InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories and the moon ❯ Family history ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: The new moon causes Inuyasha to become human for one night, but what about the full moon? On the anniversary of Izayoi's death, Inuyasha discovers a strange secret about himself, one that will keep the others on constant watch, not only for their safety, but his as well.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. If only I did, imagine what I could accomplish.
(A/N: On some of the comments for my stories, people have been mentioning my grammar so for this chapter at least, I'll make an attempt to fix it. Enjoy!)
Inuyasha couldn't stop staring at his reflection. Why was he changing? What caused this unwanted transformation?
“Inuyasha? What's happening to you?”
Inuyasha turned and looked at Kagome, her eyes wide with fear. He could sense that she was just as confused as he was right now.
“I don't know, Kagome. I'm not sure myself. One thing I do know is we need to find out.”
The next morning, Inuyasha raced to the stream, wondering if perhaps his sudden changes had all been a dream. Seeing the violet eyes in the water, he realized he wasn't so lucky. He sighed and returned to the hut, where Kagome was waiting for him. “Hey, Kagome.”
“Hey, Inuyasha. Do you think we should go talk to Kaede about your, um, changes?” she asked, noticing he was still the same as he was the previous night.
Inuyasha shook his head. “I don't think Kaede will be of much help this time. I think we're gonna need Myoga for this one.”
“Myoga? That pesky flea? What help could he possibly be?”
“Think about it, Kagome. This whole thing wasn't just coincidence. It happened on the day of my mother's death and the only one who knows anything about my past, aside from Sesshomaru, is Myoga.”
Kagome looked at the hanyou and sighed. “I guess your right. Do you no where to find Myoga?”
“I'm not sure, but I have a pretty good idea. Let's go.” With that, Kagome hopped on Inuyasha's back and the two were off to find their annoying friend.
Before they knew, the two had arrived outside Totosai's hut. Kagome looked confused. “You sure he's in there, Inuyasha?”
“No, but it's worth a shot. Where else would that flea hang out? Besides, if Myoga isn't here, then Totosai might have an idea of where to find him.” Before, Kagome could say otherwise, Inuyasha shoved the door of the hut open. “Old man? You in here?”
“Is that you, Master Inuyasha?” a small voice called out.
With a quick, smug glance to Kagome, Inuyasha responded, “Who else would it be? And here you are, Myoga, just as I thought.”
The tiny flea hopped across the room and onto Inuyasha's nose. “Master Inuyasha, what has happened to you? You like very different and even your scent has changed.”
“That's why we came here, Myoga, to ask you. This all happened on the anniversary of my mom's death, so I thought it might be a curse or something.” As Myoga opened his mouth to speak, a voice from behind the three spoke.
“This is no curse, Inuyasha, but a gift. Surely you know of your mother's past?”
Inuyasha and Kagome turned to see Totosai standing in the doorway. The old man was covered in dirt and looked as though he hadn't bathed in days. “You have a powerful stench, old-timer. What have you been up to?”
“Why must you show such disrespect to your elders, you insolent dog? Though it's none of your business, I have been chasing down a rogue skunk demon. Wanted it's fang to make a new sword, but the darn thing sprayed me when I wasn't looking.” Totosai sighed and turned away from the hanyou. “It is so strange that no one has told you of your mother's past, but, it doesn't matter. I guess I shall be the one to tell you. Sit down there and listen closely.”
A/N: Okay, I know I said I'd reveal everything, but I wanted a filler chapter first. Next chapter, I will try to reveal more. Read & review! - Isha ^_^
Oh, and if anyone is interested in trying to draw the transformed Inuyasha, let me know. I think it would be pretty kewl and I myself am certainly no artist.