InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Chapter 7:Finding out ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: “You better pray to any god that accepts your hanyou ass, that your little mishap did not get in to the media like the rumors said it did,” Sesshoumaru growled out warningly.
“What are you talking about?” Inuyasha asked highly annoyed.
“Well let's find out shall we?” Sesshoumaru said more than asked and went into the living room and turned on the T.V.
Chapter 7
“Good evening our top story tonight is about Inuyasha Tashio, Kikyo and Kagome Higurashi. We just got some footage this afternoon. This maybe graphic for children under the age fourteen, parents be advised,” the news reporter announced.
P.O.V. of camera
It was dark but you could hear moaning sounds of two people and the sound of the bed creaking.
“Oh Inuyasha,” was heard in a female voice.
Then the noise of a door hitting a wall sounded and the lenses of the camera were removed and it viewed an angry Kagome on the verge of tears.
“Why?” the woman asked.
“Kagome it is not what is looks like,” a man with silver hair came in to the view of the camera said very fast.
“Oh really, it looks like you were fucking my sister in our bed, but if it is not what I think then, please by all means tell me,” Kagome said in a cold voice, the camera now on her.
“I think I will go now,” the woman holding the camera said.
“Yes you do that older sister, oh and take your new prize with you,” the woman in the doorway said waving a hand at the man with silver hair.
The view of the camera went off but more yelling could be heard until it went completely off.
Back with the news reporter
“There you have it folks. Inuyasha and Kagome are now broken up. They are now both up for grabs. Now to Mike Brianholttz with the weather,” The news reporter said.
`Click', Sesshoumaru turned off the T.V. and throw the controller on the couch.
“That whore had a camera there the whole time,” Inuyasha growled out.
“Go take a shower, Inuyasha. That whore's sent is all over you. And if there is any problem with the stocks, and people buy more from her because of the news you will no longer be living in this house. Now, go,” Sesshoumaru, demanded.
After Inuyasha left Sesshoumaru went up and took a shower himself, and went to sleep in his room.
`Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, be-crunch' Sesshoumaru hit his alarm clock and broke it. He looked at his watch that was on his bedside dresser and it read four forty-five a.m.
“Wonderful there goes another damn alarm clock,” Sesshoumaru thought groggily to himself as he got off his bed and got dressed to go to work.
“Never suffocate you more then the passing of everyday human events. Isolation as the `click'. Kagome's alarm went off with a nice click as she pushed the off button.
Kagome got off her makeshift bed and stretched her wings, wait wings.
“ Great, just peachy, now this has to start happening again,” Kagome thought as she absorbed her wings back in to her body.
Kagome got up, took a shower, and went to work.
“Good morning Kagome-sama,” the security guard said as she went through the metal detector.
“Good morning to you too Tai-sama, have a good day,” Kagome said smiling at the old man.
When Kagome walked into the lobby to get to the elevators she was greeted with smiling faces of her employees.
“Good morning,” Kagome said to everyone in the elevator.
“Good morning Kagome-sama,” they all coursed as Kagome pushed the button for the sixty-ninth floor.
Kagome walked out of the elevator and was walking to her office until she heard a voice.
“You did the right thing Kagome-sama,” Rin told her.
Kagome turned to her and looked at her in question, and tilted her head to the side.
“ You know, you breaking up with Inuyasha,” Rin said.
Kagome looked shocked. (Like 0_0)
“How did that get around? I have not told anyone but Yuka-chan and Fluffanator,” Kagome asked.
“You do not know, your breakup was on tape all over the news last night,” Rin told Kagome.
“That wretch,” Kagome growled out turning a bit red in the face.
“Kagome-sama are you ok?” Rin asked concerned.
“I am fine Rin, nothing for you to worry about. Now back to work with ye',” Kagome said playfully.
“Right away Kagome-sama,” Rin said with a sharp bow and was off.
“Dear sister you will pay,” Kagome thought thinking about evil things to bestow upon her lovely sister. (Muhhahahahah ~insert own evil laugh here~)
Kagome walked into her office and sat down behind her desk to start her work.
“I am not in the mood to deal with you right now,” Kagome said not looking up from her work before her.
“Awe come on Kagome, your not with the Mutt any more, so I thought, well you know, I could take you out to dinner or lunch or something,” The person said with pleading eyes.
Kagome let out a long sigh and looked up from her work.
A/N Hey yall I got my seventh chapter up. Ok I am going to try this thing. If any one can guess who the character is in Kagome's office you can write a request along with your answer in a review. I will try and put your request in the let's say tenth or ninth chapter because I already have the others written down I just have to type them, but I am a really slow typer, I just have time right now because in gym today playing basketball my knee popped out of place so every time I put pressure on it the knee part slides and it really hurt at first but now it is just a throb, but I am goin' to a doctor at one and we have an appointment at two to get like x-rays or sometin' so I might not be able to type the next chapter for like a couple of days or sometin'. Well please review. Thanks Gothcat.