InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love is Fate ❯ breaking the ice ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5 breaking the ice
As kagome was about to hop in the car she stopped in mid track.
“What is it Kagome?” the girl looked around the block before finding her target. She raced toward it counting her money along the way.
“Kagome! Let's go! It's late as it is already!”
“Hold on! I gotta get something.” The vender packaged the product and she ran back to the car.
“What did you get?”
“Octopus balls.”
“Cause Sesshomaru asked that I bring some back.”
“He asked you…for a favor?!” Inuyasha burst out laughing.
“That pompous jerk couldn't even ask our mother for a favor! What makes you think he'd ask one of you?”
“I don't know, cause he had a craving?” he laughed once more and swerved the car.
“Inuyasha you're going to get us killed!” Sango shouted from the back seat.
“Ok fine no more jokes.”
Kagome opened the door to the manor and found it dark and quiet.
“Inuyasha what time is it?”
“It's well after midnight kagome…we've wasted too much time. Might as well get some rest, I already know you'll be tired I can see it in you're eyes.” she nodded. She proceeded to her room when she stopped in front of Sesshomaru's she still had the octopus balls in the bag, she gently pulled them out and entered the room. His room was beautiful and huge.
`I never knew you could have a room this gorgeous.'
The room was set in warm orange and red colors. The bed was huge and cinnamon along the right side was a nightstand with orange and red candles. Two of them were lit. She saw another walkway through the open bath room door but dare not proceed. She knew Sesshomaru could sense her and was watching her very carefully despite the fact that he was sleep. She put the octopus balls on the dresser on the other side of the room where he could easily see them in the morning, as she passed his bed she walked up to the sleeping youkai. His strands of silver hair outlined his fine facial features and some of his elegant long tresses pooled around his body.
“Like an angel…why do I have these mixed feelings for you?” she traced his face with her finger ever so lightly and took a piece of his hair from his eye. She backed away and closed the door behind her. Not knowing the sleeping youkai wasn't really asleep. He had been up doing some work for the company when he heard her at the door asking Inuyasha what time it was. He gathered the things and placed them in the nightstand draw. He smelled the hot octopus balls from outside the room.
`So she did buy them.' He fixed his face to fit the sleeping mode and pulled the covers.
`This is silly, why is this Sesshomaru hiding from her?' she traced her sent as it went from normal to excited. He also traced her sent as it stopped in front of him.
`what is she doing?' he felt her finger trail down the side of his face and move a stray piece of hair that had fell in his face. The warmth that he was feeling had went away as he heard his room door close. His eyes slowly opened. He leaned up and touched his face; he still felt her finger outlining his face. He noticed the octopus balls on the dresser. He went to grab them. He opened it to find three packs of well prepared octopus balls steaming from the bag. He ate one.
`These are better than the ones they make for me.' He smirked.
“That girl…”
Kagome awoke and slid out of bed. She was dog tired.
“Maybe I should have waited till this weekend to go out.”
`Hey that's Sango's voice.'
“Kagome!” she got up from the floor and walked to the window.
“Come on we have to get to school early! We have club meeting remember?!”
“Oh my god I forgot! Give me 5 min Sango!” she rushed to the bathroom and washed and got dressed. She ran pass he kitchen, Sesshomaru was drinking a cup of coffee.
“Why the rush Kagome?”
“I have a club meeting! So I can't walk with you today!” the door was the last thing he heard as he heard her yell to Sango.
“We are so late!”
7:00 a.m. Majori High (club room 1) Thursday
“We need a team captain, any volunteers?” kagome raised her hand.
“I'll do it!”
“Great Ms Higurashi, here is the paper work that needs to be turned in to the main office by tomorrow morning the latest.” She nodded.
“Next we need a secretary to help Ms Higurashi.” Sango was the next to raise her hand.
“wow we have such dedicated students, Ms Takaya once the front office receives the papers for the day go pick up the forms to fill out, don't worry the woman at the front desk can help you out.”
“Now we need a team helper/leader.” A few other girls raised their hands.
`Wow this is going to be better than I expected.'
“Once the club meeting was over she and Sango walked to class.
“Wow Kagome I never knew you wanted that much work on you're shoulders to be captain.”
“Yea well my life is boring as it is so.” They laughed.
Majori High 2:15 p.m.
“Later Kagome!”
“Bye Sango!” she waved to her friend as she walked off. Kagome looked at the pile of paper work in her arms and sighed.
`Maybe Sango was right.' She walked along to the main office and turned the paper work in to the front desk.
“Wow Ms. Higurashi you did all this? This wasn't supposed to be done until tomorrow!”
“Well I had time so I did it.”
“Thanks, here's the work for tomorrow, this can be turned in on Friday if you want.”
“thanks.” She retrieved a whole new stack of papers for the tennis club and walked to the locker room. She placed the papers on the bench and opened her locker. She changed her shoes and closed her locker. She sighed as she picked up the papers and walked home from school.
“Kagome! Hey wait up!” Kouga and Bankotsu joined her.
“Hey what's up?”
“Nothing much babe, so tell me kagome why are you walking by you're self?”
“Cause Sango had to go to another club meeting for the secretaries and I had to turn in the paper work and pick up some more.”
“So you've been working hard haven't you?”
“Yea I have a whole new stack.”
“So Ban are you in any clubs?”
“No but I've pushed Sesshomaru into kendo.”
“Yea, he said he'll do it as long as I shut my trap!” he smirked.
“Well i better get going.”
“Bye Kouga!” he ran off across the street. Ban was the next to go.
“Well, be safe Kagome. I have to go to work.” She waved to him. She walked to the flower shop. I have a little change I might as well get some flowers.
“I'll have a bouquet of white and blue roses.”
“perfect choice, the rarest of the rare indeed.”
“Thank you.” She walked up the shrine steps and opened the door.
She went in her room and placed the flowers on her desk and got to work on the papers.
Tashio Manor 10:00 p.m.
Sesshomaru walked down the dark hall way towards his father's room when he caught Kagome's sent. He went in her room.
“Kagome?” he saw a figure at her desk and went over to her. She had fallen asleep. He carefully pulled the papers from under her. He examined each one.
“These are papers for the tennis club. She must be the team captain.” He placed the papers in a pile on the side of her desk and gently picked her up from the desk and placed her in her bed. He covered her with the blankets and turned out the light. He quietly closed the door behind him.
“What are you doing Sesshomaru? Why are you in Kagome's room?”
“That's none of you're business Inuyasha, where is father?”
“He's not home.”
“Very well then.” He walked pass him and proceeded to his room. Inuyasha gently opened the room door and peered in the room. She saw kagome's sleeping form and closed the door back.
`Why was he in her room?' he shrugged it off and walked back to his room. His ears twitched for a moment then rested at their normal position.
Friday 8:30 a.m. Tashio Manor
Kagome slowly opened her eyes; she slammed her sleepy hands on the already broken alarm clock. Her eyes scanned the time. Once her brain reregistered the time she jolted out of bed.
“Oh no! I'm late!” she yelled at the top of her lungs
“Why didn't any body wake me up?!” she ran in the bath room. She washed her face and brushed her teeth at the same time.
“I already missed first period!” she ran from her room and grabbed her bags. She ran down the shrine steps and almost tripped. She ran down the five blocks to the school. Once there she noticed that the front gate was already locked and closed.
“Oh no! Could my day be any worse?!”
“Kagome!” Sango greeted her from the other side.
“The bell just rung, why are you late?” sango asked with a questioning face.
“I woke up late.”
“Oh well this gate doesn't open till the last hour for school.” kagome sighed.
“Here take these.” Kagome handed Sango the papers.
“All of them are done?!”
“Yea, I think that's why I woke up late.”
“Well don't push you're self, go back home and get some rest I'll meet you at the shrine when school is out.”
“Thanks Sango.” She waved and walked back towards the shrine.
“That's what I get for staying up late. Why didn't any body wake me up? I'm sure Kerieu was there, cause I heard him talking right before I fell asleep.” She sighed.