InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Hurts ❯ Moonlight ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I own neither Inuyasha nor Moonlight. Inuyasha is the intellectual property of Rumiko Takahashi. Moonlight is the property of Kamelot.


He remembered very well the sympathetic looks the monk would give him in those first years. Sango would come running out to share some tidbit of news with her husband and, once she was inside, Miroku would turn to him, favor him with a half-smile.

It pissed him off.

Those smiles had lasted over fifty years. They still continued in his mind.

I have never craved the system's sympathy
I get restless over pity smiles

“If you love something,” someone had said once. “Let it go. If it returns then it is yours, if it doesn’t, it never was.”

He’d let her go. Then he’d waited for her to return. For nearly five-hundred years he’d waited.

He’d seen her grandfather born (and was oddly pleased to find that the old man had started out crazy), her father, her mother, and, finally, her.

Then, one day, he made his presence known.

He’d made sure the old man was out. He didn’t need to be picking ofuda out of his hair for the next five-hundred years, thank you very much.

He’d known immediately where she’d gotten both her strength and her temper when her father had stood protectively in front of his mate- ‘Wife,’ he corrected himself. ‘Wife.’- and child, demanding to know who the hell the hanyou was.

“A friend,” he’d replied simply. “An old friend.”

Some precaution wouldn't harm my history
If I had the will to wait a little while

“She’ll meet someone,” he continued. “Might remind you of me a bit.”

The setting sun and skeptical looks told him his time was running short.

“Tell-“ he cursed his voice for cracking. “Just tell him to tell her. He’ll understand.”

And with a leap he was gone.

You cut the silence like a knife
You know I can't repent for all

A/N: I wasn't even sure I wanted to continue this one, but the song fit perfectly. So, here you go, a second/final chapter to Love Hurts, and hopefully some closure.