InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mindswitch ❯ Chapter One: Poison Cloud ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Discalmer: Inuyasha is not mine. Yet. Muwahahaha!

Sen, however, is mine.

Enjoy, and please review!

Chapter One: Poison Cloud


"That's it, Miroku! You are walking in front!" Sango's voice rang out in the clear morning air.

Rubbing his head and suppressing a grin, Miroku shuffled in front of Kagome and Sango. He fell in place beside Shippo who, for once in his life, was walking under his own steam.

It was a typical day in the feudal era. The sun was shining. The birds were singing. Kagome and her friends were walking through some unnamed forest, hoping to trip over a jewel shard or Neraku or, maybe, another charity case.

Inuyasha wasn't walking with them. He was jumping ahead and falling back, patrolling the trees for danger. He was nervous.

Of course, It didn't help that Kagome looked particularly fetching this morning. It was taking a conscience effort not to stare at her. Even more then usual. Don't stare. Don't stare at the way her body sways as she walked. The way the breeze blows her hair across her face. The way her eyes sparkle as she looks up at him….

She was looking at him! He turned away quickly and almost ran into a tree. He felt his face redden. Focus, Inuyasha! He scolded himself. Remember, you're just a stupid little half-breed. You've got no business with the likes of her.

He tried to focus on the other reason he was feeling uneasy. He couldn't shake the feeling he was being watched.

He was right.

He watched them from behind a clump of bushes. He chuckled softly under his breath. Silly fools. Just a pathetic bunch of travelers. They where walking right into his trap. He clicked his long, dark claws together in anticipation. Soon he would be free of this dimension. Which one would he chose to open the gate? After all, blood was blood. How about that pretty little tart with the scandalously short skirt? That would do. That would do very nicely. They were almost in range. Three…Two…One…


Suddenly, a hideous monster burst out of the bushes on their right. It looked like a lizard, but it was as black as coal. Two burning red eyes glared at them, dripping with malice.

"POISON CLOUD!" It shouted, throwing a dark ball on the ground. The ball exploede, swallowing everyone in a dark, chocking cloud. Kagome screamed and ducked for cover.

Inuyasha was far behind his friends when her heard Kagome scream. He felt his heart clench with fear as he raced forward. Be Ok, Be Ok, Be Ok, he prayed to any god who was listening.

The road ahead of him was covered in a huge, black cloud. He ploughed right into it.


His eyes stung, and he coughed as the poisonous fumes invaded his lungs. He pressed his sleeve against his mouth as he searched franticly for her. He couldn't see a thing.

He tripped over something lying on the ground. It was Shippo. Inuyasha scooped him up with a growl of annoyance.

Stupid pup, getting himself hurt when he should be looking after Kagome, he thought as he stumbled out of the cloud.

Ahead of him he could see Sango, with her mask on, helping a dazed Miroku out of the smoke.

"Here, take Shippo," Inuyasha huridly handed over the little cub to Sango and dove back into the cloud. The smell was overpowering. He felt light-headed and dizzy, and he couldn't smell her. He couldn't find her, even as the breeze dissipated the smoke. Where are you?! He thought, with growing panic.

He doubled over, coughing. "KAGOMEEE!"

Finally, the breeze blew away the last of the smoke. Inuyasha straitened and looked around.

Off to the side of the road where two footprints. One was like the footprint of a giant lizard, three toed and deep, with claws at the end of the monstrous toes.

The second was a small, delicate footprint. Like the footprint of a girl…

"KA-GO-ME-E- E!"