InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Apart ❯ Kagome leaves ( Chapter 1 )

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Hi! This is my first time writing so please go easy on me… I don't know much and I'll accept any help given. Hope you guys will enjoy it even though I'm not very good at it. Please R&R… It'll be greatly appreciated.
Summary: Kagome saw Kikyo and Inuyasha. You know what happens but this time she can't take it anymore so when the gang went to sleep, she left. The well got sealed... What will our beloved hanyou do?
Let's see what will happen ne?
Disclaimer: INUYASHA IS MINE! MINE! *Got hit with an extremely large mallet* Itai… Fine… Inuyasha is NOT mine…
Shippo saw that 2 sticks of fish were left, he reached for one but another clawed hand bigger than his grabbed it first and gobbled it down.
“Oi! Inuyasha! That was MINE!” The little kitsune shouted.
“Shut up runt! I'm bigger so I need more food!” Inuyasha retorted
“But I'm growing so I NEED more food!”
Shippo waited for a come back from the dog demon but it never came, he looked at Inuyasha and saw that his eyes were clouded with an unidentified feeling and he was sniffing the air.
Inuyasha got up and disappeared into the forest.
Sango and Miroku frowned.
`Why that jerk! Leaving Kagome-chan for that clay pot again! I'll kill him if he hurts her again!' Sango gripped her Hiraikotsu so tightly that her knuckles turned white.
`Inuyasha… I hope you know what you're doing. I do not think that Kagome- Sama this type of treatment after all she's done for us…' Miroku stared at the direction Inuyasha went.
`Kagome…' Shippo crept up to the girl whose eyes had turned misty and filled with sadness.
“Kagome… Are you ok?”
“Hai Shippo-chan… Um… I'm going for a walk ok? I'll come back…”
Inuyasha went through the curtains of trees and saw Kikyo with her soul-stealing snakes.
“Inuyasha, you came… I thought you wouldn't come…”
“… Why are you here?”
“I need to find out something…”
Within a second she chanted a spell that could, in Inuyasha's eyes that is, change her into Kagome.
In Inuyasha's eyes, the surroundings changed to a place filled with cherry blossoms and in front of him was Kagome.
“K-Kagome? What are you doing here?”
“Kagome” smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his torso.
“I love you Inuyasha…”
She looked into his eyes.
“Aishiteru Inuyasha”
`S-she loves me?'
He closed his eyes and hugged her close, leaned into her ear and whispered,
“I love you too.”
Kagome saw the two hugging and heard Inuyasha saying that he loves Kikyo, unfortunately she didn't know that Kikyo did a spell.
Her battered heart from all the betrayal she faced from Inuyasha shredded into tiny pieces and she was unable to pick them up.
She staggered back to her friends with tears streaming down her cheek but before her friends saw her tears she wiped them off and faked that everything was alright, putting on fake smiles and trying to act like everything was alright.
She leaned into a tree and began writing a letter to Inuyasha, knowing for a fact that he can read in courtesy of his mother's tutoring.
For some reason, Inuyasha could smell Kagome's tears and he look at “Kagome” and saw that “Kagome” was Kikyo as the spell had worn off.
He pushed her away in anger, furious that he was used and his secret was out to none other than Kikyo, and in his anger he pushed her too hard and her body hit against the tree and shattered into pieces. [A/N: Sorry Kikyo fans but I don't like Kikyo that much.]
`Shit! I broke her… Was she THAT fragile? Shit! Kagome!'
He went back to his friends and noticed the unusual silence between them, he jumped into a nearby tree and slept.
Before Inuyasha came back, Kagome told her friends that she was not coming back, saying fake excuses. [A/N: I'll leave this to your imagination…]
Shippo was heart broken but he and the others knew the real reason so they pretended to accept the reason.
Kagome suddenly felt whole but she dismissed the feeling, thinking it was her imagination.
Inuyasha came back and all of them slept and the three silently cursing Inuyasha.
In the middle of the night, Kagome woke up and climbed the tree that Inuyasha was in, thanking her coach who forced her and her friends to climb the rope thingy and do rock climbing
She slipped off the rosary from Inuyasha's neck and pocketed it.
She kissed him lightly with tears brimming in her eyes and left to Kaede's village with Kirara, who was waiting for her on the ground.
Inuyasha dreamt while he slept but to him it was a nightmare!
Kagome was leaving him and was never coming back!
The morning welcomed him and he frantically looked for Kagome but he could only smell her faint scent on his hakama.
Even though he would never admit it, he liked to feel the coolness of the kotodama rosary and the fact that it connected him to Kagome but today he can neither feel the coolness of the rosary nor see Kagome!
He went back to Kaede's village thinking that Kagome was asking the old lady about her miko powers but she wasn't there so he went to the Bone-Eater's Well.
“Kagome… Where are you?”
He jumped in… Only to land on dirt.
`W-what? T-The well's sealed? No way!'
He jumped in over and over again but to no avail.
His energy was slowly decreasing after 100 jumps and still counting.
Finally after 500 jumps, his energy was gone and his hope of ever finding Kagome… HIS Kagome was slowly disappearing.
He sat back against the wall; his fluffy bangs covered his sorrowful eyes.
`Kagome… Come back to me…'
Kagome jumped into the well and pasted a talisman, given reluctantly by Miroku, on the well to prevent Inuyasha to return to her era.
All the way, tears were rapidly falling down her cheeks while she struggled to jump in the well and paste the talisman.
She ran to her room and broke down completely.
“Inuyasha… Why?”
Her mother watched her daughter retreat to her room, with tears in her eyes and a soaked uniform.
Her grandfather and little brother stayed silent, not knowing what to do but watched Kagome running into her room with tears flying past.
Mrs. Higurashi for once can't see the good thing coming out from it and didn't continue doing housework but walked towards Kagome's room.
Pushing the door slightly agar, she heard her daughter sobbing uncontrollably.
Inuyasha kept on searching and searching for something to fire up his hope to find Kagome and found himself at the Sacred Tree and saw a letter for him, written by, none other than, Kagome.
His claws tore then envelope eagerly and read the letter.
Dearest Inuyasha,
I'm afraid I can't help you find the Shikon no Tama fragments anymore. I overheard your confession to Kikyo and I made the decision myself to leave you two in peace. I know you'll think I'm a coward to leave you like this but if I did that, I'll not be able to leave you because I love you Inuyasha, from the bottom of my heart. I think it's pretty useless for me to confess right now but I do and will continue doing so. I took your rosary as something to remember you by and to give you the freedom you wanted. I'm sorry for leaving you but to me, this is the best solution there is.
Forever yours,
`Forever… Mine? Then why did you fucking leave me! You're killing me! Do you know that?'
He ran to the well and jumped in but his efforts were futile because as usual he meet with the ground, he remained there with his back against the wall.
He felt a feeling that he didn't felt in a long while.
Long while meaning when his mother died.
A young Inuyasha and his mother, Izayoi, were running away from a group of huge, poisonous demons.
Izayoi screamed when a claw went through her abdomen.
They narrowly escaped but Izayoi was injured very badly.
They rushed the best they could to an abandoned hut.
Inuyasha crying as his mother was covered in her blood.
“Okaa-san! Don't die!”
His mother stared deeply into his eyes.
“G-gomen Inuyasha… F-for leaving you like this. Okaa-san is sad that she can't see you grow up…” she whispered ever so softly.
“Iie Okaa-san… You will live…” He protested.
He slashed his wrist to transfer some of his demonic blood into her but it was too late.
“… Aishiteru Inuyasha.”
With those last words, she died.
He hugged her limp body but her warmth was disappearing at every passing moment, his energy was rapidly decreasing so he slept.
o.O.o.O.o. In his dreams .o.O.o.O.o.
Light was slowly disappearing and darkness was looming over him.
He looked around and saw his mother, a hallucination really.
He ran towards her but she disappeared, only to reappear in a different position.
He kept on running to her but to no avail.
His heart was slowly overcomed with darkness and sinister voices were saying he'll always be alone, always be an outcast and never will be accepted by both kinds.
He fell, giving in to the voices and accepting his so called fate.
He shook his head.
`No… This time it's different, Kagome loves me for who I am, a hanyou, even though she has seen both of my forms…'
He folded the letter and placed it into his hakama.
“No matter what Kag, I'll be with you, even if it means waiting 500 years”
He glanced one last look at the well and returned to Kaede's hut where Shippo, Miroku, Sango and Kirara were waiting for him impatiently for an explanation.
Ok I'll end it here… What do you think? Boring? Interesting? Crap? Voice your opinions through reviews ok?. See you in the next chap… Ja ne minna-san!