InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Forgotten ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does. I am not making any money from this.

Kagome awoke the next morning drenched in sweat. “Inuyasha!” she cried out, even before her eyes had fully opened. Her arms searched frantically beside her, over the empty place on the futon where another should be. Sobs wracked her body as she found no sign of the one she sought.

Suddenly, a hand touched her shoulder and her head shot up, her eyes meeting an alert golden gaze. Faster than seemed possible considering her extra girth, she shot up and flung herself into his arms, sobbing against his chest.

Inuyasha was understandably confused. He had stayed the whole night like he had promised, but when the sun had risen he had decided it would be better to find something for Kagome to eat. He had left Kagome still deep in sleep and explored the house. He had just found the room where the food was stored and was poking through it when he heard Kagome's terrified screams. He had burst back in to the room, Tessaiga drawn, only to see no danger. However, upon spotting Kagome curling in on herself he had feared something had gone wrong with the pup, and had crouched at her side.

“Kagome?” he asked but she didn't seem to hear him. He reached out and laid his hand on her shoulder, trying to get her attention. Her head shot up, eyes locking on to his and suddenly he found his arms full. He froze, not knowing what to do.

He could feel her body shaking as she sobbed against his chest. An image flashed through his mind of a similar situation but before he could focus on it, it was gone. He frowned but put it out of his mind for the moment. Instead, he focused on what he had done in that brief image and gently wrapped his arms around the hysterical miko. It seemed to be the right thing to do as he felt her begin to calm, though her tears continued.

“Oi, what's wrong?” A horrible thought occurred to him. “Is something wrong with the pup?” He felt her shake her head and allowed relief to fill him before he frowned. “Then what's wrong?” he asked again.

Kagome had managed to calm down quite a bit once his arms had wrapped around her. Being wrapped in his strong embrace always made her feel like everything would be alright. She heard his question and blushed, feeling silly for reacting like that over a silly dream. “I had a nightmare. You were gone and I couldn't find you anywhere. It felt like you were lost to me forever. Then I woke up and I couldn't find you. I'm sorry” she apologized. “It was just a stupid nightmare. I don't know why I reacted like I did.” She leaned back a little to glance at his face.

“Feh, all that over a stupid dream?” He winced when she flinched at his words. His arms dropped as he realized that he was still holding her.

Kagome felt even worse at his words. They just drove home the point that this wasn't her Inuyasha. Her Inuyasha might have teased her over being upset over a stupid dream but he also would have reassured her, told her that he would never leave her. She blinked back the tears that wanted to begin anew. She felt his arms drop from around her and took the hint, releasing him and moving away.

She glanced around the room, looking anywhere but at him. “I should go make some breakfast.” She began the laborious task of rising to her feet when a hand on her shoulder gave her pause.

Inuyasha knew he had hurt her with his careless words. It seemed that was all he knew how to do. He saw her attempting to stand and he reached for her. He met her gaze, an apology in his eyes as he said “You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you, right?”

Kagome brightened a bit at his words and the look on his face, hope filling her that things would be alright. She allowed him to help her to her feet, then moved to gather her clothes and change. She smiled as he beat a hasty retreat, then quickly dressed and went to meet him in the next room.

Kagome was able to make a quick and simple breakfast. However, once the meal was ready she noticed how Inuyasha was fidgeting. She knew how he used to hate being cooped up inside. “Inuyasha?” Seeing that she had his attention she continued. “It looks like a beautiful day. Why don't we eat outside?” He was quick to agree and they soon settled on the grass outside.

They ate their meal in companionable silence, stealing glances at one another when they thought the other wasn't looking. Kagome finished first and watched with a smile as Inuyasha continued to gulp down his meal. “How was it?” she asked when he finally finished.

“Feh, it's not ramen” he mumbled, folding his arms before lowering his ears at the look on her face. He hastily added “But it wasn't too bad.”

Kagome smiled. She remembered how he used to act about her cooking. She knew that meant he liked it. “I'm glad” was all she said.

Inuyasha relaxed when he saw that she wasn't going to sit him. He started to say something else when he heard someone approaching. He was instantly on alert, but relaxed when he recognized several of the approaching scents. “Oi, here come the others.”

Kagome turned her head to the path in time to see a red and green blur come shooting her way. “Kagomeee!” it cried before skidding to a halt in beside her.

“Shippou-chan?” she asked surprised to see the kitsune. “I thought you were still practicing for your exams?”

He puffed his chest out proudly. “I am but I decided to come back for a visit. I met Miroku and Sango and they told me what happened.” He turned to face Inuyasha. “Are you really such a baka that you lost your memories?”

Inuyasha growled and lunged at him. “Let's see how you react to a hit on the head!” He began to chase the kitsune as Kagome looked on worriedly.

She was about to intervene when Miroku and Sango joined her with their three children. She accepted and reciprocated the children's hugs.

“How are you holding up Kagome-chan?”

She mustered a smile at Sango's obvious concern. “As well as can be expected.” A commotion caught her eye, and she winced as she saw Shippou pelting an angry Inuyasha with acorns. “Should I put a stop to that?” she asked.

Miroku waved her off. “Leave them be for now. I am sure Inuyasha needs to release some steam by now and Shippou knows how far he can push him.”

The three sat and talked for a few minutes before a cry from Shippou drew their attention once more. Inuyasha had finally caught the kitsune and was making good on his threat. Kagome could take it no longer. “Inuyasha, that's enough!” She glared at him, one hand supporting her belly.

Inuyasha growled, and turned to face her without releasing his grip on Shippou. “Brat deserves it and more. He needs to learn.” He stopped when he saw the look that crossed her face.

Kagome had gone pale at his words. “I-is that how you plan to treat our baby?” she whispered barely loud enough for him to hear.

He cursed and released Shippou, his ears flattening against his head. “Sorry” he muttered, shaken by her words and the fear he had seen their. 'How can she believe I would hurt a pup?' he wondered. But a little voice whispered to him 'What do you expect when she sees how you treat the brat?' He moved closer to the others and plopped down, folding his arms over his chest.

Kagome calmed when he released Shippou and apologized. She offered him a small smile but he ignored it. Instead she turned to Shippou and asked how his training was going. The kitsune had moved to sit beside her and happily, with pride told her how much stronger he was getting. “I'll be sure to move up in rank at the next exam” he boasted.

Inuyasha couldn't hide his curiosity any longer. “Rank? Exam?” he asked.

The others quickly explained about the inn they had come across on their travels where various kitsune go every year to try to advance in rank. Miroku grinned slyly at Inuyasha. “Oh yes, Shippou owes much of how far he has advanced to you.”

Inuyasha didn't like the look on the monk's face. “What do you mean, bouzu?”

“Why, it was the tricks he played on you that allowed him to advance to the rank he has.” The others laughed, remembering the tricks.

“That's right Inuyasha. If you weren't such a baka, I wouldn't have advanced so far.” Shippou teased him.

Inuyasha growled, cracking his knuckles but remembering the Kagome's earlier look he settled for merely glaring at the kitsune.

Once the laughter had settled down Sango turned to Inuyasha. “So, you really don't remember anything after we encountered the Monkey God?” she asked.


“There must be some way to restore your memory.”

Shippou butted in at that moment. “I still can't believe you're such a baka that you lost your memory.” A sly look came to his eyes. “Hey, if a hit to the head caused you to lose your memory, maybe another hit will restore it.” He grabbed one of his spinning tops, prepared to suit action to words, when an outburst from Kagome stopped him.

“NO!” All eyes turned to the miko.

Inuyasha, who had been preparing to pummel the brat if he tried it, gave a start at the look on Kagome's face. She was pale and shaking. He was at her side in an instant. “Oi, calm down wench. The brat was just joking.” He threw a dirty a look at the kitsune.

Shippou immediately caught. “Yeah, Kagome. I was just teasing. I wasn't really gonna do it.”

Kagome was still shaking. “Don't ever joke about something like that again” she ordered. “Head wounds are serious, they are not something to joke about. If you tried, you could make things worse. He might forget permanently, or lose even more memories.” She sniffed as she finished the thought in her head. 'He might completely forget me.'

Inuyasha looked to the others for help. Sango called to her friend. “Is there anything that you know of that might help?”

Kagome finally calmed as she thought about the question. She shook her head. “The only thing I know that can help is time. And even then it isn't a guarantee that the memories will return. Though I believe that having familiar faces and things around can help.”

Miroku gestured around him. “Well, there are plenty of familiar faces around here.” He turned to Inuyasha. “Are you sure you haven't remembered anything, anything at all?”

Inuyasha huffed and was about to reply that he hadn't when he recalled the image he had seen earlier. He frowned thoughtfully. “There was one thing” he admitted.

The others all leaned forward, eager to hear. “It's hazy and I only saw for a brief moment. But it was an image of Kagome. She was holding my haori, and she was sobbing. Then she saw me and threw herself against my chest.” He blushed as he related that part, then frowned as something else came to him. “I think that wimpy wolf was there too.”

Kagome frowned as she thought about it then gasped. “That was when I thought you had been blown up by Renkotsu!” She turned to him, a smile lighting up her face. “You do remember!”

He shook his head. “I don't, not really. Like I said, it's really hazy and I only saw it for a moment.”

Miroku frowned. “What were you doing when the memory was triggered?” He saw the looks the others gave him and explained. “If we know what triggered it, perhaps we can trigger other memories.” They turned their gaze on the hanyou.

Inuyasha saw their looks and immediately became defensive. “Keh” he folded his arms in the sleeves of his haori and looked away. He did not want to tell them that it was triggered by Kagome throwing herself against his chest and crying. He didn't want to deal with their accusations of hurting the miko.

Kagome frowned when he refused to answer. Thinking back to earlier, she realized what must have triggered the memory. “It was when I threw myself at you, wasn't it?” All eyes turned to her. She rolled her eyes at the look on Miroku's face. “Not like that” she told him. Sighing, she explained how she had had a nightmare that had caused her to wake up in tears. “I was just seeking comfort and reassurance.”

“I see” Miroku rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Well, if similar actions can bring flashes of memory, perhaps we will have more luck if we relate various experiences.” The others agreed and they set about reminiscing about their travels.

Inuyasha listened avidly to each tale. There were various times when he expressed disbelief, snorting or making a comment. Those times were more numerous when Shippou was relating his part. Even the others were hard pressed to conceal their amusement during Shippou's current tale.

“And then I revealed that Mujina was really a tanuki in disguise. And with my amazing kitsune magic I was able to defeat the sword, Dakki, which had been stealing Tessaiga's powers. Saving Inuyasha from certain death in the process- ow! Hey!” he glared at Inuyasha as he rubbed his head.

“Keh! The day I believe a tale like that is the day that Naraku decides to repent and become a disciple of Buddha.” He snorted. “That story is just that, a story! Ain't no way I ever needed saving, especially not from a weakling like you.”

Shippou glared at him. “Who are you calling a liar?! You can't even remember it!”

“Cause I know you, you're too weak and too much of a coward to have been able to defeat something I couldn't.”

“Why you! Kitsune-B!” A flash of green fire hit the hanyou straight in the face. Inuyasha snarled and launched himself at the kitsune.

“Inuyasha! Shippou! Stop this!” Kagome stared at the battle going on between the two. This wasn't like their usual rough-housing. They were really fighting. But the two ignored her. She cried out as she saw Inuyasha grab Shippou by the tail, the kitsune's teeth sunk deep into the hanyou's arm. “Osuwari!” she cried finally, unable to watch any longer.

The rosary activated, dragging Inuyasha down into the earth. He felt some satisfaction at hearing Shippou squeal as he was trapped underneath him.

Kagome pulled herself to her feet to stand over them and glared at both. “Now both of you behave! I've had enough of you two fighting for one day!” She glared again before allowing Sango to help her sit down.

In the meantime, the twins attention had been drawn by the noise. They laughed when they saw Inuyasha 'fall down' believing it to be a game. Deciding it would be more fun to play with Uncle Doggie than their toys, they quickly moved to where the hanyou still lay face down on the ground.

Inuyasha sighed as he felt the beads finally release him and started to push himself up from the crater he had formed. He paused as he felt a sudden weight on his back and turned his to see the older two children climbing on him. He glared. “Oi, I'm not a tree. Get off.” But they ignored him. He attempted to pull them off but was unsure how to do so without injuring them. He finally managed to grab one, when he felt the other grab hold of his sensitive ears. A pained yelp escaped him before he could stop it. “Damn it! Let go of my fucking ears!” Then the girl in his arms took the chance to pull at his hair. “Fuck!”

“Inuyasha!” He heard in stereo from both Sango and Kagome. Sango continued. “I'll thank you not to use that kind of language around my children.”

He turned his glare on her even as he attempted to again pull the children free. “Yeah? Then how about you get them the fuck off of me?!” His tone of voice made the children cry out, adding another pain as their screams sounded in his sensitive ears. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Miroku hurrying over. A few minutes later he sighed in relief as he rubbed at his head. His relief was short lived as he noticed everyone glaring at him. “What?!” he asked, folding his arms over his chest and feeling defensive.

Kagome opted to allow Miroku and Sango to calm their children, and decided to enlighten the hanyou. “Really, Inuyasha, there was no need to be so mean. The girls just wanted to play with you.”

It was his turn to glare at her. “Yeah? Well news for you wench, but I ain't a toy. I'm not some plaything here for their amusement. Keep the brats the hell away from me!” He winced as the girls' ear-piercing cries began again.

Kagome was taken aback by his outburst. “But, you always let them play with you. You've never minded before.” She looked for some hint of her husband, the hanyou who would let the girls climb all over him with little real complaint. Tears began to form in her eyes as she found none.

“Keh! I don't remember any such thing!” The little boy, upset by his sisters' crying and the adults yelling, chose that moment to add his own cries to the mix. The noise proved too much for Inuyasha's sensitive hearing and he flattened his ears against his head. “Damn it! I hate kids!” He snarled, before hearing a gasp from Kagome. He turned and saw her with a stricken look upon her face, one hand on her rounded belly. He took a step towards her only to see the tears start flowing down her face. Instead, he turned and bounded off into the forest.