InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love's Little Lessons ❯ Lesson #1 Never hesitate to compliment your koibito ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Love's Little Lessons

#1 Never hesitate to compliment your koibito

"Soooo, Kagome? You think you could possibly drag the new boyfriend to the September Social Friday night?"

"Er…" Kagome had just recently admitted to her friends that she had a secret boyfriend. "Yume, I don't think he would want to come…"

"Oh, come on! I think he'll do it for you if you ask him nicely," her friend replied, fluttering her eyelashes suggestively.

"Okay, number one: Stop that. Number two: What makes you think that? You've never even met him!"

"Thanks to you. Anyway… since you're finally admitting to HAVING a boyfriend, he must have told you her loves you too. If he loves you, he'll probably do anything you ask for."

"Yeah, well, I'll ask." Kagome sighed. She didn't think InuYasha would buy that.

"Great," Yume said. "I'll see you both there!" The girl ran off and Kagome turned towards the subway.


"Mama? Can I ask you a question?" Kagome asked her mother when she got home.

"Sure, dear. What's on your mind?" her mom replied sweetly. She was folding laundry on her bedroom.

"Well, my friends are getting suspicious because they've never met InuYasha. I was thinking of taking him to the Social this week. But, you know…his ears. What can I do to cover them up?"

"Oh, why bother, Kagome? Why can't you just tell your friends he's a hanyou? It's not as if they won't find out…"

"I know, but, maybe just for a night? I wanna be a normal girl taking her boyfriend to a school dance. Maybe I could explain to them later," Kagome said lamely. Her mother understood. Kagome didn't exactly have a normal life. Being a miko, shard-detector, and girlfriend to a hanyou didn't live much room for teenage normalcy.

"Okay. Well, what about a hat? Maybe he could wear a top hat with his tux?"

"Great idea! Thanks Mama," Kagome cried rushing up to her mom. "I'll go ask InuYasha if he wants to come with me." The happy fifteen year old grabbed her bag and rushed down the stairs.


InuYasha, as always, was waiting for her when she climbed out of the Bone Eaters Well. His usual growl and "You're late, wench" were replaced with a deep embrace and a swift but sure kiss.

"Hello, Kagome," her only love said as they broke apart. She was smiling warmly and he was grinning like an idiot.

He took her small, delicate hand into his clawed one, and they walked towards the tree. After they sat down, Kagome snuggled closer and laid her head on his shoulder.

"Koi?" she asked after a moment.

"Hai?" he replied.

"I have a question to ask and I would like you to let me finish asking it before you say anything. Okay?"


Kagome took a deep breath. "Well, there's this dance coming up at my school tomorrow. I wondering if you would like to be my date?"

Date. He knew what that word meant. Kagome had long ago explained the concept. "Dance?" he asked.

"Hai, a whole bunch of people come together and dance and talk and listen to music. Would you want to come with me?"

Hm. A whole evening with Kagome in his arms. The potential for goodnight kisses. He definitely wanted to go but… "But what about…" he pointed at his fuzzy, triangular ears.

"I have a solution for that. Will you come? Please? For me?" she asked.

He eyed her. "For you, I would do almost anything."

"Almost?" She smiled innocently and lifted her head to give him a slow, passionate kiss.

"Okay, you've got me. I'd do anything for you." He sighed. "Women!"

Kagome giggled. "Great. Come to my house tomorrow afternoon and you can get ready there. Okay?"

His cute ears drooped. "You're leaving?"

"I have to pick out a dress and a tux for you to wear. You want me to look pretty don't you?"

"Then you don't have to leave. You're already pretty." He picked her up and held on tight.

More giggles. She pushed push and kissed the tip of his nose. "Silly. Thank you. See you tomorrow."

She jumped down the well.

~~Friday night In Kagome's bedroom~~

InuYasha was sitting on Kagome's bed in his new tuxedo waiting for his date to come back in wearing her dress.

Just as he was thinking about asking her to skip the dance and just come back to his forest and spend the night, she emerged from her closet.

InuYasha had to fight to keep his mouth closed.

Kagome was reading a form-fitting sleeveless black silk kimono with red embroidery forming dragons on the hemlines. The kimono hand a V neckline which exposed her beautiful white throat. Her dark hair was pulled into an intricate looking weaved bun. She was wearing a silver bracelet on her wrist with a crescent moon charm on it.

The poor dog demon didn't trust himself to speak, so he kept his mouth shut. Kagome took that as a bad sign and asked, "What? You don't like it."

"What? No," the hanyou exclaimed. "I-I-I- I just… well… I guess…" InuYasha was stuttering and Kagome started crying.

"I go through all this trouble just to look nice for YOU and you think I don't look good enough. I bought a new dress, I did my makeup, I put my hair up and you still don't think I'm pretty! Sit! Sit! Sit!"

InuYasha slammed to the ground three times and got up to put his arms around his beloved. She tried to jerk back, but didn't account for his strength. He held her and said, "Shhh. Please don't cry, Kagome. I didn't get to finish. You are truly breathtakingly beautiful tonight. I was just a little speechless at first. Gomen. I didn't mean to make you sad. You're lovely," he repeated. "You really are."

Tear-stained she looked up at him. "Really?"

"I said it, didn't I?"

She smiled. "That's better," her love said. "Now, let's get these tears washed off, ne?" he said and started licking her cheeks.

"InuYasha," she exclaimed playfully. "I thought we talked about puppy kisses."

He feigned sad look. "I know, know… `There's an appropriate time and place'," he quoted automatically. "'And my house is NEVER the right place'."

"Good boy," she said. "Now, let me wash up and reapply some make up and we can be off."



A half an hour later they were in front of the school, ready to enter the dance. InuYasha swept Kagome into a long, deep kiss. He bit her lip gently. Kagome sighed and tilted her head to give him better access.

When they broke the embrace, Kagome shot him a breathless look.

"Hey, you never said anything about this lawn," the hanyou said defensively and raised his hands.

Kagome grunted in mock frustration. He was sooo cute!

~End Chapter One