InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Chapter 9: ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: “I have made a reservation at the `Over Full' for seven O'clock. It is about a half and hour away from your place,” Koga informed her.
“Is that a new restaurant?” Kagome asked.
“Yes, it is,” Koga said.
Chapter 9
The rest of the ride to the restaurant was silent. Once they go to the `Over Full' the driver opened the door and Koga got out helping Kagome out as well.
“Wow this place is massive!” Kagome exclaimed.
“Yeah, wait till you see what is inside,” Koga told her.
They both walked in the door and saw a man standing a podium.
“Do you have a reservation?” the man asked.
“Yes, it should be a table for two under Lord Koga, for seven p.m.,” Koga replied.
“Yes of course, right this was Lord Koga,” the man said leading them towards the back of the restaurant.
All the beauty in the place astonished Kagome. There was a waterfall off to a side and actual water under her very feet, even the tables had water in them, and there were little exotic fishes swimming around all over the place.
Koga smiled at Kagome's reaction, but to his disappointment Kagome did not catch it,
The man left them at the table for two near the back where the lights were dimmed somewhat.
“Thank you,” Kagome said as Koga pulled out her chair.
“Right this way Lord Sesshoumaru, Lord Naraku is waiting,” said the same man that led Kagome and Koga to their table. The man led Sesshoumaru and Miroku towards a table in the back where Naraku and Kagura were waiting. (Hint, hint, in the back hint, hint)
When Sesshoumaru walked into the restaurant the first thing that he noticed was the smell of orange blossoms and rose oil.
“So she is here as well,” Sesshoumaru thought looking for the owner of the sent and they were walking to their table. “There she is, and she is with the wolf,” Sesshoumaru said with disgust.
Sesshoumaru continued to his table, which was not, but thirty feet form Kagome's. Sesshoumaru got to the table and he was hit with the smell of cheep cologne and perfume, which was coming clearly from Naraku and Kagura. If you squinted enough you could see the small fumes coming from them, and the fumes looked green. (Sorry I just had to put that)
“Good evening Lord Sesshoumaru and Miroku-sama,” Naraku and Kagura said standing up and giving a slight bow.
Sesshoumaru just nodded his head in acknowledgement, while Miroku bowed, and they both took their seats and did Naraku and Kagura.
“Oh now why did this have to happen, all four of the lords and lady are in the same place. Thank the Gods that this is a neutral zone, or, wait do they even know that I am here, oh yes they do,” were the very confusing thought of Koga.
“Koga are you alright? You look like you have seen a ghost?”
Kagome asked.
“It is nothing Kagome, thank you for worrying though,” Koga said placing his hand on hers grinning only to frown when she moved her hands from underneath his.
Miroku gets up to go to the bathroom leaving the other three to talk.
“So Sesshoumaru, what do you think about my proposal?” Naraku questioned
“No,” Sesshoumaru said simply and nimbly got up and walked towards Kagome's table.
Koga let out a possessive growl when he noticed Sesshoumaru coming towards Kagome and His table.
“What do you want Sesshoumaru?” Koga asked when he saw Sesshoumaru's eyes travel over Kagome's form.
Kagome turned around and saw a firm chest and looked up into golden eyes.
“Hey fluffanator how has it been?” Kagome asked.
“Fine,” Sesshoumaru said dismissing the nickname for the moment.
“Stay away from my Kagome, Sesshoumaru,” Koga said.
Kagome stood up and started to walk away towards the front. Koga and Sesshoumaru quickly followed afterwards. (Like good little puppy dogs)
“Kagome, what is the matter?” Koga yelled after her.
Naraku was stewing in his own anger.
“No, he dares to say no to me,” Naraku thought as he watched Sesshoumaru walk over to the table where the Lord of the South and the Lady of the East resided. “So Sesshoumaru has interest in the lady of the East, Kagome I believe,” he paused in thought. “Let's see how he dares to say no to me after I make Lady Kagome be no more,” Naraku continued out loud.
“You know what's wrong,” Kagome seethed.
Koga looked at her in a confused manner and Sesshoumaru looked upon her with sustained amusement indicated by his slightly raised eyebrow.
“I told you that I was owned by no one not now, not ever. Get that through your thick skull wolf,” Kagome said as she let out a low growl in annoyance.
“But you are mine Kagome, and I was just protecting you from this mutt,” Koga said thinking she would be with him, but boy was he wrong.
“I will never need protection from anyone, and for Sesshoumaru being a mutt, you might be right on that one,” Kagome said earning a growl from Sesshoumaru. “Aww do not come off your high horse Fluffanator,” Kagome said earning her another growl.
“I told yesterday not to call this Sesshoumaru by that name again,” Sesshoumaru said.
“WHAT,” Koga roared turning heads of almost everyone in the restaurant towards their little squabble. “Why were you with him yesterday? Did he hurt you? Are you alright?” Koga kept on asking questions.
“Koga shut up, it is none of your business what I did with him yesterday,” Kagome said.
“Yes, it is none of your business what we `did' or `did' not do yesterday,” Sesshoumaru said hitting the words `did' with a little more push.
“What the hell did you do with my Kagome?” Koga asked glaring at Sesshoumaru for answers.
“Well what we `did' do got us really sweaty. Oh and did you know Sesshoumaru's `sword' is a lot longer then Inuyasha's,” Kagome said catching on to what Sesshoumaru was doing.
“Yes Kagome has some impressive flexibility. I must say she can bend in some odd angles,” Sesshoumaru went on slightly smirking with a false look of lust in his eyes.
“You didn't do that Kagome, did you?” Koga asked with a hurt look on his normally handsome features.