InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love's path ❯ A Shoulder to Cry on ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last Time: She slowly opened her eyes to find Sesshomaru standing in front of her with Tokijin in his hand. In minutes the surrounding forest lay littered with demon parts and blood spilled gruesomely over everything.
A Shoulder to Cry on
“A-Arigato Sesshomaru-sama”
“How many times do you intend that this Sesshomaru save you in a day?” he asked with amusement in his deep masculine voice.
“Gomen for being so weak and stupid” Kagome whispered in a sad voice.
“You are not weak although you are sometimes too rash” Sesshomaru wiped his blade on the grass.
“I am weak and pathetic, even Inuyasha thinks so” Kagome stood up dusting her skirt off.
“That damn Hanyou is ignorant, he would not notice power if it was right in front of his nose” he sheathed Tokijin and stood watching the Miko that intrigued him so much.
“He may be ignorant but he's never lied to me before” she held her head down looking at her shoes.
“That may be yet he thinks of you as only a reincarnated jewel detector.” Kagome couldn't stand being compared to Kikyo so she did the only thing she felt she could do, she cried. Sesshomaru watched as she broke down crumpling to the ground, tears streaming down her face in rivulets.
`Great now I made her cry, should I comfort her; but I don't know how to comfort humans maybe I should try the Inu-youki way.' Sesshomaru walked over to Kagome who was kneeling on the ground; he gently picked her up and sat down with her cradled in his arm. He began making a steady purring sound deep in his throat while he stroked her raven black hair. After awhile her tears stopped and her breathing steadied as she became exhausted in the arms of the Taiyouki.
“Sesshomaru” she looked up into his golden eyes as he stopped soothing her.
“Shh, rest beautiful” he stood up and with his demon speed he stopped at a small clearing and settled down against a tree with Kagome cradled back in his arm. He resumed his earlier comforting of Kagome.
“You called me beautiful.”
“You are beautiful, now sleep” Kagome instantly drifted off into a peaceful sleep nestled in the Inu-youki's arm.