InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost ❯ The fight ( Chapter 3 )

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“How could you lose track of Rin?!” Sesshoumaru glared at Jaken.
“She just disappeared milord! I swear it!” Jaken lied. He had purposely gotten rid of Rin and the demon lord knew it. Sesshoumaru said nothing more as he started to search for Rin. Oun and Au whined a little and looked as well; they missed the girl's cheery presence.
Sesshoumaru after a while stopped. He had gotten Rin's scent. But the scent was of her blood. Angered already but not showing, Sesshoumaru grew all the more angry when he found out that her scent was mixed with Inuyasha's. If you have hurt her Inuyasha…… he didn't finish that thought. He didn't need to. He knew what he would do if Rin was injured. He started to pick up speed.
“Milord! Slow down!” Jaken pleaded but found that his cries were on deaf ears.
The demon that had the jewel shards had injured almost everyone, mainly Inuyasha. It had gotten Rin separate from the group. Others were attacking Inuyasha and the others.
“Any last words?” it chuckled at Rin.
“Just two,” Rin said hiding her fear.
“And what would those two words be?” the demon laughed uproariously.
“Lord Sesshoumaru!” Rin shouted. The demons stopped dead in their tracks. They knew who Lord Sesshoumaru is.
Sesshoumaru heard Rin's cry and raced off in her direction. Jaken grumbled. He knew he was going to get it when Rin told Sesshoumaru that Jaken had purposely gotten her lost.
Inuyasha and the others looked at Rin.
“Sesshoumaru's your guardian?!” Inuyasha asked loudly not believing Rin in the least. Rin merely nodded. The demons resumed fighting not quite sure that the human hater Lord Sesshoumaru would come to a human rescue.
Rin shouted for Sesshoumaru over and over again as she ran as fast as she could away from the demon that wanted to eat her. She ran into another demon. She looked up worried that it wanted to eat her too. No. This demon didn't. Why? Because this demon is Sesshoumaru.
“Lord Sesshoumaru!” Rin exclaimed happily. The demon let out a cry of surprise to see Sesshoumaru there. Rin hid behind the demons lord's legs. The other demons stopped attacking Inuyasha and the others. All had one thing in mind, destroying Sesshoumaru. They charged at him. He drew the Tokijin and in a flash of power, all of the demons were dead. Sesshoumaru sheathed the Tokijin and picked Rin up.
Rin waved at them “bye! Thank you for letting me stay with you while Lord Sesshoumaru was looking for me!” She smiled them then started telling Sesshoumaru from beginning to end what had happened as he walked away. Kagome, Miroku, and Sango all saw the soft look in Sesshoumaru's eyes.
He'll be a good guardian for her Kagome thought happily. Miroku and Sango were just amazed at the change in Sesshoumaru.
“Feh. How'd you like that? We watch over that kid of his and he doesn't even thank us or anything!” Inuyasha growled.
“I believe Rin thanked us for him,” Miroku said. Sango nodded her agreement.
“One way or another, he'll raise Rin right even though I doubt he has any clue on what he's doing,” Sango commented. Miroku, Kagome and Shippo nodded their agreement.
And that's the end! Don't forget to review!