smiled, she looked like an angel....his angel without wings.

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i like this chapter and i hope you did too. please review, i'll love you forever!^^.

song: taking back sunday-your my angel or hikaru utada-animato both are really good songs^^ ja ne!