InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Message in a Bottle ❯ I'll wait for you ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Blanket Disclaimer:

Inuyasha, and the characters therein, are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions.


Chapter 5 – I’ll wait for you

After burying the bottle, Inuyasha had half expected Kagome to appear in the well instantaneously. But of course, the magic of the Bone Eater’s Well didn’t work that way. Their timelines were in-synch, and he knew that one day for them equaled one day for Kagome. However long it took her to find the bottle on her side of time…that was how long it was going to take for her to return to his. Realizing this…he waited.

“I’m worried about Inuyasha,” Sango murmured quietly to her fiancé. “All he does is spend each night sitting in the Goshinboku, and each day sitting by the well.”

“I am worried about him as well,” Miroku agreed, “But at least he has finally come to terms with his feelings for Kagome-sama.”

Shippou, who happened to be within earshot of the pair, made his own presence known in that moment as he stated, “Hopefully she’ll return soon. Inuyasha is no fun to bully while he’s like this.”

“Unfortunately, staring into the well isn’t going to make Kagome-sama return any sooner.” the monk commented quietly, as the three of them all stood at the edge of Inuyasha’s forest, observing the hanyou who was surely aware of their presence, even though he chose to ignore them, his gaze never vacating the blackened depths of the inactive time portal as he knelt beside the well, his chin resting on his arms folded across the wooden frame as he peered downward.

“We’ve done all we can do.” Sango agreed in that moment, nodding sadly.

“But unfortunately…” Miroku added, “…it appears that it wasn’t enough, at least as far as he is concerned.”

“Maybe you should talk to him.” the slayer suggested in that moment.

“I don’t think there’s anything I can say that will help him any.” Miroku stated solemnly, his eyes never leaving the image of his disheartened friend.

“Maybe so…” she conceded, “But if he gets angry with you, then that’ll at least take his mind off of Kagome-chan for a minute.” she added playfully.

“Hmm, I suppose you’ve got a point there.” Miroku commented behind a chuckle, turning to gaze thoughtfully at the woman he loved before glancing back in Inuyasha’s direction, stating, “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks.” was Sango’s quick reply.

Stepping away from the trees, Miroku headed over towards the well, where Inuyasha was still sitting like a loyal dog awaiting his master’s return. Remaining motionless, only the involuntary turn of his ear indicated his awareness of the ex-monk’s arrival. Taking a lack of objection to his presence as acceptance, of sorts, Miroku continued in his approach until he was standing right beside the hanyou. He then wordlessly took a seat on the grass.

A few minutes passed by in silence, and then finally, Inuyasha was the one who spoke first as he grumbled, “What do you want, monk?”

Playfully correcting his friend, Miroku replied with, “Uh-uh-uh, ex-monk, remember?”

“Yeah,” Inuyasha snorted, commenting sardonically, “‘Cause you and Sango are gonna mate, freakin’ good for you.”

Miroku could clearly see that this was not the best way to handle things, so trying to change the subject as tactfully as possible, he quickly stated, “Let’s not talk about me.” asking the hanyou, “How are you feeling, Inuyasha?”


“I know…” the ex-monk replied, as if the hanyou had just spilled his heart in the single syllable. “We all miss Kagome-sama.” Miroku added after a moment.

“You don’t know shit!” the hanyou suddenly snapped. “None of you do!”

Inuyasha snarled, and was just getting ready to pound Miroku on the head like he would do Shippou, but then his friend’s gently whisper of, “Enlighten me…” immediately doused the flames of his misplaced anger.

Settling back down, Inuyasha resumed his vigil gazing into the depths of the quiet time portal, grunting under his breath, “Ain’t that what all that ‘monk’ stuff had been for?”

“Perhaps I have grown a bit rusty.” Miroku stated behind a chuckle, adding, “Any input you could offer would be most appreciated.”

“Keh.” the hanyou murmured in that moment. “It’s simple.” he stated, his ears folding back into his hair. “I messed everything up, and now ain’t nothing gonna fix it ‘till Kagome comes back.”

“Have you thought about what you’ll say to her, when she does return?” Miroku asked next.

“I’ve said all I need to say in my note.”

“What if she doesn’t find the note?”

Miroku inwardly cringed as soon as the words left his lips. It hadn’t been his intention to drag Inuyasha into a deeper depression. But surprisingly, the hanyou seemed rather confident all of a sudden, as he simply stated, “She’ll find it.”, his tone of voice leaving no room for argument.

The air of confidence in his friend’s words caused Miroku to raise an eyebrow, and ask gently, “Are you quite certain?”

“Keh.” he replied, acknowledging the man beside him as he turned his head to glance in Miroku’s direction ever so briefly before turning his eyes back to the well. “I know my Kagome.” Inuyasha stated with pride. “I know she’ll go to the tree, I know she can feel me at the tree.”

Letting his words trail off, Inuyasha added in his mind… I just hope she knows it…

“I see…” was Miroku’s reply, silently commending his friend on the strength of his belief.

“Why do you care, anyway?” Inuyasha suddenly spat in that moment, finally prying himself away from peering into the well as he moved to sit Indian style beside it, his hands tucked into the sleeves of his suikan as he shot Miroku an incredulous glare.

“I care about my friends.” the ex-monk stated simply, adding, “And you, Inuyasha, are my friend.”


“I also have faith that Kagome-sama will return to us.” he continued, adding, “Just make sure that when she does, you never give her cause to leave again.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Inuyasha demanded.

“Only that Kagome-sama is also my friend, and that I care about her feelings, as well.” Miroku explained. “She has put up with too much for too long. She deserves happiness.”

“Don’t worry, I get it.” Inuyasha mumbled in that moment, understanding his friend’s words.

“Very good then,” Miroku stated, standing back up, “I shall leave you to your vigil.”



Inuyasha paced impatiently back and forth by the mouth of the well.

“Damn, it’s been two weeks!” he spat impatiently. “What the hell? Hasn’t she gone to the tree yet?!”

Making his way over towards the Goshinboku, Inuyasha glared down at the freshly turned earth where his message was buried, as though accusing the bottle of having failed in its duty. In a single, effortless leap, the hanyou plopped himself up on the lowest branch, where he’d often sat in restless thought. That night, however, he found that sleep came easily enough, as he nodded off to what he hoped would be a peaceful, dreamless slumber.

But dreamland had other intentions, and instead of a peaceful night’s rest, Inuyasha quickly found his unconscious mind plagued with a barrage of memories.

A montage of scenery flashed before his eyes, and had someone from Kagome’s time managed to witness the images, they would have thought that the visions would make a good music video, with a soundtrack of Aerosmith’s ‘I don’t want to miss a thing’, or perhaps ‘My heart will go on’ from Titanic. Inuyasha, not knowing any of these songs, viewed the memories in eerie silence, except for what few sounds those memories themselves possessed.

Awakening from his eternal slumber, he sees her before him…she looks like Kikyou, but she is not Kikyou.

So effortlessly, Kagome pulls Tetsusaiga from its seal. “Just shut up and let me protect you!”

He’s human, injured, resting his head on her lap… “You smell nice…”

Busting through the door to rescue her from the false sage, he hadn’t expected to see her naked! Thank kami she’s alive…

He’s jealous, and he’s hurt
. Why is she being so nice to that mangy wolf?

He sees the hurt in Kagome’s eyes when she realizes he’s been with Kikyou

Kagome always treats his wounds, so now it’s his turn to take care of her, as she drinks his mother’s medicine

“I love you…I love you as a half-demon
.” So soft, the feel of her lips upon his own.

Seeing her lifeless body along side their other friends, he has failed her, and for the first time since his mother’s death, he sheds tears

With that last vision, Inuyasha unceremoniously bolted awake, still feeling the lingering emotions of the dream. Reaching up and wiping angrily at the tear tracks on his cheeks, Inuyasha didn’t know how much more of this he would be able to take. He needed Kagome with him! Shaking his head in an attempt to free it from the images he knew had not been figments of his imagination, but actual memories, the hanyou then glanced sadly in the direction of the well. Kagome… She would eventually come back, wouldn’t she? Even if she never found his message, she had still promised the kitsune that she would come back to visit from time to time, so surely he would see her day. Wouldn’t he? Reaching the boiling point of the pain that had been building within him for the last two weeks, it overflowed to spill into the fire of his heart, and unable to contain himself any longer, Inuyasha cried out her name at the top of his lungs.

A few sleeping birds stirred awake at the sound and flew out of the branches above him, but no other earthly presence seemed to acknowledge his cry. Miroku and the others were surely fast asleep by that time of night, and therefore had not heard him. Not that it would matter if anyone actually had, there was nothing that anyone could do to ease the pain of his self-inflicted broken heart. It was all his fault! Everything was his fault! Jumping out of the sacred tree, Inuyasha headed back over towards the well. He would sleep inside it if he had to, just to be out of sight from the rest of the world. If he had to, he thought bitterly, he’d wait there for five hundred years, until his Kagome came back to him that way, even though he would be an old man by then.

Upon reaching the well, Inuyasha sat on its edge for some time, gazing into the darkness and willing it to light up with the blue shimmers of time travel. If only Kagome would come back to him, he would never be mean or rude to her ever again. He’d be kind, loving, tell her how he felt...he’d make her his mate!

Sighing, Inuyasha tilted his head back, gazing hopelessly up at the stars. He didn’t know how long he stayed like that, but he was pulled back into himself when his nose started twitching at the sudden scent of tears. He wasn’t crying. Looking back down, the hanyou literally fell over backwards in surprise as a brilliant blue light pierced through the darkness.


Looking up, Kagome saw stars and knew she had arrived safely in the Sengoku jida. Stepping forward, she grabbed the sturdiest vine and began her ascent. About half way up the miko’s climb was suddenly cut short, when an arm draped in fire-rat fur suddenly descended into the well’s depths, and grabbing hold of the hand attached to said arm Kagome quickly found herself lifted the rest of the way out of the well.

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