InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories and the moon ❯ The perfect training grounds ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: The new moon causes Inuyasha to become human for one night, but what about the full moon? On the anniversary of Izayoi's death, Inuyasha discovers a strange secret about himself, one that will keep the others on constant watch, not only for their safety, but his as well.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. If only I did, imagine what I could accomplish.
The two friends now stood side by side, both blushing ferociously. They bowed to their teacher, Mistress Yori, who was smiling proudly.
“Excellent, my students. Strange as it was, your method worked perfectly. Now that you have completed the exchange, you are ready to begin your training. Let us join hands and I will transport us where we need to be.”
Swiftly, the three joined hands. Yori muttered something quietly as a green light began to surround them. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared. What Kagome saw next almost made her faint.
“This is…this my era. In fact, this is my town!” she said quietly to Inuyasha.
Inuyasha stared at her, then looked at their surroundings. A quick sniff confirmed Kagome's words.
“Hey, you're right. What the hell are we doing in the future?”
The three of them released hands as Yori turned and faced her students. Giving them a quick once over, she began to speak.
“I had not noticed the subtle difference in your auras until this moment. In most persons, the aura is whole, no breaks, no changes, just one continuous pattern. But you two are different. The basic ability I teach my pupils is to make time jumps, or as you may call it, time travel. The both of you already possess this skill as made apparent by the blue specks in your aura. Whether you were aware of this before, I do not know, but what all this means is that the two of you can jump through time at will, so long as you have the proper venue.”
Inuyasha and Kagome exchanged glances, as if to say, “Well, duh!”
“Regardless, you are right. This is the future. We are here because it is not only the easiest time to travel to, but because, as you will soon discover, it is the perfect training ground. After a quick change of clothes so that we may blend in with our surroundings, your training shall begin.”
Yori took her pupils into the nearest forest and produced, from this air, a large wardrobe. Inside were over 30 different outfits that seemed appropriate for the time period. As Inuyasha rummaged through the clothing, Yori looked at Kagome for a moment then slapped her forehead.
“Ah. How stupid could I be? I did not pay enough attention to your aura, or to the legend behind your being. You are not only Kikyo reincarnated; you are the girl who overcame time. This is your own time, is it not?”
Kagome nodded. “Yes it is. Actually, this is my town. I have some clothes in my bag I can change into, so I'll blend in just fine, but what if…what if someone recognizes me?”
“An honest, and certainly understandable fear, child, but do not worry. Once we complete our first lesson, I guarantee not a soul will recognize you.”
Before Kagome could ask anything more, she turned as Inuyasha emerged from the wardrobe. He wore a red t-shirt bearing the words, “Love Machine.” As if this wasn't odd enough, he also wore tight blue jeans and simple white tennis shoes.
As Yori went to change clothes, Kagome motioned for Inuyasha to turn around for a moment. Quickly, she slipped into a pink tank, with the words “Punk Princess” written in gold glitter and a short, but modest jean skirt. She slipped into a pair of pink sandals and put her hair up into a ponytail. Yori, at that moment, appeared in a nice black slacks, a mint green blouse and black dress shoes. She had kept her hair in a bun.
“Now that we are all in proper attire, we must also hide our external features as well. As Kagome already stated, her peers could very easily recognize her. And Inuyasha would be easily spotted in a crowd with that hair color if his eyes don't give him away first. This, the most primitive form of shape-shifting, shall be your first lesson.”
(A/N: Yay, Inu-kun will get his doggy-ears back soon. Btw, if anyone is interested, I am still looking for someone that can draw Inuyasha with his `new look'. Ciao for now! -Isha ^_^)