InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mindswitch ❯ The Worldgate ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Discalmer: Inuyasha is not mine. Yet. Muwahahaha!

Sen, however, is mine.

Enjoy, and please review!

Chapter Two: The Worldgate

Kagome awoke to the sound of the wind rushing through her ears. She felt dizzy and disoriented. She opened her eyes and blinked. The world slid in and out of focus, finally solidifying into a green carpet. She blinked again, confused. Those are… trees? She was flying.

"Inu-yasha?" she whispered, confused. Something was holding her around the waist. A long black something. Like claws. And the claws were attached to a hand. The hand was attached to an arm. The arm was attached to-

A giant demon!

This fact somehow passed though the fog of Kagome's mind. She screamed.


"Kukuku," laughed the demon. "You're friends can't save you now. By the time thy find you, it will be too late." He grinned evilly at her, displaying a mouthful of sharp, yellow fangs.

Suddenly, everything came rushing back to Kagome. The walk. Inuyasha nervous. A demon. Being swallowed by a black cloud. Claws around her waist.

She was flying, hundreds of feet up in the are in the claws of a big black demon!

"Let me go!" Kagome yelled, struggling in the demon's clutches "Put me down!"

"I wouldn't wiggle too hard," sneered the demon "or I might drop you, and dead blood is no good to me."

Kagome froze. She felt her legs dangling helplessly in the air. The wind blew cold in her face, making her eyes water. Her brain ceased up at the vision of herself falling. Hitting the ground. Her friends finding her little broken body lying in a pool of blood.

One thought permeated her frozen brain. It was never this scary flying with Iuyasha!

Finally, the demon landed and lowered Kagome to the ground. Kagome just knelt there for a moment, catching her breath

"Get it together, Kagome. Deep breath. Deeeeeeep breath. You've gotten out of worse situations then this. Relax. Inuyasha and the others are looking for you right now. Get up and look around. You'll figure something out."

Taking her own advice, Kagome got up and look around. She was standing on bare ground in front of a tall cliff. The cliff face was grey and almost unnaturally smooth. The demon stood in front of it, examining a large, grey boulder. It was the only rock on the otherwise smooth red earth. Kagome turned and looked behind her. Trees circled them on all three sides. "Somewhere out there is Inuyasha. You just have to stay alive until he gets here."

"Not thinking of making a break for it, are you?" Kagome whirled around. The demon was looking at her from a few feet away. "I will warn you, I'm lightning quick. You'll never escape."

"Try politeness. Maybe politeness will work. It's worth a shot" Kagome thought to herself. She made herself smile, shakily.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that. That would be…. Rude."

She mentally smacked herself. "Rude? Is that best I can do?" She decided to plough ahead anyway.

"So," she said brightly, and took a few steps forward. "That's you're…. Boulder, is it? It's a very nice boulder. Very… bloudery." She mentally smacked herself again. "May I ask what it's for?" Hurry up, Inuyasha, before I babble myself to death!

The demon looked heavenward and idly scratched his chin with one claw. "Weeeell," He said, finally. "It would be a bit cliché to explain my plot to you. But you have asked very politely,"

"Score!" Thought Kagome

"So yes, I will." He smiled an oily smile "You should be told the place you're taking in history."

"I've got a bad feeling about this" Kagome thought, smile frozen on her face.

"I am the shadow demon, Gonkuro. I was born a simple, peasant demon, but was also born to do great things! I have a great and noble destiny! This," He indicated the bolder, "Is a Worldgate. It connects to the Dreamworld. I shall use it to escape the shackles of this reality and pass on to a great and glorious destiny!" Gonkuro grinned, wide eyed, at Kagome. He nodded once, sharply.

Kagome smiled and nodded back. Great. "Of all the demons to get kidnapped by, I had to get kidnapped by the raved egotistical nutjob."

"So," She said, taking a step forward, "You want me to open the Worldgate? You'll go though it, and I can go home, right? So what-"

Kagome froze mid-stride. She remembered the cryptic comment he had made about her blood.

Gonkuro grabbed her, and started to slowly shred the cuff of her shirt, exposing her wrists. He grinned evilly at her, enjoying the fear in her eyes.

"Wait!" said Kagome, franticly, "I, I want to here more about you're density!"

"Too late."