InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last Time: “So basically he is pissed that you did not want to join with him, and is going to go after me to get to you?” Kagome inquired.
With a sharp nod Kagome got her answer from Sesshoumaru.
“So what do you propose we do?” Kagome asked not liking the situation at all.
Chapter 14
“Well first I suggest we war and then have our spar. Then we will discuss our current situation,” Sesshoumaru said.
Here's your order,” Rei said placing their plates in front of them both. “Do yall need refills yet?” Rei asked.
“Not yet, thank you,” Kagome said.
After their meals they were on there was back to Kagome's house. When they arrived hey both went back to the dojo and went to the locker rooms. They both came out with what they had on when they first fought.
“Are you ready for you defeat?” Kagome asked unsheathing her sword.
“You are mistaken, you are the one who will be defeated, my lovely Kagome,” Sesshoumaru said also taking out his sword.
“Ok new rules, each one of us has to land ten hits on your opponent to win. Any thing goes except the previous rules I told you about and no mind reading,” Kagome said. “Agreed?”
“Agreed,” Sesshoumaru said.
They both walked into the center of the room and gave a brief bow to each other and they both got into fighting stances.
“Inuyasha,” Kikyo called out.
“Yes koi?” Inuyasha replied.
“I think my water just broke,” came Kikyo's answer.
“WHAT, the baby's not due for another two weeks,” Inuyasha said looking at Kikyo's abnormally large stomach.
“I don't know just get me to the dammed hospital,” Kikyo growled.
“Ok, ok, ummm, can you make it outside?” Inuyasha asked.
“Oh my fucking gods!” Kikyo screamed as a contraction his her.
“I will take that as a no,” Inuyasha said and picked up Kikyo bridle style and rushed off towards the hospital.
Kagome threw a punch at Sesshoumaru, since both their swords seethed since hey got nowhere with that. Kagome's punch landed on Sesshoumaru's arm earning another joint leaving her with a total of fro hits so far and Sesshoumaru with five. Kagome made a round a house kick which Sesshoumaru blocked catching her foot. He spun her around, and Kagome stopped herself on her hands and got a solid punch on Sesshoumaru's gut, making the score now even.
“You know you could just give up and the score will be even and no one wins and no one loses,” Kagome said taunting Sesshoumaru.
“I will continue to fight you, and I will win,” Sesshoumaru proclaimed landing a hit on her shoulder making her joint pop out
“Damnit,” Kagome cured. She placed her hand on the ground and pushed her joint back in with a sickening `pop'. “You know that fucking hurt,” Kagome growled out running at Sesshoumaru.
“Doctor I know that I am way out of my league, but it has been only a couple of day since I got her pregnant. Doesn't it take longer for the baby to develop?” Inuyasha asked worriedly.
“You are a hanyou correct?” the doctor asked. With Inuyasha's nod the doctor continued. “Well with demons and hanyous the time it takes for the baby to develop it shorted because the variability the female is during the time she is with pup. But since that you are an inu hanyou it should take at least two to three week. Are you sure you are the father?” the doctor asked.
“Yes I am,” Inuyasha replied.
“Would you like to be with the human as she gives birth to your pup?” the doctor asked.
Inuyasha nodded and they entered the room filled with screams.
“Stop doing that Sesshoumaru,” Kagome yelled as Sesshoumaru landed another hit on her stomach making the score even yet again with nine to nine.
“Just one more hit Kagome,” Sesshoumaru said dodging another kick form Kagome.
“Why are you being so difficult?” Kagome asked jumping in to the air doing a back flip away from one of Sesshoumaru's kicks.
“I am doing no such thing,” Sesshoumaru said landing the final blow on her shoulder.
“Coagulations sir it's an ummm,” the nurse was cut short.
Inuyasha froze when an inhuman cry broke through the room. Inuyasha got up from his spot beside Kikyo and went around the small screen where the nurse was located.
“What is that?” Inuyasha asked looking at the mass of green and brown tentacles. “That is not my pup,” Inuyasha said turning away from the thing. “Who was with you before me?” Inuyasha asked looking intensely at Kikyo.
~~~~Flash back~~~~
“Hey Naraku, do you want to have some fun?” Kikyo asked heatedly.
“I only go for virgins,” Naraku said.
“They do have spells so that it is like I am a virgin,” Kikyo suggested.
Naraku turned toward her. “If I fuck you, I want you to do something for me in return,” Naraku said.
“Anything you want, just say I,” Kikyo said tugging on Naraku's tie
“I want you to get Inuyasha Tashio away from your sister,” Naraku said pulling off his shirt.
“Why do you want to mess with them?” Kikyo asked.
“They are just in my way,” Naraku said taking off his pants and her skirt.
“Wait I'll go get a condom,” Kikyo said moving away.
“I like it bare back,” Naraku said and seethed himself inside her.
(Yall don't ask me to write anything after that because I know that if I do I will die from blushing or fain)
Afterwards: “Go take a shower and scrub good, I do not want him smelling me on you and do that virgin spell again.
“I'll see you later Naraku,” Kikyo said after her shower leaving his apartment and going to her sisters to have some more fun.
~~~~End Flashback~~~~
“I cannot believe you! How could you do this to me? Did you know that thing inside of you was not mine?” Inuyasha asked.
“I didn't know Inuyasha, I swear I didn't know,” Kikyo cried.
“It's a good thing that I did not ask for you hand or for you to be my mate,” Inuyasha said flattening his ears against his head when another scream broke through the room. “I'm outta here.”
“Inuyasha please,” Kikyo pleaded.
Kagome was kneeling in front of Sesshoumaru with her head bowed.
“I am at your mercy,” Kagome said.
“Stand up Kagome, I will not have my mate on her knees unless I want her there,” Sesshoumaru said.
“Huh,” came Kagome's intelligent reply.
“I will not repeat myself,” Sesshoumaru said.
“Did I hear you right? You want me to become your mate?” Kagome asked.
“Yes,” Sesshoumaru said expecting her to be screaming in happiness.
“Why?” she asked clearly not getting why he wanted her as a mate.
“We have been courting for the last two days and I have just proven to you I can protect you. What more could you want in a mate?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“Love,” Kagome said simply. “Good bye Sesshoumaru,” she said and left the dojo with out changing.
“That is enough Kanna,” Naraku said and waved the child away. “Kagura,” Naraku called.
“Yes Lord Naraku,” came Kagura's voice.
“I want you to kill that thing that came out of that bitch Kikyo,” Naraku said.
“As you wish Lord Naraku,” Kagura said and went out to do what she was ordered.
“Now to take care of Kagome,” Naraku said and thus began his plan to win the heart of the lady of the East.
The end.