InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Vengence ❯ prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha so get off my BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only characters we own are Hope, Anessa, Eden, and Cobra-exist

Once there were three girls, a witch, a half dog demon, and half cat demon. Although they came from different backgrounds they shared one thing in common.

Hope was a half dog demon; the evil Naraku kidnapped her and her parents. He demon possessed her; the demon Naraku made her use her sword, heruken, to kill her parents. After her parents were dead, Naraku released her. To this day Hope is still scarred by the painful memory of her parents’ death. And by the tiny shred of darkness that still threatens to take control of her again.

Anessa, a good fire witch, was in the beginning of her training when her parents were murdered by Cobra-exist. Anessa has been working harder than any witch in the feudal era to be ready for Cobra’s return. Cobra-exist seeks his vengeance on Anessa for using her Fire Crescent, the amulet that was the source of all her power, to banish him to the Dimension of Misfortune. The banishment lasts only for 5 years and it has been four and a half years and, six months till his return. Until then he long awaits his freedom.

Eden, a half cat demon, was abandoned by her parents when she was just an infant. As she grew to learn about what had happened, she started searching for them. She asked many villages if they knew anything about the whereabouts of her parents. She finally found the answer she was looking for. But as she came to the house that the traveler had said where her parents had once lived, she found them dead with the demon Naraku standing over them. She ran and never again returned.