InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Knows No Bounds ❯ A Power Restored Through Love ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Sakura is slowly slipping into darkness. A darkness that will destroy her from the inside out. That is, unless she can convince someone to help her. SasuSaku One-shot songfic to Evanescence's 'Bring Me To Life'.
Warnings: Errm...There really are none for this one. Except it's a bit angsty. Therefore, K+. Attempted suicide, too! Didn't know until I got to that part! .'
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Evanescence's 'Bring Me To Life'.
Bring Me To Life
By: kittykat2892
How can you see into my eyes like open doors
Leading you down into my core
Where I've become so numb without a soul
Sakura could feel the doubts rushing through her mind. She could feel that feeling, that awful feeling, again. A feeling of loneliness, a feeling of anger, but there was more sadness than anything else. Sasuke hadn't ignored her attempts at getting his attention, but he had looked her straight in the eyes, as if he could see inside of her soul. She had felt a coldness spread throughout her body, chills running up and down her spine. What was wrong with Sasuke? He hadn't been acting like, well, Sasuke, anymore.
My spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home
She didn't feel anything. Nothing, that is, except for the bitter sadness that was threatening to eat her heart and spirit away until there was nothing left.Why didn't Sasuke ever pay her the attention she wanted? She knew that he probably didn't love her, but why couldn't he at least show her some kind of friendship, like he did with Naruto? She wished that she could feel something other than sadness again, but she knew in her heart, that there was only one person who could help her now.
(Wake me up) Wake me up inside
(Can't wake up) Wake me up inside
(Save me)Call my name and save me from the dark
Would he even notice her acting any differently? Would he help her to overcome the overwhelming sadness, the overwhelming darkness? She highly doubted. She doubted that he had ever paid her any attention other than when they were on missions. He had saved her more times than she could remember, but had he done that because he had wanted to, or because he had to? She wished that he would come now. To wake her up again. To help her feel happiness again. Would he ever say her name with some kind of affection? She would go with friendship even, right now.
(Wake me up)Bid my blood to run
(Can't wake up) Before I come undone
(Save me) Save me from the nothing I've become
She walked to the river that she went to whenever she was feeling down. She found that the water helped her. But it seemed not to this time. She looked into the raging depths of the river, watching it swirl gracefully and somewhat angrily. That was how she was. She would seem graceful, happy, on the outside, but be bitter and angry on the inside. She shuddered at the thoughts she was thinking. 'Will no one help me? Will no one save me from being...nothing?' She thought sadly.
Now that I know what I'm without
You can't just leave me
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life
She had known what she was without for a long while, now. She wanted someone to show her actual friendship. Naruto showed her friendship, but in a crush kind of way. She wanted someone who would treat her as a friend and nothing else. She dared to hope she could have a boyfriend that loved her with all his heart, but she truly doubted that that would ever happen now. Why did Sasuke always have to be so cold and mean to her? She had always been nice to him. Why couldn't he see how deeply she cared for him?
(Wake me up) Wake me up inside
(Can't wake up) Wake me up inside
(Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark
She knew that her family loved her, but that was different. She wanted someone outside of the family. Not a family love, but actual love. She wanted someone to show their affections to her, to show her that they cared. She chuckled sadly. "Sasuke could never show his feelings. Not to anyone. Especially not to me." The darkness in her heart was slowly gaining more power, slowly gaining its control over her thoughts, her feelings, her life. Could no one see how sad she had been these past few weeks?
(Wake me up) Bid my blood to run
(Can't wake up) Before I come undone
(Save me) Save me from the nothing I've become
Bring me to life
Sakura could feel the darkness's icy grip slowly enveloping her heart and her mind. She stood and walked to the edge of the river, staring into the foreboding waters, the swirling, raging waters. 'Jump. No one cares for you anymore.' 'No! I won't believe that! I won't jump!' 'You know it! You know no one cares for you! Jump! End the pain now!' Sakura paled. The darkness was too strong to ignore anymore. It had it's icy grip on her heart and would not let go. Her heart willing her mind not to do it, her feet slipped into the icy cold water.
Frozen inside without your touch without your love
Darling only you are the life among the dead
Sakura's feet hit nothing and she fell into the raging waters. "Sakura!" Sakura's head snapped up to see Sasuke running along the bank's edge, trying to find a way to help her. "S-Sasuke...?" She whispered as her head went under water. Sasuke saw that and knew the only way to save Sakura was to jump into the river to save her, so he did. He swam over to Sakura and held her up above the waters, allowing her to catch her breath. "Sasuke...I thought you didn't care..."
All this time I can't believe I couldn't see
Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
"I'm sorry, Sakura! I didn't know what I was feeling, but now I do and I'm sorry I didn't get here sooner!" Sakura smiled wearily at Sasuke as she looked up at the river's bank. Sakura felt the raging water fighting against Sasuke's grip, trying to get Sakura free and drown her in its depths.
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything
Without a thought without a voice without a soul
Don't let me die here
Bring me to life
"Sasuke. I'm sorry, too. I let my sadness cloud my thoughts." Sasuke smiled slightly. "Don't worry. If we get out of this river, I'll forget everything about this experience!" Sakura grabbed onto Sasuke's shoulders. "Please don't let go!" "I won't, Sakura. I promise."
(Wake me up) Wake me up inside
(Can't wake up) Wake me up inside
(Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark
Sakura suddenly spied a tree limb hanging out over the water. "Sasuke! There! can't we use that to get out of the river?" Sasuke nodded and smiled in relief. He lifted Sakura onto his shoulders with diffuculty, telling her what to do. She grabbed one of his hands and held the other, poised, ready to grab the branch. She would only have one shot at this.
(Wake me up) Bid my blood to run
(Can't wake up) Before I come undone
(Save me) Save me from the nothing I've become
Her hand wrapped around the branch, stopping Sasuke and herself from being carried any farther down the river. She managed to pull Sasuke up to where he would be able to climb onto the branch. He wrapped his legs around the branch and helped Sakura up and onto land. Sakura looked up into Sasuke's eyes and smiled.
Bring me to life
"Thank you, Sasuke. You saved my life." "Why would I want to let you die?" Sakura smiled as she hugged Sasuke, tears in her eyes. "Thank you, Sasuke. For saving me from the darkness."
I'm sorry if this wasn't what you were expecting, Krows Scared, but I had some diffuculty with this one. I hadn't even really planned on writing a songfic about this one (even though it's one of my faves, too), because I couldn't really come up with a storyline to go by. To the other readers, I hope that you liked this, but this is dedicated to Krows Scared. Krows Scared was the one who requested I do this. And please. If you have to flame me, please don't do it too harshly. I'm still new at writing songfics (this is my second one!).