InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Will Have Its Way ❯ A Rumor, A Return ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi, minna-san!!! Sorry for the long break (again), but I went to camp and expected to have a week where I could update all my stories. Well, I was confused, and I didn't have that week, and instead went away for two weeks. Anywhoo…

I know this is another short chapter, but Beady's going away, so I'm trying to get more up for Beady's sake. O, btw, I dedicate this chapter to Beady, my most annoy- I mean, loyal reviewer. ^.~

Disclaimer: Yes! I own them! Oh shoot, the cows really do have guns! (see and listen to the song)

Thank you to all of my wonderful reviewers! I love you all!!! Keep reviewing!!!!

Love Will Have Its Way

Chapter 7

"Well… I'll send you some good psychiatrists… but if anything harmful happens, to her or anyone else, resulting from this problem, then she will have to be put away."

"…I understand."

Of course, Kagome had heard every word; the doors weren't sound proof. She wasn't the only one who'd heard, either… Little did anyone know, but rumors were about to fly.

Mika, who had been taking a note to the office, had heard the voices through the window that Takuya always had open (there was a wind block, so the curtains rarely moved - he didn't know it was open most of the time). Mika had heard Kagome's tale, and with wide eyes, ran back to her class, completely forgetting her errand, so she could pass a note to her friends relating what she had just heard. No wonder that Higurashi girl was so weird - she actually was a mental case!

Meanwhile, Kagome went to the bathroom to get cleaned up and her mother left to go call some of the psychiatrists that had been recommended. Takuya, now worn out and worried from the meeting, went into the office to get a cup of coffee. On the way back to his office, he noticed the assistant principal talking to a large group of students he had never seen before. There looked to be about 20 of them, and they were running out of space! Takuya walked up to the principal to ask her (yes, her! Hah! So there!) what was going on.

"Don't you remember? The students transferring from the overcrowded school are starting here today. We were looking for you! You were supposed to lead them around today!"

Realization hit Takuya like a brick on the head.

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry, ma'am! I had a particularly - er - difficult student who took a lot longer than I expected. In my worry, it completely slipped my mind!"

"It's ok, Takuya, we got by. Next time, don't let it happen, though. You're supposed to meet with each of them after school today, just to answer any questions they might still have. You will remember, right?" she asked pointedly.

"Of course! Not a problem. And once again, I apologize for this morning…"

"Don't worry about it. Oh, by the way, here's the list of names of the new students so you can review it before you meet them."

"Thank you very much, I will do that!" said Takuya, still trying to make up for his blunder.

The principal handed him the list and walked away to talk with another staff member. Takuya skimmed over the list, sipping his coffee. Suddenly, he spat the mouthful out, all over the paper.

"Oh shit!!!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Kagome came out of the bathroom just as the bell for passing rang. She pushed the meeting of a few moments to the back of her mind. She needed to focus on her classes. Besides, she was going to drama next - she'd have an easy time forgetting while she pretended to be someone else. Her teacher had told them that they were going to be working on a play, just for practice. Today, they were going to start.

Kagome noticed that she was getting odd stares from some people in the hallway, and some people were whispering. She supposed the girls from the other day had told them about how odd she had acted after school. She shrugged it off.

However, that was more than she could manage to do in drama. People were still staring at her when class started, but the teacher started class quickly. She launched into an explanation of the play.

"Ok, class, here's the plan: you guys are a small class, so I'm going to let you decided who each person is and all of those things. I'll be here only to help & critique your actual acting. Does this sound good to everybody?"

The class, only 20 strong, muttered a reply that sounded somewhat like a yes. Undaunted by the less than enthusiastic answer, the teacher continued.

"Ok then! Who would like to be the director?"

Some of the people who weren't very good actors raised their hands, as did Kagome. However, the part went to one particularly terrible girl, who didn't realize just how bad she was.

"Ok, Rika, come get the script. Once everyone has their parts, start learning some lines! I want to be able to perform this in 3 weeks!"

The class knew that this would never happen, as they had no one to perform for, but since this made a nice relief from embarrassing stage games and boring monologues, they decided to make the best of it. The teacher sat down and pulled out her book, and Rika took over.

"Ok, everyone, the play's called "Inu-yasha: A Feudal Fairytale". I've read this story before, and it's an excellent story. The main characters are Inu-yasha and Kagome Higurashi-" Rika broke off here, realizing that this was a classmate. While she double checked the name, the rest of the class turned to stare at Kagome, who was wide-eyed. They had made a play out of the story?

"Well, that's the right name…" Rika looked worried - she had heard the rumor from Mika about Kagome. Rika eyed her cautiously, then continued. "This story takes place in the Warring States Era, and demons and magic exist everywhere. The story begins…"

But Kagome wasn't listening. She kept trying to shut out Rika's voice - she didn't want to hear the story… not again… Kagome stared determinedly at her desk. She didn't even look up when Rika was interrupted by a knock on the door. She heard a male voice from the doorway.

"Is this the drama class? I'm new, and I'm afraid I'm lost."

"Yes, you've come to the right place," smiled the drama teacher. "You must be one of the transferred students. What's you're name?"

What Kagome heard next made her sit up straight in the blink of an eye; so fast, for that matter, that the people around her stopped looking at the cute new guy to stare at her instead. Kagome didn't even notice them, but started slowly shaking her head in almost fearful disbelief as she stared the handsome guy with violet eyes and a ponytail before her.

"I'm Miroku, Miroku Komatsu."

Heh heh heh… Not what you expected, was it? Ya, it was short, sorry! It was going to be longer, but I posted it anyways. I'm sorry for the long wait - it won't happen again (hopefully). Keep reviewing! I'm still open to any ideas! I'm always open to critique! Talk to me, people! The more reviews I get, the sooner u get the next chapter!!!!