InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Chapter 1: the start ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Loving the Rival
Chapter 1
“Mama?” asked the youngest daughter of the Higurashi family. (Can yall tell me if I spelled it wrong.)?
Yes dear,” said her mother.
“Can I go outside and play?” Kagome asked.
Did you finish your training with Priestess Kaede for the day?” Kagome's mom, Jean asked.
“Yes mama,” Kagome replied happily.
“Then you may go, but take your bow and arrows with you just is case. Oh, and be back before dinner,” Jean told her daughter.
I will, thank you mama,” Kagome said putting on her shoes and going out the back door that led to the woods behind her family's shrine.
“Kikyo come and help me prepare dinner,” Kagome heard her mother calling for her older sister.
Kagome looked similar to her older sister, but Kagome had black wavy hair that cascaded down her back in long strands, and her sister, Kikyo had long very straight dark brown hair. Another difference is their eyes. Kikyo's eyes seem a dull brown that hold no light in them. Kagome's eyes are a light ice blue, changing to a silver color when really angry or determined. The biggest difference of all was the fact that Kagome was an immortal and ruler of the east, and she was born from the gods of Heaven and the seven Hells.
Kagome was walking through the woods with her bow on her shoulder and a quiver full of arrows on her back. She being a priestess could feel demonic auras, well she could feel everyone's auras. Kagome could have sworn she felt two demonic auras rising and then one dissipated and one was really weak.
So, she being the curious thing she is decided to walk out further into the woods to find out what had happened. Kagome walked into the clearing where she felt the aura the strongest.
Kagome's P.O.V.
I gasped at the sight. There was blood all throughout the clearing. I noticed a headless serpent, which was quite large even without it's head. I heard a small whimper; I whipped around and spotted a horse-sized white dog whose weak aura I had felt He was bleeding profusely from a gash on his left foreleg and a gash along his side. I walked slowly in front of him so to not scare him.
Normal P.O.V.
“Hey are you alright?” Kagome asked the dog.
“Gurrr' go away you weak human,” the dog growled out.
Kagome knew he was using the inuyokai language,
and that he thought that she did not understand what he was saying.
“ I am not weak, dog, now stay still so I can tend to your wounds,” Kagome said
“You can understand my language?” he asked with curiosity in his voice.
“No, I can read your mind, of course I can understand your language,” Kagome said.
He cut his eyes at her.
“Why are you helping me?” he asked trying to get up, but just hit the ground with a `thud'.
“Because I want to,” she said softly. “Now stay still or I will shock you,” she said more sternly.
Kagome knelt down next to him. Then she put one hand on his muzzle and one hand on his side. Kagome closed her eyes. The dog watched as a bright light came from her hands, and surrounded their bodies. Her eyes opened up and they were a pure white. He saw for a brief moment her appearance change, and angel wings on her back and the eastern lands mark upon her forehead.
He felt a tingling sensation throughout his whole body. Then the light faded, and all his wounds were healed. Kagome closed her eyes for a few seconds, and when she opened them up again, golden eyes were staring back at her.
“You know you look a lot better with out all of the blood on your fur,” she told him and passed out.
Dog P.O.V.
“Damn why does she have to pass out on me? he thought to him self as he changed back into his human form. He picked her up and took off towards his home.
At his Home
I burst through the front door carrying the girl bridle style in my arms.
“Father,” I called out.
“ Yes, Sesshoumaru wha… who is this?” my father demanded.
“She healed me after me challenge,” I told my father.
“ Fine then just do not kill her then,” he told me.
“ Yes I know father,” I said.
Normal P.O.V.
Sesshoumaru took Kagome to his room, and laid her on his bed, and went to go take a shower.
Inuyasha was sniffing around for the new sent that was in the house that
smelled so good. The sent led him to his older half brother's door, which is
where he is right now.