InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Milkshakes on Saturday Afternoons ❯ Chapter 4: Good Golly ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Milkshakes on Saturday Afternoons
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Inuyasha, nor do I own the following songs.
Heh. My dearest apologies for the wait on this chappie! I'm currently cleaning out my entire room and I rediscovered what a spoiled kid I was for even owning this much junk. Mmm, well enjoy! This next chapter should be a blast to write, I love carnivals. :)
Inspirations (listen while you read)
Tutti Frutti” -Little Richard
“Good Golly Miss Molly” -Little Richard
“Wild Thing -The Troggs
Chapter 4: Good Golly
A melody created by knuckles rapping on a wooden door could be heard throughout Kagome's entire apartment complex. Her body became rigid when the knocking became louder and more violent, and she couldn't find the energy within herself to turn the knob.
“Oh, Kagome, open this damn door already. My feet are aching,” a feminine screech sounded from the other side of the wood. When the door finally crept open a pair of arms shot out and grabbed Kagome in a cheery hug.
“Sango…you're so early,” Kagome whined under her breath when she checked the time. “Two hours early to be exact.” Untangling herself from Sango, Kagome's attention was directed downward towards her own paint-stained sweats and hoodie.
Immediately recognizing that disappointed gleam in her best friend's eye, Sango was reminded of her plan. A sugary grin light up Sango's face while mentally picturing the work she had ahead of her.
“Well, since I will admit I'm a tad bit early why don't we just head over to my house? I'm sure I can find you something suitable to wear,” Sango tried to comfort Kagome as she directed the sister and brother from the safety of their apartment.
Sango's own home was not a far distance away and soon the pearly white car tugged into the driveway. Once they came to a halt, Kagome peered up from the magazine that she'd been so engrossed in and took a look at her surroundings.
A small, chestnut house sat cozily by a forever rippling pond. Though the garden hadn't been tended to today, vibrant splashes of crimson and tango added to the house's inviting atmosphere. Then, crouching down to pluck a pale water lily from the calming waters, Sango looked up at her friend and smiled. “Do you like what you see?”
Kagome rolled her eyes and cupped the dainty lily in her hands. “Sango, this place is a dream.”
“Then get your ass in the house already,” Sango teased.
While Souta and Kohaku made themselves comfortable by the TV, Kagome took one last concerned glance at her brother before obediently following Sango upstairs. Once the fiery brunette swung her door open, a chill breeze nipped at Kagome's pasty skin. 'This can't really be a good sign', but she shook the thought away and collapsed on Sango's doughy mattress. Twisting herself into lazy circles, Sango held up a collection of summer dresses on display for Kagome, before hoisting the young girl off of the bed.
“Um, what do you think you're doing?” the suspicious teen questioned while avoiding the swinging dresses.
Sango let out a heart-felt laugh before shoving the dresses at Kagome. “You didn't honestly think I was going to pass up the chance to doll you up?!'
Weary that this wasn't her friend's only intention, Kagome thrust the garments back into Sango's arms. Fiercely she shook her fragile head and stubbornly placed her hands on her hips. Unfortunately, this gesture only determined Sango even more and soon Kagome felt her body being lifted from the floor and hurled towards the bathroom.
“Just try them,” Sango gave one last wink before hastily locking the bathroom door and leaving her friend pouting on the tile floor.
After the longest five minuets Sango had ever endured, Kagome sprung from the bathroom dressed in a citrus yellow, flowing dress. Giggles bounced off of the room's walls as the girls examined the dress from all angles.
“Sango this is ridiculous,” she cried merrily while patting her flat stomach, “this is definitely a maternity dress!” Fleeting back into the bathroom, she left a hysterical Sango rolling and laughing on the bed.
When Kagome emerged in a flirty, one-shoulder number Sango fought to hold back a laugh. It wasn't that Kagome looked bulky, for she looked quite slim, but the dress it's self was tinted a most horrendous shade of green.
“Please change before that dress manages to blind me,” Sango hollered from behind her pillow. It was only after Kagome skipped back into the bathroom that she came out of hiding.
“Hey this dress has possibilities,” Kagome called from behind the thick wooden door. She twirled out of the bathroom to face Sango in a shoulder-less outfit decorated with a white, embroidered bodice. Pleased, Kagome looked down at the sunflower colored dress while smoothing out any visible wrinkles.
“Give us one more twirl, oh goddess,” Sango cheered from bed. However, just as the petite girl spun again, Sango shrieked in horror. Rushing quickly to observe the dress closer, Sango pulled at the fabric only to confirm her beliefs. A massive smudge of period blood stained the dress's skirt.
“Wha- what is it, Sango?” Kagome shook her friend's shoulders until the brown-eyed girl came to.
Sango only pointed towards the monstrous stain and looked away mumbling insults. “Ayame must have ruined this dress last week, when she and Kouga went to that damn family picnic, “her voice faded in and out with each consonant.
Shrugging her shoulders, disappointed, Kagome wiggled out of the dress and crept back into the other room. 'Looks like you're my last option.' She eyed the last dress that was draped on the shower curtain carelessly.
Whipping the ruined cloth into the trash, Sango focused her attention back on the closed bathroom door. She waited anxiously as the door crawled open for the last time, the golden light of the bathroom following Kagome's presence. Unconsciously, Sango's jaw dropped slightly and a gust of air escaped her throat.
“That bad, huh?” Kagome snickered at her friend's expression. 'Well then, that's that.' She spun on her heel, prepared to end this madness before a hand grasped her shoulder. Spinning around to see Sango with a pleasant expression gracing her face, Kagome gave her friend a baffled look.
Not hesitating, Sango tugged at Kagome until the girls were facing a mirror. “Well look at you,” a hint of envy rimmed Sango's eyes.
Finally fixing her eyes to the reflection in the mirror, Kagome shook her head disbelieving the image before her. This wasn't the Kagome she'd always been, the same girl that preferred to lie with her cats over the company of people. Conservative, uncomfortable, obedient Kagome. Negative. This woman that stood before looked to be the very object of every man's desire. Full-figured and mature, Kagome took another glance at her obvious cleavage that the garment seemed to extenuate.
“This is too much Sango, “a small voice whined while still scrutinizing the mirror.
“Nonsense, Kagome! Once we fix you up with a bit of make up and fluff your hair, you're sure to be a knockout,” her friend reassured from behind. Giving Kagome no time for second thoughts, Sango guided her friend to the Victorian vanity that sat to their right. “Trust me.”
With glossy, bright eyes Kagome looked up at her friend for the first time and nodded confidently. Shutting her eyelids, she let Sango take over and imagined the transformation that was taking place.
Snuggling back into the car's passenger seat, Inuyasha eyed the digital clock once more and sighed. 7:00 p.m. 'We're going to be late again.' Finally accepting this fact, he looked over to the driver of the vehicle and scoffed as they were once again caught at a red light.
“You know Miroku. Sometimes it's okay to drive the speed limit,” Inuyasha commented sarcastically while tilting his head to watch an old woman pass him all the while giving them the finger.
“Yash, you know how dead I'll be if I bring back this car with dents and scratches. Sometimes I think he worships this guzzler more than he respects his own lord.” Miroku kept focused on the road ahead of him, making sure to avoid at all cost the random reckless driver.
Deciding to end the discussion, Inuyasha let his heavy eyelids droop and dozed off into a light sleep. Letting the melodious tune on the radio cloud his thoughts and worries.
Inuyasha woke to the feeling to the kiss of cold concrete on a driveway. Instantly aggravated, the half-demon shot up growling at the idiot that had shoved him out of the car in the first place. “Damn you Miroku.”
Shrugging innocently, Miroku waited for his fuming best friend to join him at the doorstep. Soon they were greeted by two prepubescent boys on of which smelled unfamiliar to Inuyasha, thus deserving a warning growl from the half-demon.
“Don't worry Inuyasha…he's just Kagome's little brother,” Kohaku reassured his sister's friend before the two returned to their videogame.
'Kagome…' Inuyasha's thoughts were now dedicated to the impulsive teen with the raven locks. He felt Miroku nudge him in the ribs, but couldn't find the strength to rip away from his daydream. However, Miroku was persistent and nudged the boy once again this time earning Inuyasha's bitter attention.
“Look up, you dolt.” Miroku nodded his head towards the staircase where a lone figure stood patiently.
Directing his honeyed eyes to Sango's rosewood staircase he took in the beauty of that mysterious figure. The young girl wore a pure water lily in her dark tangles; her long, inky hair was curled into two flirty pigtails. As for her shadowed face an arrangement of nude and light pink makeup illuminated her clear skin. Though no jewelry dangled from the girl's neck or wrists, he found this rather to his liking as it made the stranger seem natural and earthly. Continuing to take notice of the woman's apparel, Inuyasha stiffened as he noted the soft, plumpness of breasts that were tastefully hoisted in a halter-top by the ruby, cotton swing dress. The girl's outfit fanned out from her hips to her knees and glossy, black heels dressed her feet.
When the stranger inched closer, obviously curious of Inuyasha as well, a familiar scent of rose petals and jasmine drifted to his nose. For it didn't take long for him to realize the girl he'd previously been adoring was none other than Kagome Higurashi herself.
She peered curiously at him, most likely wondering why his face held an expression of sheer terror. Kagome poked the shivering half-demon in the cheek in childish amusement, before the boy sharply turned his head towards the teenage girl.
Miroku and Sango watched this little exchange with tender expressions before they glided out the door, calling for Souta and Kohaku to come join.
Inuyasha distractedly motioned for Kagome to “lead the way” while secretly memorizing each curve and peak of the girl's silken, round lips. Once Kagome's body turned away from him, Inuyasha fought the urge to capture her slight form from moving away. Inwardly despising himself for these thoughts, Inuyasha snarled abruptly and moved to secure the door. But his golden orbs once again managed to drift dreamily to the memorable spot on the staircase, before he slapped the door shut.