InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Meetings ❯ Midnight Meetings ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer- Why must you ruin my moment to shine? Speak of the HAPPY things, and not those that make me cry……LIKE NOT OWNING INUYASHA!!!!

Yipee. I get to write a Kag/Sess story. Yipee. Oh yeah, For the Love of a Demon was in the Spanish section. Sorry. Can I shut up and you start reading now? Ok. Yes, that will make me happy.

One more thing, though. This is a one-shot. I don't really care about how short you think it is. If you got a problem with the couple or any other crap, just forget about it. Cause I ain't changing a thing. Now, go.

Kag P.O.V

I walked through the forest as quietly as I could. I had gotten away from the others. I told

then I was going to take a bath. The thing is though, that is not what I am planning to do.

You see, actually I've been meeting up with Sesshoumaru at the Goshinboku Tree

( somebody tell me if that's wrong). As much as I hate to admit it, I've fallen in love with

him. I know, I know, it does seem as if I was supposed to love Inuyasha, but I just

CAN'T anymore. I used to, but he broke my heart, and left me alone. Sesshoumaru fixed

that. He mended my broken heart and healed my emotional wounds. Not only that, but he

PROMISED he'd never leave me. How could I have not have fallen for him? Anyway,

we've been meeting by the Goshinboku for about a month. I really enjoy our- Oh! I'm

here, and so is he. I can't help but to look into his eyes. Such a beautiful color of gold. I

look at him, and he looks at me. This is how most of our meetings go. I'll sit in his lap,

and we'll just sit in silence, just enjoying one another's company. I walk over to him and

kiss him on his cheek. He wraps his arms around my waist and gently pulls me down to

sit in his lap. This is one thing that I like about him. I don't need to here him say it to

know that he loves me. "Your late, love." I love his voice, so heavenly. "I'm sorry. I had

a little more trouble getting away from everyone this time." "You're here now. That's all

that I care about." He places butterfly kisses along my neck.

"KKKAAAGGGOOOMMMEEE!!!" Yeah, sure. Go ahead, Inuyasha. Go and ruin one

of the few times I am aloud to be with my love. "You need to go, Kagome. He will be

looking for you." Oh, how hard it is to say goodbye. "Your scent. What if he smells it

among me?" I can't believe I have to leave already. "Don't worry about it. Tell him you

ran into me. Try to act a little frightened. I doubt this will be what he thinks we were up

to." Sesshoumaru kissed me one last time before gently setting me down beside him and

standing up to leave. "Sesshoumaru, wait!" He looks at me. "I love you, Sesshoumaru."

He smiled at me. "As do I, Kagome." And I watched at he set off into the sky to await

our next meeting. "KA - GO - ME !!!" Now, to put on the `Oh, Inuyasha I'm so scared

come save me' look. "AHHH!!! Inuyasha! Please help me. Don't leave me here

alone!!!" Till next time my love. Till next time.

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Read and Review. Then you can get out of my sight. Um, does anyone think

Sesshoumaru was a little OOC? Anyway, I gave him two arms. So what? I'm nice. Deal.