InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Handouts ❯ Chapter 14

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Blanket Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any of the characters therein. They are the property of Rumiko Takahashi, and she does a beautiful job!
A/N: Please forgive any spelling and grammatical errors.
Love Handouts
Chapter 14
`Insistent throbbing headache. Insistent throbbing headache. That's what everyone wants during the day, right?' InuYasha shook his head as he leapt from one tree to the next.
Every time they would stop for a rest, he would catch Kagome staring at him. Most of the time she wouldn't notice that he had seen her, but oh boy, did he!
Every damn time.
Mind you, that it didn't just happen a few times, but it felt like every time he looked down towards the girl, she was staring back at him. When their eyes collided that's when she began to blush profusely - not chancing a glance for the next couple of minutes, but when she thought he wasn't looking, when she thought he hadn't noticed, she would stare at him for long moments on end.
Now…he was putting up with this insistent throbbing headache.
He might also have to add that he was rather happy that she was taking an interest in him, since he remembered last night about her declaration and all, but…that's not to say that he was fine with it.
`What the hell does she see in me anyways? Maybe its more like a sympathy thing, she just feels bad. Yeah, that would have to be it!' He reasoned to himself as the wind blew through his long silver mane, even though he knew without really delving too deep into the mater that that was not the reason.
He went up into the air, the wind flying past him so fast that to a normal human everything from his speed would just be a blur. Reaching his high point, he felt gravity take over as his body began the plunge once more to the ground, and he decided to take a chance and look towards Kagome, `I wonder if she is—”
His eyes widened as he saw her staring at him once more. She still didn't notice that he was glancing back, and it was almost too good to be true that he could look at her without her noticing in return. `Maybe I could—'
He lost his footing on the branch, not really paying attention to where he was landing. He was falling further and further down past the tree - the impact with the ground was inevitable. The next thing he knew, his thoughts cut off as his back landed in the hard terrain, a good four hundred feet in front of the others.
The impact could no doubt be heard by the other demons in their traveling party, the dust from his collision getting into his nose forcing him to let out a big sneeze. He rubbed his nose, his eyes watering from all the powder in the air around him.
A couple seconds passed and he heard Kagome shouting for him, no doubt she was worried why he never came up from the plunge to the ground. He sighed loudly at the terrible timing of it all; nothing was really going according to his plan.
He slowly sat up, his back aching from the deep fall that his body just endured. He carefully set his back straight, his arms being used as a level so that his normal function would return. After a few moments, he pulled his legs under him as he stretched and twisted his back, willing the stiffness to be gone.
That is the way the others came upon him. He was just sitting there, acting like nothing in the world had happened. His arms folded neatly in his kasode.
Kagome, who was getting ready to cast her bike to the side, abruptly stopped, confusion taking hold of her small frame. She could only stare at the man on the ground.
Sango and Miroku landed swiftly to the ground with Kirara. Miroku quirked his eyebrows, “My InuYasha, I am not used to seeing you laying down on the job like this,” he responded, a grin tugging on his lips. The usual tortures that he put the man through each day not satisfied with the non-stop traveling they have been doing as of late.
InuYasha could only sigh loudly as he ran his hand down the side of his face, “Shut the hell up, monk,” he grumbled after a few seconds.
He started to get up when the pain in his back shot all throughout his body, making him let out a small groan. Kagome dropped her grip on her bike and ran straight towards him. She placed her arms on his shoulders, looking over him in one big sweep, “Are you okay, InuYasha,” she asked when her gaze didn't find any apparent bleeding.
InuYasha shrugged his shoulders, forcing her tiny hands from his frame, “I'm fine,” he grumbled. Not trying to show the girl how stiff his body was becoming with just the act of standing.
Kagome backed up a bit, still searching over the man next to her, “Are you sure,” she asked as she witnessed him holding his breath from the pain he was enduring from standing completely to his feet.
He turned his head towards her, “Yes, wench,” he grumbled, getting tired of her insistent care over him.
Kagome crossed her arms over her chest, “Well, I don't think we should go anywhere until I get a chance to look at your wounds,” she replied firmly.
InuYasha let out a long Keh into the air, “We ain't stopping wench, and I am just fine. OW!”
Kagome placed her hand on his back, trying to get him to turn around, when he let out a big howl into the afternoon air. Her eyes widened as she instinctively pulled her hand back away from him.
InuYasha crutched the side of his back, “What'd you do that for?” he barked at her, the pain still unbearable even though sometime had passed.
The shock leaving her body, Kagome's eyes turned firm, “You are not fine InuYasha, so would you stop pretending and just sit down …oops!”
“Aahh,” InuYasha cried into the air as he landed face first into the ground.
Kagome bent down, trying to apologize, “I'm sorry InuYasha, I didn't mean to…”
“Stay away,” he rushed out, not wanting to be impaled any further today.
Kagome rolled her eyes, shaking her head she responded, “Well maybe now we can see what's wrong with you.”
She scooted a little closer to the red clad man, “No wench I am fine. You do more harm than good anyways,” he rushed out.
When he saw the look on her face he wished he hadn't said that.
She momentarily looked so hurt that InuYasha felt like more of an ass now then last night when she came back crying over him.
Abruptly her face changed. The sadness gone, she had a hateful look on her face, “Oh really?” She asked as she stood away from him. Her small frame covered by her arms crossing over her chest.
InuYasha felt his eyes widened, he knew that this was not going to be good.
“Kagome,” he heard Shippo whisper as he went over to the girl.
She only continued to stare at him.
InuYasha had never seen her give him a look like that. She always - even when she was mad, had a bit of…what would be the word…sympathy? No, that definitely wasn't it. Concern? No, that wasn't it either. Kindness? It might have looked similar to kindness, but there was something there that was a little different. There was always this glow in her eyes like even if he was a big ass, or if he went off to Kikyo… she would always have this look as if she understood even if she didn't like it. She allowed him to do it, but only because she loved him enough to let him choose.
But as he looked at her, he noticed that twinkle was gone.
He felt as if his heart might stop.
A/N: Alright. We are coming to the pinnacle of the story! Yay! I don't know about you guys, but I am happy about that. I didn't really know how long I wanted this story to be…but it doesn't look like there is going to be too many more chapters, which is quite awesome to me. This will be the first chapter story I have finished! Omg! That is amazing! I thought it was going to take me forever, but I guess all I needed was a little determination and some kind pushes from you guys and I would finish it!
Sorry, I am just so excited! I hope everyone likes it so far, and tell me if you have any advice because this story is looking like it is coming to a close.
Kokoronagomu - I love that scene as well! Yeah, I saw the one where he ran in, I looked at all the episodes where she said it, but in that first one, I was thinking, alright, he might not have heard because he was rushing to save her, and later, if he did think about it, he would probably try and deny it. That second one you mentioned was great! Their relationship was so young then, it's crazy to see how they have blossomed. Hope you enjoyed this one! Thanks for the review!
Thanks for reading and please review!