InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mind Reader ❯ Enter Kouga ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mind Reader

Chapter 15: Enter Kouga


Everyone except Rin and Shippo sat somberly around the fire in Kaede's hut. Rin and Shippo were running around in random circles outside.

"So what do we plan on doing?" asked Sango.

"Yeah, do we go looking for trouble or let trouble find us?" added Miroku.

"Look for them."

"Stay put."

Inuyasha and Kagome glared at each other. Sensing an incoming argument Miroku attempted to change the path of the conversation. He put his hand on Sango's thigh.


Miroku fell limply aside after Sango punched him. But Inuyasha and Kagome were still glaring at each other.

"Why do you always have to look for the enemy?" yelled Kagome.

"And why do you always choose the cowardly way out?" shouted Inuyasha in return.

"Can't we all just get along?" interjected Miroku.

"Shut up!" yelled Kagome and Inuyasha at the same time.

"Guess not," muttered Miroku.

"I would much rather surprise Akki than have Akki surprise us!" Inuyasha vehemently said.

"And every time you barge into a fight you wind up almost getting killed!" retorted Kagome.

"Both of you shut up. Now," commanded Sesshoumaru.

"Oh yes sir. Whatever big brother wants," sneered Inuyasha.

"Good, I'm glad you're finally beginning to understand," replied Sesshoumaru.

"What? I didn't mean…" sputtered Inuyasha.

~ Damn him and his stupid mind games! ~

Kagome raised an eyebrow at Inuyasha. `He thinks that was a mind game? Poor Inuyasha.' She moved her eyes back to Sesshoumaru when he started speaking again.

"Now that your immature argument is over let's decided what we are really going to do. It is my belief that it would be better to attack Akki and Naraku then wait for them to attack us. That way we will have the element of surprise. And we need any advantage we can get."

Kagome sent Sesshoumaru an icy glare. `Jeez, are both of the brothers stupid? They're gonna get us all killed!'

~ Will you please just think for once instead of automatically taking the side opposite of Inuyasha? If we can keep Naraku and Akki on their feet trying to guess where we are we will have the advantage. Which we desperately need. ~

Obviously Sesshoumaru knew exactly what Kagome's glare meant. Kagome crossed her arms in frustration. "Fine, if that is what you guys want to do go ahead. Go on, go plan how you're gonna get us all killed."

Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes and decided to ignore the immature girl. He turned to the rest of the group to discuss their plans.

Inuyasha jumped up and jabbed a finger at Kagome. "Haha! I won! I won I won I won!" he cheered while dancing around the hut.

Sesshoumaru sighed and also decided to ignore his immature brother. That left Miroku and Sango.

Miroku turned to Sango and took her hand in his. "My dear Sango, since it is possible that we go to our deaths when we attack Akki let me grant you your one wish," he solemnly said.

Sango raised an eyebrow wryly. "And what do you think that is?"

Miroku raised his eyes to meet Sango's. "That you don't die a virgin."

Sango's jaw dropped and she stared unblinking at Miroku for several long seconds. Then she reacted. "PERVERT! I HATE YOU!" she screamed while throwing Miroku into the nearest wall. Then she wailed at the top of her voice, "I don't want to die a virgin!"

This time Sesshoumaru smacked his forehead. He was the only sane one left. `Well let's see, what should we do about Akki…' he silently pondered.

Inuyasha continued dancing while Kagome continued sulking. Miroku peeled himself from the wall and rubbed his sore head. And Sango calmed down enough to throw a bowl at Miroku. Now Miroku nursed two sore spots on his head. Sesshoumaru continued his pondering. It was relatively peaceful for the occupants of Kaede's hut. So of course something happened to destroy the so-called `peacefulness.'

Inuyasha abruptly stopped dancing and sniffed the air, annoyance spreading on his face. "Kouga," he growled before speeding out of the hut.

Kagome perked up when she heard the wolf's name. `Kouga will agree with me!' she thought before she too left the hut. Miroku and Sango soon followed.

Sesshoumaru looked annoyed. At the rate they were going it would take them two weeks to just make and agree on plans. But then he decided to see what was up with this Kouga. `Well whatever it is it ought to be interesting.' When Sesshoumaru stepped outside he saw a wolf demon grasping Kagome's hands.

"Kagome! How I have pined for you! I hope dog turd here has been treating you well," said Kouga.

"Hands off her wolf," growled Inuyasha.

~ Damn, now she'll have to take another bath so I can stand to be around her again. ~

Kagome clenched her jaw in anger. `So he now thinks I smell like Kouga? Hmph, I'll show him!' Kagome turned to Kouga and batted her eyelashes flirtatiously. "Oh Kouga, would you like to go for a walk? Alone," she said seductively.

Kouga's eyes lit up and Inuyasha's growls deepened.

~ Well I guess I could stand her Inuyasha covered scent for a while. I'll just breathe lightly. ~

"I would love to Kagome!"

Kagome now stared at Kouga in anger. "Never mind. I don't know what came over me."

Kouga looked heartbroken at those words but he brightened up at Kagome's next words.

"You two go and fight. I could care less what you guys do." Kagome deliberately ignored the very audible gasps that followed her while she sat down by Miroku and Sango.

"You're gonna let them fight?" asked Sango. "Normally you're always trying to get them to stop."

"Yeah, but I've decided that they deserve each other," replied Kagome.

~ Or something just pissed you off. ~

Kagome glared at the demon lord which he took as a yes.

"Sesshoumaru, what's going on? Who's the guy with the tail?" asked Rin suddenly.

~ Wha-? Where did you come from? ~

"He's Inuyasha's…sparring partner. I want you to go into the hut. I don't want you to see the fight."

"Ok!" replied Rin perkily.

~ Aww man. He never lets me do anything fun! ~

Kagome snickered under her breath and then quickly averted her eyes from Sesshoumaru's penetrating glare. `He's gonna have his hands full once she gets to be a teenager!' At the sound of a crash she turned her attention back to the unfolding battle. Inuyasha was currently peeling himself off a tree.

"You're gonna pay for that wolf!" he yelled in rage.

~ Ouch, now my head hurts. ~

Inuyasha retaliated by punching Kouga in the stomach. Kouga flew backwards from the force of the punch but was able to catch his balance before he toppled over.

"Ha! Is that all you got dog breath?" taunted Kouga.

~ Damn, he sure punches hard. ~

"I'm just getting started!" called out Inuyasha before he charged again.

~ Shit, I'm sure I'm not supposed to be seeing stars. ~

"Good, `cause so am I!" replied Kouga, charging at Inuyasha as well.

~ Must not puke. Must not puke. ~

The two hardheaded fools met with a violent crash. Inuyasha managed to land another punch on Kouga's stomach and Kouga got another hit on Inuyasha's head. They both jumped back at the same time.

~ Feel…dizzy…not good…~

` Stomach in immense pain. Why oh why did I eat a deer before I came here? ~

"Feh, this is too easy. I could take you on with my eyes closed!" scoffed Inuyasha.

` Especially since the light really hurts my head right now. ~

"Oh yeah? Well I could take you on sitting down!" responded Kouga haughtily.

~ Maybe that would calm my queasy stomach. ~

"Oh really? Well I could take you on sitting down and with my eyes closed!"

~ That would also solve the spinning ground. ~

"Well so could I!"

~ I can't let Inuyasha get a better handicap than me. Must look good in front of my mate. ~

"Well then let's do it," said Inuyasha.


Both of them sat down in a huff and shut their eyes.

"Are you ready to lose dog turd?" called out Kouga.

"No. But I am ready to win!" replied Inuyasha.

"Than the fight is on!"

Inuyasha immediately groped the ground for a rock. He found one and proceeded to throw it where he thought Kouga should be. He missed. And hit Shippo instead.

"OW! You dummy! I'm not Kouga!" screamed Shippo while rubbing his head.

"Oh. Sorry Shippo," said Inuyasha in an anything but sorry voice. "But you may want to move away from Kouga."

~ Hehehe. Score one for me! ~

Shippo stuck his tongue out at the hanyou not realizing that the hanyou's eyes were closed. He then moved further away from Kouga. And another rock hit him.

"Inuyasha! You hit me again! You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" yelled Shippo.

~ Two points for me. ~

Inuyasha ignored the kitsune this time and instead hit Kouga with a rock. So Shippo thought it truly was a mistake. Then Inuyasha took a rock in the face.

"Ahh, so you are alive wolf! I thought you had run off!"

~ Dammit, now my head really hurts. ~

"Ha! You wish! I will never run from you!" yelled Kouga, immediately taking a rock in the stomach.

~ Why must he keep hitting me in the STOMACH?! ~

"Well you should!" replied Inuyasha.

"Well I won't!"

"You should!"

"I won't!"

"You should!"


Inuyasha and Kouga opened their eyes and turned to the person who screamed. Of course it was Kagome.

~ Crap, here comes the sitting. ~

~ Haha! Inuyasha's gonna get sat! ~

"If you guys are gonna fight, than fight. Don't just sit there and argue," said Kagome, managing to turn every head in the clearing.

Miroku and Sango's jaws hit the ground. So did Inuyasha's and Kouga's. Shippo ran up and placed his hand on Kagome's forehead, immediately getting his hand swatted away. Kouga jumped up and ran to Kagome.

"Kagome, are you alright? Normally you would have sat Inuyasha by now."

Kagome brushed Kouga's hands off of her shoulders. "Yes, I am fine. In fact I've never felt better. So you and Inuyasha can go continue your fight if you'd like." And Kagome actually spoke the truth. She had realized what Inuyasha's and Kouga's fights really were-just petty disputes between two hardheaded little boys. Neither would ever kill the other because they would always be too busy trying to hide their injuries from the other.

But Kouga didn't understand. His arms hung listlessly at his sides and he showed no inclination of continuing the fight. In fact neither did Inuyasha.

~ What's the point of fighting if Kagome won't sit Inuyasha? ~

~ Hmph, no point in fighting anymore if Kagome doesn't try and make us stop. She sits me, but then she also takes care of any wounds I got which makes Kouga extremely jealous. It doesn't look she'll be too eager to do that anymore. ~

After hearing those thoughts Kagome grew even angrier. `They don't ever fight over me? Those little jerks!' After realizing the truth Kagome decided there was no point in sticking around. She stomped into the hut. Shippo once again stuck his tongue out at both Inuyasha and Kouga and then followed Kagome.

Miroku sighed and put his hands behind his head. "What a pity. The fights over already. But Kagome looked upset. I think I'll go comfort her." Miroku stood up and was promptly followed by Sango. "Why Sango, I'm sorry. I forgot to ask if you would like to come with me. I know how much you hate to be parted from my side," he said while grasping one of her hands.

Sango rolled her eyes and shook her hand free. "Forget about it Miroku. I'm just going to make sure you don't terrorize Kagome. And to be a witness if she or Inuyasha kills you."

"Oh, well than I still thank you for your companionship," replied Miroku, bowing his head to Sango. When he raised his head he discovered that Sango had already walked off. "Sango! My darling! Wait for me!" he cried while chasing after her.

Once Miroku and Sango disappeared into the hut Kouga stalked over to the still sitting hanyou. He yanked him to his feet by his collar. "What the hell did you do to my mate? She's acting all weird now!" he yelled.

Inuyasha ripped Kouga's hand off of his collar. "First off, she's not your mate and she never will be. Second, I didn't do anything. She's been acting all weird since we fought Akki. And since Sesshoumaru joined us." At the mention of Sesshoumaru both Inuyasha and Kouga turned to the demon lord who was still standing outside. They both quickly reached Sesshoumaru.

"What the hell did you do to Kagome?!" yelled both of them in unison. They immediately glared at each other.

"What are you copying me for wolf?" shouted Inuyasha.

"Why the hell would I want to copy some hanyou? You were copying the full demon!" Kouga hotly replied.

"I may be a hanyou but I'm still stronger than you!"

"Ha! In your dreams maybe. Face it dog breath, you could never beat me."

Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes and calmly waited for the argument to end.

"Feh, if it wasn't for Kagome feeling sorry for you, obviously the weaker one, I would have beaten you a long time ago."

"You're sadly mistaken. Kagome sits you because you are too stupid to realize when you should just admit defeat. She doesn't want me to hurt you."

"Oh, so now you're saying I'm stupid?"

"Hmm, let me think for a second. Yes."

"Well I think you're too stupid to realize when someone smarter, like me, is in front of you!"

At this comment Sesshoumaru couldn't help himself. He snorted in amusement. The thought of Inuyasha being smarter than anyone definitely amused him. The argument temporarily ceased and both Inuyasha and Kouga started to glare at the demon lord again.

"So aren't you gonna answer the question? What did you do to Kagome?" asked Kouga.

"I did nothing." Sesshoumaru bluntly said.

"And you also lie!" snapped Inuyasha.

"And what would be the point of me lying?" asked Sesshoumaru calmly.

"Because you don't want the shit beat out of you!" answered Inuyasha.

Sesshoumaru managed to hold in his laughter, after all laughing wouldn't be very dignified for a great demon lord. "So now you claim to be smarter than Kouga and stronger than me? I think the real question is what is wrong with you."

Kouga wasn't as dignified as Sesshoumaru. He started laughing. Hard.

Inuyasha clenched his fists and growled at both the laughing the wolf and his smug brother. He was torn between who he wanted to attack first. Before he could decide Sesshoumaru started talking again.

"But I am telling the truth. I did nothing to Kagome. I think the real culprit is Akki. After all, didn't Kaede just tell Kagome this morning that Akki had started his death move on her and he is now trying to complete it? Now I'm not a weak human, but I would think that if someone told you that you were in the process of dying you would change a little."

Kouga snapped. "What?! Kagome is dying? Nooo!! The world is too cruel! My love, the light of my life, the sitter of Inuyasha, she cannot die!"

Inuyasha smacked Kouga in the head and successfully shut him up. "You idiot. She's not dying. If we kill Akki than he will have no way of completing his death move on her."

"Than Akki shall die!" cried Kouga valiantly. "Good bye, I take my leave now to destroy Akki before any more harm can come to Kagome." Kouga turned on his heel and started walking away. He stopped about 10 feet away and turned back around. "Umm, who may I ask is Akki?" he asked sheepishly.

Sesshoumaru could no longer hold in his true feelings about the idiots in front of him. His true feelings were threatening to explode at any moment and that last comment from Kouga was the final straw. For the first time in his long, long life, Sesshoumaru truly laughed. He laughed at the idiotic wolf, at his stupid brother, at the insane moves by the monk, at Sango's reactions to the monk, and at Kagome's attitude. He was even laughing at the thought of him, a great demon lord, becoming allies with these idiots. He never would have thought that he would ever become allies with anyone, much less a group of mismatched humans, demons, and hanyous. Just the thought of him listening to the girls made him laugh even harder. He could kill them with a flick of his finger and yet he was actually listening to them. And then when he saw Kouga's and Inuyasha's reactions to him laughing he just cracked up further.

Now seeing this much emotion from Sesshoumaru worried Kouga. He cautiously turned to Inuyasha, almost afraid that if he made any sudden movements Sesshoumaru would go berserk. "Did I happen to saw something wrong?" he asked nervously.

Sesshoumaru finally controlled his laughter and returned his expression back to his indifferent one. `Damn these people. They are going to be the death of me yet.' He then gave both Inuyasha and Kouga a look of death. "If either of you ever tell another living soul of this I shall slowly peel the skin from your flesh."

Inuyasha and Kouga nervously gulped and nodded the heads. This threat they truly believed. Both of them swore in their heads to never take Sesshoumaru up on that threat.

Inuyasha then turned his attention back to the reason why Sesshoumaru lost control of himself. He gave Kouga a look of pure disbelief. "And you say I'm the stupid one? You were going to go save Kagome from Akki when you don't have the faintest idea of who he is. You're the true idiot."

"But who's Akki?" pressed Kouga.

"He's a squirrel," answered Inuyasha bluntly.

"A…squirrel? Kagome is being killed by a squirrel?" said Kouga incredulously.

"Oh he's not just any old squirrel."

"Then what kind of squirrel is he?"

"He's s squirrel from hell."

"From hell? What the hell…" Kouga now held a look of pure confusion.

"The devil sent him back because he is evil," clarified Inuyasha.

"Who is evil? The devil or Akki?" asked Kouga looking bewildered.

"Akki. Well the devil is evil too. Come on, if the devil was nice than why would he send back an evil squirrel? That wouldn't really make sense."

"Fine. But why did he send Akki back?"

"I told you, because Akki is evil," answered Inuyasha, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I know that, but was there another reason?"

"How the hell would I know? Does it look like I talk to the devil?"

"Maybe…" joked Kouga.

"What?!" yelled Inuyasha, obviously not hearing the amusement in Kouga's voice.

"Forget it. So where does Kagome come into this?"

"Well we fought Akki several days ago. He's a lot tougher than he looks. But Kagome shot him with an arrow but before it hit him he looked Kagome in the eyes."

"So? I also look Kagome in the eyes. They sure are beautiful…" trailed off Kouga, getting a dreamy look in his eyes.

"Get your mind of your pants."

"But I don't wear pants," replied Kouga innocently, looking down to make sure he didn't have any pants on.

Inuyasha groaned and seriously considered punching Kouga in the face but he decided to just continue the conversation. "You're an idiot. But anyways, Akki's death move is done by looking the person in the eyes."

"But Kagome didn't die."

"Wow, you're a bright one Kouga. She didn't die because her arrow disrupted the move. The arrow hit Akki in the head before he could complete it."

"Well then obviously Akki is dead."

"If he was dead than why would we be concerned with killing him?" asked Inuyasha.

"I don't know. Because you're stupid?" offered Kouga.

"Just shut up. He didn't die because his life is tied to his eyes. As long as there is light or something like that in his eyes Akki will come back. And he came back."

"What kind of screwed up squirrel is this?" wondered Kouga aloud.

"A hell squirrel," reminded Inuyasha.

"Ahh, right."

"And Kaede just informed Kagome this morning that she and Akki have some sort of mind connection going on. And that whenever she and Akki are close to each other Akki will be able to take his death move one step closer to completion. Or some kind of shit like that. I didn't really understand it."

"Neither do I. My head hurts now," agreed Kouga, massaging his temple.

"The only thing I fully understand is that Akki must die. Oh yeah, supposedly he doesn't have his death move anymore."

"Oh, that's good. But then how can Kagome die from?"

"Because he started it when his death move still worked."

"Oh. I don't get that either."

"Neither do I."

"So all we have to do is kill Akki and Kagome is saved?" asked Kouga.

"Yes. Oh yeah, one more thing. Akki's not alone."

"What? Does he have mini hell squirrels with him?" asked Kouga a little worriedly.

"No, none of those. He has Naraku."

"Oh that's…shit! Did you say Naraku?"

"Yes, the one and only."

"So now you're saying we have to kill both Naraku and Akki to save Kagome?"

"Uh huh. Piece of cake, right?"

"Of course. So what are we waiting for?"

"A plan or something," said Inuyasha offhandedly.

"Why do we need a plan?"

"I don't know."


Sesshoumaru silently groaned. He was sure that he had just had a major drop in intelligence from listening to that conversation between idiots.


Phew, 3 chapters up at one time. Hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm going to try really hard this time to remember about this site and make sure to post the next chapter soon. Must…remember……