InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Magical Demon ❯ Meet Kikyo and Fred and George ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

43 visits and no one can review my story. Well then I will keep all my cookies. Well here's chappie 2 ^_^.
Disclaimer- Read Chapter 1
`What am I thinking? This owl doesn't know what to do.” But before her eyes the owl flew off in what she could comprehend was the direction of London. She grabbed the list and ticket and shoved them into her jean pocket. Grabbing her book and book bag she hurried back to her classroom to ready herself in case the owl came back. After all…… miracles happen.
Chapter 2
Sachi looked upon the setting through her second story window. It had been three days since she had sent that letter with that owl, and still there was no reply from this odd school. Now she had almost given up hope on ever finding a path toward her own life. What's worst was that since she had been gone five days her parents had sent everyone they knew out to find her. She now was imprisoned in the school.
She pulled out her sketchbook and started to sketch the darkening town. Whenever she felt trapped or all alone she simply began to draw whatever she saw. As the final streetlights came on she put away her precious drawings. She would have continued, but a light in the empty school might have caused someone to investigate and thus finding her.
She climbed into one of the cupboards and readied herself for a long and comfortable sleep, when suddenly she heard a slight scratching on the window above her. She gave a quiet warning growl to try and scare the noise away. When it kept on going on she slowly crept out of her bed to see who was causing the racket. She opened the blinders only to reveal a large barred owl with a note tied to its leg. Without hesitation she took the note but before she could open it the owl started clicking its beak as if asking for a reward.
“What do you want?” she asked impatiently as she looked at the stubborn bird. Then an idea dawned on her. She ran into a closet and grabbed a couple dead mice, then running back to the letter she threw them at the owl which gave a hoot of satisfaction. She quickly ripped open the letter and pulled out the parchment. It read,
Dear Ms. Higurashi,
Well my, you do have a dilemma don't you? Well luckily I have a couple boys who can help you. All you have to do is collect you things and be ready for them at 10 a.m tomorrow morning. Oh, and I would strongly advise you go back to your home since I doubt the biology room has any fireplaces. I also see that you have become quite a little mouse for the authorities. Hope you are ready.
Albus Dumbledore
P.S: You can keep the owl if you would like.
Sachi stared at the letter with a mix of suspicion and amazement. How in the world did the Dumbledore guy know she was away from home and in this biology room? She stared at the owl, which had just finished the final mouse. It hooted happily and flew over and landed on her shoulder.
As if on cue Sachi heard her parents calling out her name right outside the building. Swiftly yet quietly she ran over to the window to look out onto an almost deserted street. Her mother was calling out her name and her father was trying to pick up her scent, but this was hard on account of the large hat he had on. Sachi smirked when she saw them and then drifted her eyes to her new feathered friend. With one quick motion the bird nodded and Sachi landed right in front of her parents.
“Well mother, father I thought after all this time you would have found me,” Sachi said with a smirk of triumph but was cut off short when her mothers surprised expression turned into a furious “I'm going to kill you” one. Sachi took a step back and as she did so her new friend flew over and grabbed Inuyasha hat, revealing her father's short dog ears. Inuyasha quickly searched the premises for a place to hide and dove into a bush. Sachi couldn't help but giggle. Her mother's eyes at the slight sound of pleasure looked at the owl now with a slight look of hate.
“That owl has a Kikyo look in her eyes.” She said with a matter of fact tone. Sachi stretched out her arm as the owl gracefully landed. A look of amusement was dancing in her eyes.
“Well how about it my little friend? How does the name Kikyo sound to you?” The newly named owl hooted in approval. Sachi began stroking it gently as her mother and father worked to retrieve the hat that was now on a very high branch. When her father had hidden his true identity once again both parents turned and had a look only mad parents could have. Sachi made a silent gulp but then remembered why she had to go home.
“Sachi, WHERE IN THE WORLD HAVE YOU BEEN?” her mother cried at her and then proceeded to grab Sachi's shirt collar. She shook her slightly but Inuyasha interrupted her. Kagome slowly let go of the collar and backed away slightly. It was Inuyasha's turn to be stern now. He slowly wrapped his arm around Kagome's waist and turned toward his daughter.
“Sachi you are grounded until further notice. That means no TV, no computer, no friends, no going out of the house, and no going to the feudal era.” Normally Sachi would have begun to cry or throw some sort of fit saying that it wasn't fair, but since she knew she was being rescued all she said was, “No.” This got her parents attention. Her mother's face began to turn red again, but her father just turned his head slightly as if trying to figure out why his daughter was acting like this. He just asked, “And why not?”
“Because I am going to leave for school at 10 in the morning tomorrow father and you cannot stop me. My new headmaster is sending two students to take me there and I must be ready for them. So if you will excuse me I must go back home and pack.” With that she took off at full speed toward her house, leaving her parents standing there both wearing questioning expressions now.
Sachi groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. She had been having such a peaceful sleep that night, only to have it shattered by her mother yelling that she had visitors. She looked at the clock and saw that it said it was 9:45. `Only fifteen more minutes until my jail break.' She thought to herself. She slowly got up and pulled her hair into a morning ponytail. She only had a large t-shirt on but thinking that it was just her friend Akura (they had been planning to meet sometime this week, Akura usually just popped over so there was no surprise.) she just walked down the stairs. She could hear her mom and dad talking to someone in the kitchen but she couldn't hear much more. Before she knew it she was standing at the entrance of the room facing her parents and two tall identical looking red headed boys. Everyone in the room had kind of a stunned expression but the two boys' slowly began to turn into smirks at the exact same time. Sachi gave a small “eep!” and quickly ran back up the stairs.
`Oh crap this is so embarrassing.' She thought to herself. She pretty much flew into her room and quickly threw on an outfit and tied her hair into pigtail braids. When she returned to the kitchen her mom was serving the two boys herbal tea. When she noticed that her daughter had entered the room she motioned for her to sit down between the two boys. When she sat down she heard the twins laugh quietly and look at her. She decided to start the conversation by blaming them.
“I thought you guys were supposed to come at ten.” She stated as the twins looked at her and just shrugged.
“Well we were supposed to come at ten but Mum insisted that we come early. We didn't know that, how should we say, and that you were unprepared.” With that they both began to snicker again and all Sachi could do was roll her eyes. It was at this moment she noticed that her dad's ears were showing. She gave a startled look and he noticed it.
“I had on my hat, but when these two just exploded out of the fireplace,” he motioned toward the boys who gave a look as if saying `who us?' “It was blown off. They noticed my ears before I could go get it. That's what we were talking about before you entered.”
“We think it's awesome that your dad is a demon……Sachi was it?” the one on her left said. She gave a quick nod and then something seemed to click inside the one on the right.
“Oh we've completely forgotten to introduce ourselves. I am Fred and this is my brother George. We are 3rd year students at Hogwarts.” As he said this both of them seemed to puff out their chests a little bit. Sachi couldn't help but smile.
“These nice boys were telling us about your school Sachi. Some of the details you forgot to mention though like how it's a magic school.” Her mother said shaking her head but Sachi could tell that she was smiling. She was about to say something but Fred cut her off.
“Wow it's already five after ten. We better leave Sachi.” He said as he a George stood up and both of them helped her out of her chair. She smiled and moved back to the staircase.
“Umm…. I kind of need help with my bag.” She said sheepishly. Fred and George looked at each eyebrows raised and then turned at her with smirks on their faces.
“Are you sure there isn't anything up there you don't want us to see?” George asked and in return he got a light punch on the arm. They quickly ran up stairs and returned a couple seconds later with her travel bag. Kikyo had perched herself quite nicely on Fred's shoulder and was pulling on his hair slightly. They came down to the living area and put her bag near the fireplace. Her parents came out and wished her goodbye and then stood back to watch.
“Ok Sachi, since it's very unlikely that you have ever used Floo powder before I will show you what to do.” Fred said as he went and stood in the fireplace. “All you have to do is take a pinch of the powder and then say where you want to go. Now you might ask where do you want to go? Well where we're heading off to is the Leaky Cauldron so you take your pinch and say nice and clearly,” Sachi stood on her toes and waited to see what would happen. “Leaky Cauldron!” Fred proclaimed as he threw his pinch down on the ground. Sachi screamed slightly and fell back into George's arms. She blushed slightly and got back up to see the Fred had disappeared right where a blast of green smoke had been moments before.
“Ok Sachi now it's your turn.” George said as he pushed her into the fireplace and handed her a pinch from the small sack. “Now just do exactly like Fred did.” He instructed. Sachi took a deep breath and looked at her parents for the last time for awhile. She took a small gulp and yelled, “Leaky Cauldron!” and she threw the dust down. In a split second she watched as her parents disappeared behind a puff of smoke as she started to fall.
Well I'm glad that chapters over. If someone reviews this time you get two cookies and a Fred or George plushie. Thanks for the 43 visits though. ^_^
Your dedicated author.