InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Chapter 2 : 8 years later ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: Inuyasha was sniffing around for the new sent that was in the house that smelled so good. It led him to his half brother's door; which is where he was right now.
Chapter 2
Inuyasha slowly opened the door expecting to find his half brother with an orange blossom on his clothing, but found a young girl around his age on the bed.
Inuyasha walked to the side of the bed, and knelt down so his head was beside her neck. Inuyasha took a sniff and smelled the sent of orange blossoms that was in the house. He heard her heart rate increase and her breathing become quicker. Then her eyes fluttered open, and she turned her head to look at him.
“Oh, hey I am Kagome, what is your name?” the girl named Kagome asked.
He blinked “Inuyasha,” he replied.
“Well it is nice to meet you Inuyasha, but could you sh..” 'Tweak' “Oh my Kami-sama your ears are so Kawii. Can I please pet them?” Kagome asked.
“Umm sure,” he said and tilted his head towards her.
Kagome rubbed them and she started to hear a low rumbling sound coming from the boy in front of her.
Kagome begins to giggle.
“ What is so funny?” Inuyasha asks.
“Oh, nothing, just that your supposed to be an inu yokai, but you sound like a neko youkai,” she giggled out.
Inuyasha swiftly pulled back and glared at her.
“ I am not a neko hanyou. I am an inu hanyou,” he told her.
“Oh… What's a hanyou?” Kagome asked while tilting her head to one side. “Priestess Kaede said something about them once, but she did not tell me much about them,” Kagome said with a finger on her chin.
8 years later
“Oh I hope Inuyasha likes my surprise,” Kagome thought driving home early from her company.
Kagome was driving home early to surprise Inuyasha with a gold watch for their anniversary. (They are going to get married in November)
As Kagome pulled up her driveway she saw her elder sister's car, but she did not think much about it
“Maybe she is just visiting again,” Kagome thought as she walked up the steps.
She quietly opened the door and looked around for them, but she did not see them.
“Maybe they are one the back patio,” Kagome thought.
Kagome walked past her room that she shared with Inuyasha; she stopped, turned around, and walked back to the door. Kagome put her ear to the door.
“ Oh, yes, Inuyasha,” she heard a woman's voice say.
“ Oh Kami-sama please no,” Kagome thought with tears in the corners of her eyes.
Kagome swung the door open. The two people in the room and herself froze.
“Why?” Kagome asked breaking the long quietness.
“Kagome its not what it looks like,” Inuyasha said very fast. The girl on the bed to his left was just smirking, knowing what she was getting on tape.
“ Oh really, it looks like you were fucking my sister in our bed, but if its not what I think then, please by all means tell me,” Kagome said her voice cracking.
Inuyasha just bowed his head in shame.
“ I think I will go now,” Kikyo said.
“ Yes you do that older sister, oh and take your new prize with you,” Kagome said waving a hand in Inuyasha's direction.
“ And you,” Kagome said pointing to Inuyasha. “I want all of your objects out of my house by tomorrow afternoon,” she told him as he was walking out the door.
“Oh wait, Inuyasha,” he turned around and caught a small box she tossed at him. “Happy anniversary. Do not fret you can still pone it off like all the other gifts and get another whore,” Kagome said.
“I am truly sorry Kagome,” Inuyasha said at last.
“No, your not. Now get the hell out of my house,” Kagome said starting to get angry, and raising her voice.
“But…” Inuyasha started to say but was interrupted.
“NOW,” Kagome yelled. Kagome's miko powers were crackling around her, and her eyes were turning white. Everyone that was a demon, hanyou, miko, monk, demon slayer, in a fifty-mile radius could feel her power.
13 miles away at Tashio Corp.
Sesshoumaru was walking back to his office when almost everyone in the building froze.
Sesshoumaru had felt this power before eight years ago, except it felt much stronger now then before.
After the shock was over the first one to break the pause was a monk who was about to leave for home.
“Aww kuso no Kagome,” Sesshoumaru heard him say.
The monk grabbed her coat and bolted out the door.
Sesshoumaru being the Lord of the western lands felt the power on the boundaries of his domain, and got curious.
Sesshoumaru walked into his office and closed the door. He walked to his window and opened it. He formed his cloud at his feet and went towards the power he had felt.
AN: Yeah I got my second chapter done in the same day. Yes I feel so good. So what do you think and I want an honest opion. Please review and I will update as soon as possible. Thanks, Gothcat
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha characters.