InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories and the moon ❯ Unwanted memory ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: The new moon causes Inuyasha to become human for one night, but what about the full moon? On the anniversary of Izayoi's death, Inuyasha discovers a strange secret about himself, one that will keep the others on constant watch, not only for their safety, but his as well.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. If only I did, imagine what I could accomplish.
“It's been so long, yet I still remember exactly how it happened. Every last detail is burned in my memory. Dammit, why can't I forget about it and move on? Why can't I let this memory die?”
Inuyasha knelt before the lone gravestone, a tear slowly rolling down his cheek. He wiped it away fast; making certain no one saw his open display of emotion. He stared at the marker, reading it slowly to himself.
“Izayoi, loving wife, devoted mother. Forever remembered, never forgotten.”
He sighed and looked up towards the heavens, recalling the unwanted memory he swore to someday forget.
“Mother? Mother, are you there?” a young Inuyasha cried out.
“Son, go away! It isn't safe. Go back into the hut!”
Before him stood Izayoi, his mother, a tribe of panther demons surrounding her.
“There's the filthy half-breed!” one shouted angrily.
“Mother!” he cried again.
“Inuyasha, stay away! I won't let them hurt you, I promise. Go back inside where it's safe, please!”
“But, Mother, they'll kill you! I can take them, I can!”
“It doesn't matter what happens to me. I couldn't survive without you, Inuyasha. You're my only son. If I die protecting you, than it's worth the risk. Now, get inside!”
Against his better judgment, Inuyasha ran inside the hut.
“He' s inside, fools! Kill the human wench and get him!”
Within seconds, Inuyasha saw a flash of blinding blue light. As he looked outside, he saw the panther demon's mangled corpses, no survivors whatsoever. Suddenly, as he spotted his mother's body, he realized just how true that was.
“Mother!” he ran outside and began to shake her. “Mother, no! You can't die, you just can't. Mother, I need you. I love you!”
Her eyes open slightly, Izayoi looked at her frightened son. “Inuyasha, I love you, too. I'm sorry it had to end this way. Goodbye, my son.”
As she closed her eyes for the last time, Inuyasha pressed himself against her lifeless form and cried himself to sleep.
Tearing himself away from the horrible memory, Inuyasha was annoyed to find his tears returning. “Why the hell am I crying? It happened years ago, when I was just a pup. I'm older now, stronger. I never needed my damn mother anyway.” Even as he thought this, he knew it wasn't true. If it weren't for his mother, he never would have survived. She was, for the longest time, the only person he could ever trust. Inuyasha stood slowly, wiping away the last of his tears. As he turned his back to the grave, he whispered something softly.
“I love you, Mother.”
Walking back towards the field where the others had set up camp, he took one last look back at the grave and sighed. Had he looked for a second longer, he might have spotted the blue light shining from it and the sudden surge of power that it would soon release inside him.
(A/N: It's kind of short, but the next few chapters will be much longer. Hope you like the story so far. Read & review! - Isha ^_^)