InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meant To Be ❯ Traitor In The Mist ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Pleas note that this chapter is only 1/3 of the original that I intended to post for this chapter. Right now I’m trying to recreate and make the parts that I want to put in work. But I figured you guys wanted something since all the good writers seem to have all fallen from the lime light at the same time.

If you want to know why I disappeared read the end. If not then don’t ask/complain about something I might have already explained in the author note you decided to skip.

Oh yes, there are plenty of spelling errors….sorry.

InuYasha slowly made his way to the garden. For some reason ever since Miroku's bitch came the solitude of his tree was nothing more but a pleasant memory. And he WAS going to hear the rest of that story damn it!

With a slight twitch of his ears he heard choked sobs. He stopped a little to late. The prince stood in the doorway looking at a shaking Sango. It was almost undetectable that she was crying, almost. Her whole body was quaking and it was only with his enhanced hearing that he heard the nearly silent cries that occasionally escaped her lips.

InuYasha turned his back on her. 'He'd leave. She hadn't seen him yet. He could still leave. He could still-'

Another whimper reached his ears.

He growled. 'Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Fucking parents. Why didn't I inherit something useful from them. This is Miroku's job. Where is he?'


It had been over a week. If she thought leaving him when she found out about Yura had hurt she was mistaken. It was torture being under the same roof while he was ignoring her.

She had brought it on herself.

The sad part was that she couldn't even cry in her room for fear that he would hear her since he was across the hall. This was the only place she knew she would have privacy. But once she entered her would be haven Sango knew she had made a mistake in coming here. This was the first place Miroku had asked her out.

“Hey, what's your problem?”

Of all the people that could have found her why did it have to be him!

“I asked you a question.” He said while looking at her with an annoyed expression on his face, crossed arms hidden in his sleeves.

“Nothing.” The Mayan princess responded quickly.

InuYasha plopped down beside her sitting Indian style.

“Look Bitch I'm trying to be nice here. So-”

His brained shouted every curse he knew when Sango clasped on him in tears.

'Why did every woman he knew want to cry on him!'


He stood on his balcony looking out into the perfect view over the kingdom, but today it was lost to him. He just couldn’t shake this foreboding feeling. Something was tremendously wrong and he couldn’t put his finger on it. He just hoped that his failure to pin point his dilemma would not have catastrophic endings.

“King Sesshomaru,” the voice was no more than a whisper, “She is here as you requested.” No answer. No movement. “I’ll just be outside your door if you need me, my King.”

A few more moments of thoughtful silence passed before Sesshomaru turned around to acknowledge his guest.

“Tell me what I want to know.”

The old woman tilted her head a bit and peered up at the demon king with her only working eye.

“Tell me what it is you seek.”

“I know that Jaken has already informed you of what I seek. I will not waste time by asking you things you already know.”

She closed her eye and laughed lightly. “I travel all the way out here just to help you even though I despise leaving my domain and I don’t do so well in travel because of these old bones. You can’t even humor me by telling me what you want to know yourself.”

The King’s hand itched to show this woman to know her place and just whom she was talking to. But he could not. If he went about executing punishment she might not tell him what he desired to know.

“Old woman, you test my patience. My actions have a purpose that I will not take the time to elucidate to you. As for the travel, you rode the only beast I trust with my family’s life so I urge you not to be so snide in regards to your transportation.”

He stopped as if that was going say in answer to her statement.

“I know. I know why you have done everything and it does not need to be explained to me.”

Sesshomaru forced himself to remember way he was being so lenient at her deplorable behavior.

“Seer you will tell me what I want to know now.”

The woman rubbed the area above her patched eye. “You are right to be worried.” It seemed as if she was done toying with him. “There is something a mist. Right here in these very walls”

So he was right. He waited for her to continue but was granted with thickening air.

“Go on.”

“There is nothing more to say. This impending doom can not be stopped, minimized perhaps, but it will happen. I can not say for sure who wins in the struggle to come but I will offer some advice. I suggest you don’t turn your back to long on the ones that have pledge to serve you.”

‘A traitor.’ Even after all his careful planning there were still adulterous people that slipped through the cracks.

“You will be compensated for your assistance, leave now.”

She stood there after her dismissal. ‘Should I tell him about the baby? Well that was a rather rude “thank you”. He’ll learn of it soon.’ With that she bobbled out the door as Jaken ran to assist his king.

“Was the old bat wasting your time, my King? Did she really have something important to tell you?”

The inu king pinched the bridge of his nose in thought while replying.

“Jaken decease your incessant ranting. I am trying to think.”

“Of course King Sesshomaru, I am exceedingly sorry.”

The vassal had been groveling more so than usual. The last set of tortures the king had put him through after the mishap with his mate was still exceptionally fresh on the toad’s mind.

“When you take her back I want you to prepare Rin and my son for transport as well.”

“Yes my King but-”

“Do not question me. You will see to it that they are not harmed.” Sesshomaru turned his back him. “If anything happens to them I will torture you until you beg for death.”

The servant wanted to weep for joy. His master had just, in so many words said he trusted his family in his hands! He really did cherish him above all his people.

“I am honored that you have given me such a task. I will be ready to leave as soon as possible.”


“So you told him you didn't want to get married?”

“No!” She stared down at her hands. “Yes. But that's not what I meant. I didn't mean never, just not now.”

“You hurt him. Miroku is very open. He's not like you and me.” InuYasha fumbled for the right words. “Miroku doesn't do rejection, especially with women. Every woman he has ever met has fallen for him.” He thought a moment. “Except Kagome.”

“That's not entirely true.” She mumbled.

“What was that? What are you talking about?”

“Well she kind of “fell” and he sort of groped her the first time we met.”


“I already decked him for it.”

'Note to self: Finish conversation with the Bitch. Find out what happened from Kagome and kill Miroku when the new moon sets.'

“Anyhow you rejected him after he choose to be with you. If you didn't want to get married so soon you should have just said so. He would have been okay with it.”

“He would have?”

“This is Miroku we are talking about here. You've sparred with him enough to know that he is good. I'm sure out of all the times you cracked him over the head for groping you he could have dodge at least half of them. He lets you hit him. So if the lech loves you enough to do that then what's the big deal about postponing a wedding for a while?”

Sango chewed on her lip. She hadn't thought about it that way.

He scoffed. “Humans are so stupid. Oi! Where are you going?”

“To do something I thought I'd never do, especially to a man…grovel.”

With her back straight she walked away with the determination that would one day make her a fine queen.

Just then Kagome cautiously entered the garden.

“InuYasha? Was Sango just in here? Where is she going? You two didn't fight did you?”

“Kagome.” His eyes narrowed. “Woman, get in here and tell me what happened when you and Miroku first met!”

She paled. 'How did he find out about that?'

“Better yet let's go to my room and discuss this.”

Going to his room meant that he wouldn't get flack from Sesshomaru about his yelling.

And there would be yelling…

“Come on.” He pulled her by the arm.

“But the story…”


This was killing him. All he wanted to do was to pretend that their last conversation had never happened but if this is what made her happy then who was he to deny her of it. Sango had her breaking points and if this truly bothered her as it bothered him then she would have said something by now.

That vision of beauty always spoke her mind. And not one word did she utter for him to stop the day he walked away from her nor had she tried this past week. Not even the sounds of unhappy groans or tears when he would listen at her door late at night just to check to see if she was really okay.

It was going to be hell on earth but he'd figure out how to live without her. Not that he would be happy. No happiness would be something that he would dream of at night where he could have her in his mind. Finding someone pretty and that could keep her mouth shut would do. If the sex wasn't any good that's what mistresses were good for. He just needed to make sure she gave him a healthy son. Yes a son, it was sort of another family blessing/curse. There was a reason all the males in their family had roaming hands and were very good with women. Never in the history of his family had they ever not had a son. But there was one and only one child that would be granted. No seconded chances.

'I can't imagine what Sango would think if I told her that. Just to be difficult I know she would want a daughter. 'He smirked as a bittersweet thought entered his mind. 'Sango would have moved the heavens themselves to be the first one to break that.' He didn't doubt that if she put her mind to it she could. 'A daughter wouldn't have been so bad. Her mom's spirit and my charm, a feisty irresistible temptress not worthy of the world. Of course that would mean I would have to put her under non-stop guard.' The prince's smirk faded into a frown. 'Not that I'll ever get to find out now'

A tentative knock brought him out of his fantasy world.

'Who could that be?'

“I'm coming.”

When he got there he opened the door only to feel as if someone had just removed the floor from beneath him. This was an illusion. He had fallen asleep and this was some dream that felt to real to be true. A slightly puffy eyed Sango stood before him as if something very important was about to happen in the next few minutes.

“We need to talk.”

He savored the feel of her chest brushing against his arm as she squeezed between him and the door frame.

He knew the feel of that soft chest anywhere. It seemed to get softer every time he touched it. There was no way he could conjure that feeling.

'By Kami this really isn't a dream.' He shut the door. 'What do she have left to say? Does she like giving me hope only to crush it? Maybe I could convince her to just marry me because it's what our fathers want. That should give me enough time to change her mind. I could make her love me.' He sighed. 'But that's not what she wants. I couldn't be happy knowing that I tricked her into doing something that she would regret for the rest of her life.'

“Miroku, I said we need to talk.”

He turned to look at her.

“What could we have to talk about? What is there left to say Sango?”

He had used her name. That was a bad sign. Never in the history of their time together had he called her by name on his own. She had to scold him before he said it and even then he continually used endearing terms rather than her name. Perhaps InuYasha was wrong. Or had she just hurt him that badly?

It didn't matter she would try anyway. If he rejected her after her pleading it was his right to do so after all she had put him through. If that was his wish then so be it, hopefully he wouldn't let his dislike of her hurt the possible dealings they needed to discuss for their people's sake.


The doors slammed open and several guards rushed in.

“What is the meaning of this?”

The prince was overly pissed that their conversation was interrupted. It looked as if Sango had been on the verge of saying something important and now they had been walked in on. She would have time to think over what she was about to say. Which meant she would probably not say it now.

“You have to report to the throne room immediately.”

“Why? Did something happen?” The Mayan princess was on full alert. She turned to the one guard that she considered a friend. “Hiten, what's wrong?”

He looked at her with emotionless eyes. “You must come with us.” That's all he replied, the blank look still in place.

They both knew there was something not right with this situation but decided to play along for a bit. Without any weapons to use against the highly trained soldiers two humans didn't have much of a chance.

“Alright. Come on Sango.”

She nodded and grabbed his hand tightly. All he could do was squeezes hers in a silent promise not to let anything happen to her.


A/N: Yes I know it’s been a while. Please don’t fuss because I’m not in the mood. But I am a fair person so if you want to complain fine, not going to listen though. I will explain what happened for the people that actually read this and care.

First, I went to the anime convention. Left my purse in the hotel. Had my flash drive that contained all the work I had done on this story. My new story I was working on. And the next one~shot installment that went with “The Promise” (Ryu’ convinced me to make it a lemon). And all the good crap like my checkbook and stuff. The hotel “can’t find it.”

And my sweetie has been in the hospital 3 times since then. Right now he is currently in a 2 week coma. (His Christmas present to me….) His son is depressed. My daughter needs surgery.

After weeks of the school jerking me around about how I can’t /can graduate they finally make me push all my (seven) exams in 2 days (no studying) only to tell me I can’t graduate and oh I forgot to tell you they also took an extra $1, 500 something from me that they have yet to refund.

So why is the chapter short and long over due? Now you know. When will the next one be out? I don’t know. Happy holidays (I’m sure some is having a good time, some where) and fuck the New Year because it will be as sucky as the last.

I’m going to buy some happiness (cheesecake), try to make this Kagome/InuYasha part work, and watch the Naruto marathon.