InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meri Kurisemasu ❯ Meri Kurisemasu ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome jumped out of the well to the feudal era. She couldn't wait to tell her friends what was coming up.
Why does it have to be snowing here as well? I guess I should have put better clothes on and not just my school uniform, I'll just change when I get there. Good thing I brag other clothes, she said to herself out load.
She walked on the path that led to the village. She was a little bit from kaede's hut when and red clothed figure with a red haired boy on his shoulder jumped in front of her.
Hi Inuyasha
What took you so long?
I had to go shopping with my mom.
Did you bring me candy Kagome?
Yes Shippo I would never forget your candy.
Where are Sango and Miroku?
There in the hut keeping warm. Weak humans think it is cold out here. You better get inside as well before you get frostbite on your legs from wearing that short thing.
With that the three of them walked into the hut to see Sango's face red with anger and a big hand print on Miroku's face.
Are you ever going to learn anything from me slapping you when you grab my butt you big pervert?
It's so nice though.
Pervert, so Kagome how was your era?
It was good, but I have to tell you guys what is coming up.
Let me guess a big important test.
No Inuyasha, in a matter of fact Christmas is coming.
What is this Christmas?
Well Shippo it's when you get together with all of your family, spend time with them, and give gifts to each other. That's why I'm going back tomorrow to help my mother with the Christmas dinner.
No! You are not going you just got here.
Oh yes I am.
No your not.
You little
Inuyasha just shut up for a sec ok. I was going to ask you to come to the dinner and everything with me, but I guess ill just ask Hojo.
Oh no your not I'm going and that's it.
He he works every time, Kagome said in her head.
How long to we have to be there?
Only two days Christmas Eve and Christmas. Well I'm freezing my buns off so I'm going to go change, be back in couple minutes.
Kagome went to the back room to change while the others talked.
So Inuyasha are you going to say it?
Say what?
You know
No I don't
That you love her
Why would I say that?
Oh come on we all know what you do at night when you walk into the forest, we can hear your wimpers. You're like a love sick puppy.
Feh, How you even know that's me Miroku?
We can tell, both Sango and Miroku said at the same time.
What are you guys talking about?
Nothing you need to know about till your older runt.
Inuyasha stop being mean or I'll say it, she yelled from the back room.
He he he
Kagome came out of the room a minute later wearing baggy Tommy Hilfiger jeans and a black OP long-sleeved shirt with dark blue butterflies all over it.
So what do you want to do now guys?
Did you bring your cards?
Yeah I have them in my bag. What do you want to play Sango?
What's that game with like playing with fishes?
Go fish
Yeah can we play that?
10mins later:
Do you have an Ace?
Yes, replied Sango
Wee I win, Kagome celebrated
Why is it that you always win this game its like you have mind reading powers, and know if I have it or not.
Maybe she has them marked or something, Miroku said to Sango
She could just be good at it, Inuyasha said from the corner of the room.
Well I think that's enough card games for now, I should start supper.
I'll help u Kagome.
Thanks Sango.
20Mins later:
Supper is almost done you guys. The noodles are still not right, so stop being all grumpy Inuyasha. Sango how is the rice going?
Tasting a bite of rice Sango replied, there done.
Sango then put 5 bowls full of rice and handed 1 to everyone, and kept 1 for herself. A couple minutes later the ramen was done and Kagome filled 6 bowls and handed 4 to the others, 1 for her, and since Kirara liked ramen she got 1 too. After about 10minutes everyone was done. There was nothing to do but sit there in silence. The silence was making Inuyasha twitchy.
Clam down Inuyasha
Well you know I hate it when no one talks Kagome
Fine, guys lets talk about something so Inuyasha stops going crazy. What are you guys going to do while I and Inuyasha are gone?
Well I might stay here and help around the village.
Oh no your not perverted monk your coming with me to my home village so I can repair my weapon a little.
Awe but Sango sweetie
Don't give me that, your coming with me and that's it.
He he, Kagome laughs.
You guys should sleep its getting late.
Inuyasha is right we should sleep, Kagome told them.
But Kagome I'm not sleepy.
Yes you are Shippo
No I'm not, Shippo said tiredly.
Come on Shippo if you go to sleep now I'll bring more candy for you.
With that Shippo jumped to Kagome's sleeping bag and went strait to sleep. In about half hour everyone was asleep except for Inuyasha. He stood there watching everyone, and then he came upon a sleeping Kagome holding Shippo. She looks so sweet holding him, and right there he knew she would be a great mother. After that he listen to hear if any danger or demons were in the area, and when he smelled nothing he fell into a light rest.
The rays of the sun pocked throw the hut window to hit Inuyasha's eyes. Inuyasha twitched he's doggy ears, and opened his eyes to see morning was here. He looked around to see if anybody was up yet. He saw no signs of his friends being awake. Then he heard Kagome say something in her sleep that made him scream “Oh my god did she just say that” in his head. To make sure he heard her right he got up and walked over to her and said.
What did you say Kagome?
I said I love you Inuyasha.
Inuyasha was shocked and wowed that she liked him back. He started to blush from thinking of what the future would be like now. He pinched himself to see if this was real or just a dream. He felt a twinge of pain in his arm and found out that this was real. He went back over to where he was sitting and stared at the roof deep in thought. Kagome woke up 5mins later to see Inuyasha staring at the roof. She got up carefully to make sure she didn't wake up Shippo, and walked over to Inuyasha and asked.
What you thinking about Inuyasha?
Huh, oh nothing just thinking of what I'm going to do when I'm in your era.
What do you mean? You can play with Sota, go shopping with me, or help me and my mom with the Christmas dinner. We can also do other stuff like hang out or something. So Inuyasha when do you want to leave?
I don't really care; we can leave whenever you want to.
I was thinking after everyone woke up.
A half an hour later everyone was up and Kagome was saying bye to everyone. After saying goodbye, Inuyasha and Kagome walked to the well and jumped in. The blue water like portal surrounded them and they were 500 years in the future. Inuyasha grab a hold of Kagome and jumped out of the well. They walked over to the well shrine door and opened it. He took two leaps and was at her front door. Kagome opened the door and yelled if anybody was there. A head popped out of the corner of the kitchen door frame.
Hi Hun
Hi mom
Oh honey you brought Inuyasha with you. Did you force him or something?
No mom he came on his own.
All three of them walked into the dinning room to sit down at the table to have a conversation.
So Kagome sweetie what are you and Inuyasha going to do while you're here?
Well we are probably going to go shopping today. I'll help you around the house while Inuyasha either plays with Sota or watches TV.
Are you going to leave soon or later today?
Well I was think we can eat first and then go out.
You want fish Inuyasha?
Fish is fine.
Kagome's mom went to the kitchen and brought back a plate of fish. Kagome grabbed one and Inuyasha grabbed three.
Do you have to eat everything Inuyasha?
I'm a growing demon Kagome.
Kagome stuck her tongue out at him saying that. Inuyasha just stuck his out as well. Kagome's mom just sat back and laughed at the two. They sat in silence eating for 5mins. Kagome was the first to speak.
Inuyasha you'll have to change your clothes before we go out.
Because people don't wear that here, and your wearing that hat.
The hat itches me ears.
Fine then you can wear a bandanna.
What's that?
You'll see when you change.
Mom where did you put those clothes I bought him?
I think I put them in your closet.
Kagome got up and grabbed Inuyasha hand to come with her. They both walked up the stares to her room. Inuyasha sat on her bed while she rummaged throw her closet.
Ahhhhh ha found them. She putted out a box that said Inuyasha's clothes. She then handed the box to him.
Change in here and when your done just meet me in the dinning room ok.
Ok. She walked out of the room and down to the dinning room table she sat there for 13mins for Inuyasha and wondered what was taking him. She was getting impatient and walked up into her room. When she opened the door she couldn't hold her laughter. There was Inuyasha with pants up but not zippered up or buttoned, and his head and left arm out of the head hole.
Kagome help me.
Ha ha, ok
Stop laughing at me these clothes are hard to get on and I'm scared of this thing on my pants.
Stand still and I'll help you.
Kagome pulled the shirt off and through it on the bed and grabbed his pants and pulled the zipper up and buttoned it. She then walked over to the bed and picked up the shirt and turned back around. The sight before her stunned her he was only in his pants, and his chest making her drool.
Oh nothing. Can you get on your knees your to tall and I can't reach.
Inuyasha then got on his knee, and Kagome told him to put his arms up. She put his arms in the sleeves, and pulled it down till his head was through. He stood up wearing a red shirt and pare of black jeans.
He so hot in future clothes, Kagome thought.
So are we going to go or what.
Oh yea I just need to find you a bandanna.
Kagome went back to her closet and looked around in it.
Where did I put them at?
Kagome pulled a box down from the top shelve in the closet and laid it on the bed. She pulled out five different designs, and asked him what one he wanted to wear. He picked a black one with red and orange flames starting from the front and went almost the whole way back. Kagome told him to lean down so she could put it on. After she put it on and made shore his ears were in there good and weren't sticking out, she went to here desk drawer and pulled out $300 dollars.
Kagome and Inuyasha walked down stairs to tell Kagome's mom that they were leaving. Kagome then left the house and before Inuyasha left Kagome's mom told Inuyasha to come over here. Inuyasha walked over to see what she wanted; she then gave him $100 dollars.
Get Kagome something nice, Kagome's mom said with a smile.
Inuyasha ran out the door to catch up with Kagome. They walked four miles to the mall, and when they got there they first went to Hot Topic. Inuyasha walked right behind Kagome.
Inuyasha stay here and look around, away from me I need to get something.
Fine, he said with a sigh.
Inuyasha walked over to the jeans and jewelry section. All he saw over there was black jeans with metal and other stuff hanging off of them. When he looked at the jewelry they had gargoyles, dragons, and demons on them. He didn't really like them except for the one that was a gray and black dragon raped around a bluish purple jewel that just lit up. The eyes and claws were a dark red, and like the jewel it also lit up. This is exactly what he would love to get Kagome as a gift. Inuyasha looked at the tag and saw it was $20, so after he bout this he still had money to get other stuff for her.
Inuyasha bout it and waited for Kagome at the entrance. She came out with a big bag that looked not very heavy.
So what's in the bag Kagome?
Can't tell you
Why not?
There's something for you in here.
When do I get to get it?
Tomorrow morning
So… what's in your bag?
Nothing, Inuyasha said hanging his face.
Yea ok, I need to go to one more place.
What place is that?
I need to get something for my brother.
The walked two stores down and they were there. Kagome and Inuyasha walked to the back of the store.
What do you think I should get Sota?
I don't know what he likes.
I need to get him something cool for his room.
What do you think of this sound picture? Inuyasha
She turned around and he wasn't there.
She saw him at the end touching a plasma ball.
Hey Kagome what is this?
It s a plasma ball, it directs the electricity to you fingers when you touch it. Some times your hair stands up from it, Kagome laughed whiles saying it.
Inuyasha took his hands off the ball and asked, what's so funny Kagome?
Put your hands back on the ball.
Just do it Inuyasha.
Kagome got a mirror on a shelf, while Inuyasha grabbed the ball. Kagome held up the mirror so Inuyasha could see himself. He saw that it hair was standing up from the static electricity. He quickly took his hands off of it, and told Kagome he was going to look around the store. She said ok, and went back to the sound pictures to find what one she would like. Inuyasha on the other hand was in the isle where they sold mystical and demon stuff. Inuyasha didn't really like anything down this isle. Well there was sum stuff he liked, but nothing he could really take along with him. At the end of the isle he came upon a book that was all black with a see throw box for pictures in the front. Inuyasha opened the book and inside the right pages were empty for writing and the left was set for pictures. It was $35 so Inuyasha could buy sum writing stuff and a camera so she could write and take pictures for it, so Inuyasha walked around the store and found pens, pencils, colored pencils, and cameras. Inuyasha bout a pack of pens and colored pencils, and two packs of regular pencils. He also bout three cameras, and all together it cost $55. He still had $10 left, but he didn't know what to do with it. I guess I can give the left over money back to Kagome's mom, Inuyasha said to himself. He paid for the stuff and waited for Kagome. She came out about 5mins later carrying a bag that had a box in it.
Did you finally make up your mind what you wanted to buy for Sota?
Yeah I got him one of them sound pictures.
What do you mean sound pictures, you mean TV.
No, it a picture that lights up and it has a picture and it has sound to go with the picture.
Yeah, ok whatever.
You gona tell me what you bout?
Why not?
Why? Is it for me?
Fine, ill wait till later to see what it is.
Can we go now?
Yes, we can go home now. This is all I need.
Inuyasha and Kagome walked out of the mall and down the street home. When they walked in the door they instantly smelled cookies.
Mmm …Kagome what's that yummy smell?
It smells like mom is cooking cookies.
They both walked into the kitchen to see a lot of chocolate chip cookies on the table.
Mom what's with all these cookies?
Well once I got started I couldn't stop.
Well mom I think one ton of cookies enough.
Guess your right.
She put the last of the cookies on the table, and walked over to the tea pot and poured three cups. They all went to the dinning room and sat down and talked.
What do you want for dinner Kagome?
I don't really care mom just make sure there's meat in it so Inuyasha wont get all, yucky I don't like this food.
Ok sweetie
Inuyasha and I will be in my room just call us when dinner is done.
Inuyasha and Kagome walked up to her room. Inuyasha walked in and sat on the bed, and put his bags beside him. Kagome put the bags on the floor, took out Sota's gift, and starting wrapping it. After she wrapped the gift she put in the closet with the rest of the gifts. She grabs a bag from Hot Topic and gave it Inuyasha.
Here Inuyasha.
Thought I was supposed to get gifts tomorrow morning.
This is an early one you get your other in the morning.
He opened it and pulled out a black ski hat with silver cat ears. He looked at Kagome and asked what it was for.
Well when you're here you can put your ears in the ears throw these holes I put there. When you're in your new moon human state you can wear it, and if your ears are cold this can keep them warm.
Inuyasha took his bandanna off, pulled the hat on and put his ears in the holes. The fabric of the ears was thin so he could still move his ears and hear the same.
Awe you look so cute Inu.
Kagome, Inuyasha, dinner, Kagome's mom yelled from downstairs.
Inuyasha and Kagome walked down to the dinning room were Kagome's mom, grandpa, and brother wait. They both sat down at the table and grabbed salmon, rice, and salad.
Kagome what you get me today?
You'll know tomorrow morning Sota.
Ok, Sota sighed.
They sat there for the rest of the dinner and talked about recent stuff, and how the past is going for Kagome. After about 15 minutes everyone was done, and Kagome helped her mom with the dishes while everyone else went to watch TV. 5 minutes went by and Kagome went to the living room to see what Inuyasha and everyone else was doing. Everyone was on the couch, but Sota who was sitting on the floor playing Ps2. She sat down beside Inuyasha on the couch, and put her legs up on his lap. She started to sigh until Inuyasha went crazy with it.
Will you stop sighing it's driving me crazy, Inuyasha yelled at the top of his lungs.
You don't have to yell at me Inuyasha.
I wouldn't have to yell if you wouldn't stop sighing.
Well I'm bored; you should have realized that after doing it the first time.
What do you want then?
I'm going for a walk I'll be back later; Kagome got off the couch and walked out the door.
Go after her Inuyasha, Sota told him while putting his fighting game on pause.
Yes go after her, Kagome's grandpa agreed with Sota.
Inuyasha sat there for a few seconds and then got off the couch, and walked out the door. When he got outside Kagome was standing in front of the sacred tree. He walked up behind her, and gave her a hug. She jumped a little bit, surprised that he was there.
Damn Inuyasha don't scare me like that.
Couldn't help it, so what were u thinking about?
Nothing really just the first time I came out of the well and saw you.
You never told me what you did when you first came out of the well.
I came out and was so confused. The shine wasn't there, the only thing there was the sacred tree.
Inuyasha picked up Kagome and sat in front of the tree with her in his lap.
What else did you think and do, Inuyasha asked her while moving a peace of hair and moved it behind her ear.
Well I looked around and found the scared tree and ran to it. I always was able to find my way home from this tree. Then I finally got to it and there you were sleeping. You look so cute, that's when I saw you little puppy dog ears. When I saw them I just had to touch them, and so I did. Then the villagers came and shot arrows at me. They held me kidnapped till Keade realized I was Kikyo reincarnated. You should know the rest of the story.
Yeah, sorry I almost killed you when I woke up.
It's ok Inuyasha you didn't really trust anyone because she put a spell on you.
They sat there for a couple minutes till Inuyasha felt Kagome shiver. He took off his fire rat kimono and put it around Kagome.
You should have brag a coat out here, it is snowing.
Well I was to mad to grab one.
We should get inside its snowing harder.
Yeah we should, and we need to get ready for bed too.
Inuyasha stood up carrying Kagome and started to walk towards the house. He walked up the stairs and set Kagome on her bed. When he put her down he looked at her face and found she was already asleep. He pulls the blanket from the bottom of the bed and pulled it up to her shoulders. He kissed her forehead and walked out the door down stairs to the kitchen.
Hi Kagome's mom
You can call me mom you know that now Inuyasha.
Inuyasha's ears dropped against his head, and Kagome's mom saw this.
What's wrong sweetie?
It's nothing.
I know that look Inuyasha; now tell me what's wrong.
Well you accepted me into your family, and all I do is take your daughter away from you.
I understand why you take her back with you; you love and protect her Inuyasha that's all that matters.
Yeah but I take her away from you.
I do miss her from time to time, but you got a quest to do.
Can I ask you something?
Sure sweetie.
How can I tell her?
Tell her when you're alone, and at a really nice place.
Inuyasha walked you to her and gave her a hug.
Thanks mom
Inuyasha let go and turned around to walk back up to Kagome's room. Before he walked out he remembered something.
Oh yeah here.
Inuyasha pulled out $10 and gave it to her.
You spend $90 on her, she said with a smile.
Inuyasha smiled and blushed. He walked up to Kagome's room; he walked inside and closed the door. He sat beside the bed, but all of a sudden he had a weird feeling. He turned around and saw that Kagome wasn't in her bed.
Where is she, he said out load.
He saw sniffed around and came to the closet. All of a sudden someone jumped on top of him. He started spinning around to get it off his back.
What is on me, get off.
He started jumping and spinning around like a wild horse. He kept doing it faster until the thing that was on his back fling across the room and landed on the bed.
Inuyasha flinched when he heard that voice; he put his hands on his head and crouched down.
Don't sit me please, Kagome.
I'm not going to, wasn't your fault. Sorry I sacred you.
You didn't scare me, I was surprised.
Yeah ok
Thought you were sleeping.
I was then I didn't sense you in my room, so I got worried.
Why did you hide and jump me?
I wanted to have some fun and scare you, cant believe you didn't smell me outside the window.
Inuyasha walked over and sat on the bed beside her.
You should get some sleep; we have that Christmas thing to do tomorrow.
Ok Inuyasha, she said tiredly.
She lends against his shoulder and started to fall asleep. He picked her up and laid her back on the bed. He tucked her in and sat beside the bed, when he felt her hand on his shoulder. He turned his head and asked her what was wrong.
Can you sleep up here with me, please?
All right
He gets up and Kagome moves over towards the side of the bed, so Inuyasha could sleep near the wall. He sits up against the headboard holding his sword in hand. Kagome growled in frustration, she sat up and grab the sword and put it on the floor.
Hey what you do that for?
You don't need it, now lay down please.
He lay down on the bed and stared at the roof. Kagome fell asleep and turned so she was lying on Inuyasha's chest. He sighed happily and put his arm around her, pulling her closer. Before he fell asleep he kissed her forehead, and he said one last thing before he feel in a deep sleep with her.
I love you, Kagome.
Kagome woke up around dawn, trees and fresh water hit her nose. She opened her eyes and saw nothing but red. She lifted her upper body to see she was lying on top of Inuyasha. Some how throw the night the covers got around him and she slit on him. Kagome happily sighed and lied back down, enjoying the smell of Inuyasha and the up and down motion as he breathed. She turned her head towards the end of the bed to see what time it was, and it was 6:35. She pulled herself off of Inuyasha and lend up to Inuyasha's ear.
Inuyasha wake up.
His ear twitched and his eyes open to see Kagome looking at him.
Morning sleepy puppy
You want to go down now and open presents, or do you want to wait till 7.
How long till 7?
Let's lay here for a little bit.
Kagome laid her head on Inuyasha's chest and relaxed, while Inuyasha put his fingers throw her hair. They laid there for about 5minutes before they started to talk.
Inuyasha, can I ask you something?
Sure, what is it?
What did you get me yesterday?
How did you know I got you something?
They you wouldn't let me see what was in the bag.
Can I give it to you now?
Sure, and I'll give you the other gift.
Kagome got off the bed and straitened her shirt, and went to the closet. Inuyasha on the other hand grabbed the bags from under the bed. Kagome and Inuyasha switched bags and opened then. Inuyasha opened and found a gold locket necklace with the Japanese sign imprinted in black meaning dog or Inu. He opened it up and found that on the left side was a picture of the gang and on the right was a picture of himself and Kagome.
Kagome opened her bag and pulled out the necklace she smiled and put it on. She took out the rest that was in the bag. She saw the book and opened to find that it was a scrapbook.
You can write about the day and takes some pictures or something, said Inuyasha.
That's why there are cameras and pencils.
Kagome can you help me with this, he said while holding the necklace up.
Inuyasha tuned around so Kagome could put it on. She clipped it and pulled his hair throw it so his it was over it. He tuned around and asked her if she liked her gifts.
Yes, I love them. Do you like yours?
Of course I do.
Kagome hugged Inuyasha and kissed his cheek. He blushed from this and tried to hide his face, but he wasn't the only one blushing as well.
I can't believe I kissed him, hope he's not mad at me for doing it.
Kagome's mom knocked on the door, and opened it.
Kagome everyone's awake so we can all go open gifts now.
Ok mom, we'll be right down.
Kagome's mom shut the door and left the two alone. Kagome looked back at Inuyasha and grabbed his hand; she opened her door and walked down stairs to the living room. When they got to the living room they saw wrapping paper fly everywhere. Kagome walked to the tree and grabbed three gifts, while Inuyasha sat on the couch. She sat down beside him and gave him one of the gifts.
Thought you gave me all the gifts you got me.
I did, this is from my mom.
He shrugged his shoulders and opened it up, and pulled out a three pares of silky boxers. The first was black with red flames, the second one was red with dark blue strips, and the last pare was dark green with black dog paw prints.
Kagome opened her one gift and was black and blue panties with matching bras. She then opened the other and it was a silver bracelet with crams that reminded her of her friends. The charms were a boomerang, a sutra, a spinning top, and a dog holding a heart. She put it on and went to hug her mom.
Thanks mom
No problem sweetie.
She sat back down on the couch beside Inuyasha when she remembered something.
Oh yeah Sota, go up in my room and in the closet there's something up there for you.
Sota ran up stairs and found it, and brag it back down stairs and opened it up.
Cool, a sound picture thanks sis.
Kagome smiled and asked her mom when there going to have Christmas dinner.
Well we have to wait till everyone gets here sweetie you know that. Your two uncles and your aunt are going to be here around 12.
What about Inuyasha what if they see his ears.
Kagome remember the hat, Inuyasha reminded her.
Oh yeah forgot about that. Well since they will b here around 12 and its only 8 me and Inuyasha will go up to my room.
Ok sweetie.
Come Inuyasha
Don't treat me like a dog.
Inuyasha and Kagome walked up to her room, when Kagome got an idea.
Hey Inuyasha
Let's go on the roof it's not snowing.
There's snow on the roof thought.
Well we can just brush it away.
Inuyasha bend down so Kagome could get on his back. He stood and carried her out the window and jumped on the roof. He put her down and took his foot and wiped away a small spot. He sat down Indian style and told Kagome to sit in his lap. She did as she was told and sat in the hole in between his legs. When she was comfortable Inuyasha put his arm around her to keep her warm. She sighed happy closed her eyes and relaxes in his arms.
Don't your feet ever get cold Inuyasha, Kagome said still eyes closed.
I have demon blood Kagome human cold does not affect me.
Inuyasha put his head or shoulder and opened his mouth to lightly cling onto her.
Yeah, what is it.
Why are you biting my shoulder?
I'm not biting it, I just have it there. You want me to stop doing it don't you.
No, I was just asking why you were doing it, it feels good.
Really, you want me to do it again.
If you want to, for me it's relaxing.
Inuyasha smiled and put his mouth back on her shoulder. He then lightly ran his tongue over the skin.
Why does she smell and taste so good? Why does she not stopping me, Inuyasha question himself. Then all of a sudden he heard her moan.
Kagome are you alright?
Yeah, it just feels good it's like a massage.
Inuyasha went back to doing it. All Kagome could do was sit there and relax and think.
Should I ask him, or should I tell him. I want to tell him I love him, but what if he rejects me. This is the perfect time to do it; we're all alone relaxed and feeling good. You know what I am going to do it.
Inuyasha I
Kagome your aunts and uncles are here.
I'll be right down mom.
What were you going to say Kagome?
It's nothing I'll tell you later. We should get down there, they're waiting.
Inuyasha stood up holding Kagome and jumped of the roof to the little part of the roof in front of Kagome's window. They walked to the door and down the stairs to the living room. When they got there they saw Kagome's mothers' sister and her husband. Her aunts' name was Kisa, she looked like her mother but she had long hair and glasses with blue tints, she also had a purple sweater on with a knee skirt that was blue and black sneakers. Her husband was a tall man, he was 6'5 with short black hair, blue eyes, and had a smooth tan. He has a green shirt, baggie blue jeans, and blue and black sneakers. She couldn't really remember his real name but everyone called him Kai.
Her other aunt and uncle was also there. These two were her father's brother and sister. Her aunt was the youngest and was 6 months pregnant; her husband was not there with her. Kagome would have to asker where he is. Her aunts' name was Wendy; she had really long black hair that went to her waist, and was 5'6 with brown eyes and was wearing sweat pants, a maroon shirt, and white sneakers. Her uncle was the oldest out of the 3 siblings. He was 5'10 with short shaggy brown hair with blue eyes. He just got divorced, and had no one here with him. His name was Kanomaru and was wearing a black sweater, blue jeans, and back boots. Kagome walked up to Wendy and hugged her.
Where's your husband Wendy?
He's with his family; both of our family's were doing the Christmas thing at the same time.
Did you find out if it's a boy or girl?
Actually I just found out I'm having twins.
Really, that's so amazing.
Yeah, and the doctor says I'm having both sexes.
Awe really that's even better.
Yeah it is I can't wait to get these bowling balls out of me. Who is this you have with you Kagome?
This is my friend, Inuyasha.
Is he your good friend Kagome, she winked.
Kagome blushed and said he was her best friend. Yeah that's what I said to my parents about my best friend. Now look at me pregnant and married to him. Kagome put her hand behind her head and laughed nervously.
Kagome, her mom called for her to come over there.
I'll talked to you later ok Wendy.
Kagome and Inuyasha walked across the room to see what her mother wanted.
Yeah mom
See how she's grown Kisa.
Yes, she's beautiful young women, and who's this young man here.
This is her boy friend Inuyasha.
Mom he's not my boy friend he's my best friend, well that's a guy.
Ha that's what Wendy said to mom and dad, Kanomaru told them.
That's what she just told me, Kagome said to herself.
Mom what's that smell?
Oh crap I forgot about the ham, she said running to the kitchen.
How are you and Kai going Kisa?
We're fine; we are trying for a baby actually.
Good luck with that, said Wendy from the couch. They all started to laugh at that. Kagome's mom came out of the kitchen and said the food was done. They all walked to the dinning room and sat down. Kagome's grandpa and mother were on the ends of the table. On the left side were Inuyasha, Kagome, and Wendy. On the right said was Kai, Kisa, Kanomaru, and Sota. Everyone had ham, mashed potatoes with gravy, olives, and pickles. They all sat and ate in silence, till Inuyasha started to bug Kagome on the silence.
Kagome, he said all aggravated.
Inuyasha if you want someone to talk
All Inuyasha could say to that is feh, and think of something to talk about but found nothing.
Kagome you should tell your boyfriend here to take his hat off at the dinner table, said Kai.
Uh he can't take it off because uh he has hat hair, Kagome said nervously.
Well he wouldn't have hat hair dear if he didn't wear a hat, Wendy told her.
Take it off kid it's not polite, Kai said.
He is not taking it off, Kagome said rising her voice a little.
Why are you touchy about a hat Kagome, asked Kisa?
I'm not; he just has the right to wear a hat, Kagome stood up and slammed her hands down on the table.
All grandpa, Kagome's mom, Sota, and Kanomaru could do was sit there and watch.
Everyone was surprised; Inuyasha really didn't talk since they all got there.
You will not threaten me boy.
If you do not leave everything alone I will show you what's really under this hat, NOW YOU SIT.
Kai was a little frightened by this, when he looked into his eyes he could have sworn they turned red for a sec. he sat down and continued to eat his food. After Inuyasha and Kagome saw him start to eat they sat down as well. Everyone clamed down and ate all there food, and no one talked for the rest of the dinner. After dinner everyone said there goodbyes, but one thing happened between Inuyasha and Kai.
Sorry about that uh Inuyasha right.
Yes and its ok.
They all got in there cars and drove away.
Well that was a weird dinner, said Kagome's mom.
Everyone went inside; the boys sat in the living room while Kagome and her mom cleaned up the dishes. After they were done it was almost 10, and everyone was tired and went to bed. Inuyasha and Kagome lay in the bed talking about everyone and everything in the feudal era. Time went by and when Kagome looked at the clock it was midnight.
Inuyasha I really don't feel like sleeping do you want to take a walk around the shrine.
Yeah sure
Inuyasha waited by the door as Kagome got a blue coat out of the closet. Kagome put on the coat and climbed on his back. He jumped out the window and let Kagome down. They started too walked around the shine admiring the full moon making the snow glow blue. They came to the sacred tree and looked at it for a while.
Hey Inuyasha you want to sit here for a while.
Yeah sure
Inuyasha sat down in the snow and told Kagome to sit straddling him. She put her head on his chest and closed her eyes and listened to his heart beat.
Yes, Kagome said pulling her head up to look into his eyes.
What were you starting to say earlier on the roof?
I well um you no the thing is that I love you; she said closing her eyes at the end.
Oh my god, she said it what should I do. Say I love you too back idiot.
Kagome didn't hear him say anything, she got scared and worried. She started to cry when he said nothing for a minute. Inuyasha smelled tears and looked at her.
No why is she crying?
Kagome it's alright I love you too.
She looked up at him and smiled with happy tears coming out. She hugged him as tight as she could.
I love you I love you so much Inuyasha it hurts.
Me too Kagome
Kagome looked at him deep in the eyes, Inuyasha then grabbed her and kissed her deep and passionate.
I want to be with you forever Inuyasha.
Will you be my mate Kagome?
Inuyasha carried her and jumped throw her window; they had a long intimate night. Before Kagome went to bed she said two words to Inuyasha.
Meri Kurisemasu Inuyasha.
Meri Kurisemasu Kagome.
Sarah Swab 1/5/2006 Meri Kurisemasu
Sarah Swab 1/5/2006 Meri Kurisumasu