InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love is Fate ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The sirens of the police and ambulance sang in the background, the rain pattered against the window and the thunder cracked. A girl no older than 11 stood in the door well to her parent's room wide eyed with tears streaming down her face. She stared upon her mother and father in pools of blood, their terrified faces made her cry even more, she noticed a lump in the bed and crawled over to it and pulled to the sheet back to reveal her baby brother. His eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing. She curled up next to her brother's form, her eyes closed and she drifted into sleep.
Friday 10:29 a.m.
A loud bang woke the girl. She looked around the room she was in and found it the same as she left it two days ago; the blood around her parents had long dried. She heard foot steps coming towards the room and voices were being heard. She got scared. The door opened and gasps were heard.
“It seems they got to them first; check to see if any one is alive.”
“But boss every one is dead.”
“Shhh… not every one.” The silvered haired man silently walked towards the bed. He held his hand out.
“Hey, are you ok?” she nodded.
“What happened to mom and dad? Who killed them? Are you the police?”
“No we aren't, in fact we came here to do the same job they did…but had no intensions on killing you're brother and mother, how long were you in here?”
“Two days, I didn't leave because I was afraid that I would die also; tell me Mr. Why are mom and dad dead? What did they do?”
“You are too young to know.” She held her face low.
“Where will I go now?” he stopped dead in his tracks.
`that's right, her mother married a top classified person, and her family was out raged by it and cast them out, they won't even take the children.'
“Tell me child what is you're name?”
“Kagome, its kagome Higurashi.”
She suddenly collapsed.
Saturday noon (Tashio Manor)
The girl opened her eyes to find two pairs of golden ones staring at her.
“Who are you?”
“Who am I?” the one with the ego puffed out his chest and exhaled.
“Only the greatest person you'll ever meet in you're life!”
“Put a sock in it you buffoon, she hardly believes you.” The one with the long silky looking hair and serious expression smirked and walked off.
“Says you! You jerk!” he ran after him.
The older version of the two boys she had seen only days before walked in with tea.
“Don't mind them they're just boys.” The small girl looked around the room.
“You can stay with us for as long as you like. I'm sure Izayoi won't mind a girl.”
“Thank you Mr.”
“Call me Mr. Tashio or pop which ever you choose is fine for me.”
He turned towards the two boys.
“The one with the ego and rude attitude is Inuyasha, the quiet but very smart witted one is Sesshomaru.” She bowed at them
“Please to meet you I'm Kagome Higurashi.”
“How old are you?”
“I'm 11 too!”
“But Inuyasha it seems that I am older than the both of you, seeing as I'm 12 you'll listen to me.”
“I listen to no one, especially with you're attitude!” she giggled and laughed with her new found family.
Two years later (Tashio Manor) 11:59 p.m.
A crash was heard then kagome's voice soon followed. The two brothers ran into her room to find it destroyed and kagome in the corner.
“What happened?”
“I can't stay here any more! You said you'd protect me! Why did one of you're men try to kill me? You're just like those men who killed my parents! Ruthless.” She ran out the door and never looked back.
Five years later kagome age: 18 (Majori High senor)
Kagome stood in front of the class and looked over every one.
`Pretty good bunch, no one I know.' She bowed.
“I'm kagome Higurashi, please to meet you.” She took a seat next to a girl who had her hair in a high pony tail and had pink eye shadow on and honey brown eyes.
“My name is Sango; I'll introduce you to the rest of the group later.” She nodded.
“You better stick to me though; it's been a while since we had another pretty face.”
At lunch kagome was introduced to Miroku, kikyo, and Kouga. What she didn't know was that she was introduced to nearly the whole male body of the school as the hottest girl there aside from kikyo.
After waving by to Sango, kagome was on her way to her apartment when she found herself surrounded. Three boys grinned from in front of her. The others grabbed her arms.
“Hey! Let go!”
“Sorry we can't do that.”
Long silver hair swayed in the gentle spring breeze and came to a halt when he stopped. What his emotionless eyes saw made them widen as he saw that the girl in trouble was in fact the one he had been searching for, he had been looking for her for five years, since the day she ran away.
“You should let her go.”
“Or what?”
“Or this…” within minutes the five boys were on the ground groaning.
“Are you ok?”
“I'm fine thank you…” she looked in his eyes.
“It can't be…Sesshomaru.”
Yay another story for me! Tell me what you think! I need some good reviews now! Don't let me down so how's that for a prologue?! ^_*